This move is an improved version of the previous sunset. The previous sunset was powerful, but the attack speed was still too slow. Every time it needed Chenos to cooperate with other moves to use it successfully, but the current attack speed is similar to the light bomb.

In the previous sun, Chenos absorbed the surrounding heat energy and condensed it into a sunset, but this time the sunset is more direct. This is because he directly absorbed the high temperature of the sun and gathered it into his hands. The power is more than ten times greater than before.

The extreme speed attack coupled with the more terrifying power made this move really seem like the sun fell to the ground.

Before the setting sun attacked the dragon, the sea water on the dragon's body was continuously evaporated and disappeared, and even the water vapor was also evaporated.

The terrifying high temperature caused the sea to boil before the sunset fell.

Looking at the setting sun with dazzling light and terrifying high temperature, the corners of Yimu's mouth curled up under the mask, and he murmured, "That's interesting!"

Im raising his hands high, he is soaring into the sky in the boiling sea, and the endless sea water forms a giant hand that is thousands of meters thick, holding up the sunset.

A thick white smoke rises and spreads around. This picture looks as if people can see myths and legends, as if the sea **** is fighting against the sun god.

With the support of endless seawater, the sunset was constantly consumed by the seawater, becoming smaller and smaller, and was washed away by the seawater after a while.

This scene also made Chenos frown.

In this world where 80% are sea water, it is too difficult to defeat an Im who can freely control the sea water.

If you want to defeat the opponent, the last way is to move it to a place without sea water, or make Im unable to rely on sea water to attack.

It's just that his fruit ability doesn't have the ability to develop space, and he doesn't have the ability to bounce people out of space. Although he is many times stronger now than before, but if he wants to deal with Yimu, there is only one trick of Whitebeard. Shocked.

The time is given, so that Im can't use the sea water to attack or counterattack. Only in this way can there be a chance to defeat Im.

It's just that his shock of time still has no way to enter the natural feeling that Whitebeard said, and there is no feeling that everything around him is stagnant and no one can detect it.

During this period of time, he has also tried many times, and now he can use the shock of time very proficiently, but the result is still the same as before.

Last time he used the shock of time and was easily defeated by Im. This time he became a lot stronger. I wonder if it will be the same result?

Chenos is also not sure about this battle. If he is given more time, maybe he can comprehend the real usage of the Shock of Time.

It's a pity that Im won't give him that much time.







Chenos was walking in the air, each step out of a very unique rhythm, which coincided with the second hand on the clock, and the surrounding space also kept shaking with Chenos' pace.

Originally, Chenos' footsteps should be fast, but in the eyes of others, there was a very slow and slow feeling, as if Chenos was walking in slow motion. Such a contradictory feeling also made the surrounding. of people have a strong sense of discomfort, as if the nerves of the brain are deranged.

The members of Varys all felt that they were imprisoned, but they also knew about this move of Chenos before, so they did not panic, but looked at Im with some anticipation, looking forward to Chenos being able to use this move. A move that can stop time and defeat Im!

Looking at Chenos getting closer, feeling the time and space imprisoned around him, the excitement and anticipation in Im's eyes disappeared, replaced by deep disappointment.

"I originally thought that you would give me more surprises because you have grown a little bit. It seems that my expectations are still a bit high. This move of Whitebeard has no effect on me at all. If your trump card is Whitebeard's move, then I am disappointed!"

This is the first time that Im has said so much, and it is said after the time and space is imprisoned by Chenos, which also proves that Whitebeard's shock of time is really useless to Im.

It's just that Chenos didn't stop at this time, but continued to walk towards Im.

Im originally thought that his words would make Chenos use other more powerful moves to deal with him, but seeing that Chenos was still using this move, he couldn't help shaking his head.

"Since you have no other moves, let's end this boring game!"

But at this moment, Chenos still ignored Im and walked stubbornly.

Seeing this scene, Im rushed towards Chenos with endless sea water, the sea water turned into a huge sphere, shrouding Chenos in the water polo, and then the water polo continued to shrink, wrapping Chenos in in sea water.

Looking at Chenos who did not resist, Im was even more disappointed with Chenos. He turned around with a water polo, landed on a boat formed by sea water, and left in the direction of the Holy Land Mary Joa.

The Varys Pirates watched Im taking Chenos away, but they all stayed in place abnormally, as if they didn't care about Chenos' life and death, and let Im grab Chenos and leave.

Seeing this scene, Yimu once again showed his disdainful eyes.

"A group of garbage!"

What Yim didn't realize was that Chenos, who was trapped by him, was not panicking at all, but instead was flashing with surprises in his eyes.

Chapter 409 The Varys Pirates in a Depressed Atmosphere

After Corazon returned to Sphinx Island, he felt that the atmosphere on the island was very strange. In the past, all the members had a good temper, and basically they would not lose their temper with some servants.

But this time, when he came back, he saw Tezzolo, who was the best, was throwing a tantrum at a servant.

"...Why are you laughing in front of me privately, have I allowed you to laugh?"

"Yes, I'm sorry Lord Tezzolo, we..."

Before the servant could finish speaking, Tezzolo covered his mouth and nose with gold, apparently intending to suffocate the servant to death.

"Lord Tezzolo, I'm sorry, did this servant do something wrong?"

Corazon hurried over to stop Tezzolo, who gave Corazon a sideways glance, his eyes full of tyranny.

"He smiled in front of me, is that reason enough?"

"He is the servant in charge of the residence and study of Lord Chenos, and he specially organizes information for Chenos. If you kill him, Lord Chenos will not be happy, right?"

Hearing Chenos, Tezzolo's eyes flashed with clarity. After snorting angrily, he removed the gold that was stuck on the servant's face and walked out angrily.

Corazon hurried over to support the panting servant, and asked, "What happened on the island? How could Tezzolo's temper become so tyrannical? Aren't you afraid that Lord Chenos would scold him?"

The servant glanced around and smiled bitterly after seeing that no one was there: "Thank you, Lord Corazon, for your rescue just now. Now that Lord Chenos is not on the island, it is estimated that Lord Tezzolo will have a bad temper because of this! "

"What does Chenos' absence on the island have to do with Tezzolo's bad temper?"

Tezzolo, as Chenos's partner at the beginning, even if he is not the strongest in the Varys Pirates, he is the most valued and trusted person by Chenos. All finances were handed over to Tezzolo to manage, and even the Golden City was specially built for Tezzolo, the most suitable place for Tezzolo to fight.

How could Tezolo be in a bad mood because Chenos was not on the island, and wanted to kill the servant because of the servant's laughter.

"Lord Corazon, you just came back, you don't know, Lord Chenos... was taken away?"

"Oh, Chenos was...what? Chenos is the strongest in the world..."

Corazon was halfway through and suddenly realized something.

Anyone who knows the truth knows that Chenos is not really the strongest in the world, but the second strongest in the world, but apart from that adult, Chenos is already invincible in the world.

If someone can capture Chenos, it means that the adult shot.

This is an amazing event, no wonder after returning this time, no one has any doubts about his appearance, and no one pays attention to what he did before leaving.

Because now everyone's attention is on Chenos.

This can also explain why Tezzolo is in a bad mood.

Corazon was all excited. If Chenos was not there, then the entire Varys Pirates would be a mess, and he would have a chance to rescue Luo by then.

Although the Varys Pirates are still extremely powerful, they are no longer the invincible pirates before.

Thinking of this, Corazon instructed the servant to be careful for the next period of time, and left in a hurry.

Now he wants to collect some information about the Varys Pirates while Chenos is away, and when the Navy crusades the Varys Pirates in the future, he can use this intelligence to help the Navy.

He plans to go to the residential area first. All the members of the Varys Pirates will live in this residential area after returning to Sphinx Island. If you want to obtain information, it is easier to get here.

Just after he came to the residential area, he saw a video phone bug playing a video. The person on the video was Admiral Warring States. The front of the video was filled with all the members of Varese, who watched the video with gloomy expressions. .

" the strongest person in the world, and he has the most powerful forces besides the world government and the navy. This time we arrested him, and now we have imprisoned him in the city and will be executed in a month!"

After the Warring States period was finished, the screen changed to the picture of the Navy escorting Chenos into the advance city. At this time, Chenos was trapped by a human-shaped Hailou stone prisoner, with only one face exposed.

But Chenos didn't look like a prisoner at all. Instead, he looked around very strangely, as if he was not sitting in a prison car, but on a sightseeing cable car.

After the video ended, Hancock said to the crowd with a face full of anger: "Damn the navy, the men who dared to touch the concubine, all dispatched with the concubine to smash the advance city!"

Yang Yuki, the deputy captain, shook his head and retorted: "Hancock, don't be impulsive, when Chenos was dealing with Im, he told us through Varese that he was fine, let us take it with him. .

Moreover, Chenos is not the kind of person who can easily capture him. There must be some reason why he was taken away by Im without resistance this time.

My suggestion is that we wait.

Hancock, don't destroy Chenos' plan because of impulse, although we don't know what Chenos' plan is, but we will wait for a while, anyway, the time of the Navy's execution is a month later.

Shaq, let Varys get ready on your side. When you receive news from Chenos, no matter there is any news, immediately notify all members! "

Yang Yuki's words also calmed the angry people, and nodded yes, and Hancock nodded in agreement after hesitating for a while.

It's still early, and with Chenos' strength, even if he enters the Navy's prison, the Navy can't hurt Chenos.

However, Hancock did not intend to let the Navy go like this, but turned around and left, intending to demolish a few naval bases to vent his anger.

Yang Yuji looked around at all the members and asked with a frown, "Where's Liu Ji?"

A flash of data flashed in Shaq's eyes, and then he said with a smile: "Liu Ji has gone to the Great Route, and is now going crazy on a naval base. It is estimated that everyone on that base will not survive."

Yang Yuji said with a headache: "Who will bring Liu Ji back?"

It's just that all the members shook their heads. Liu Ji is the most unacceptable person in their Varis Pirates. With the weird virus fruit ability, even if you raise Yuji, you may be recruited.

In the end, Shaq said helplessly: "I'll let Varys and Liu Ji speak, and let her come back almost."

After Corazon in the corner heard it, he left quickly. He wanted to contact the Warring States as soon as possible. Chenos was actually arrested on his own initiative. There must be a conspiracy!

Chapter 410 Don't Compare Me With You Trash

Pushing forward the city gate, Magellan had some headaches discussing something with the Warring States.

"Lord Sengoku, I don't know what to do with Chenos. I'm going to imprison him in a cell. I'm worried that he will escape from prison with his strength!"

"Don't worry, when the golden lion escaped from the prison, he had to cut off his own legs. Chenos is also a fruit person, and he is no different from the golden lion!"

Magellan sighed and said to the Warring States: "I will try my best to take care of Chenos, and I will notify you as soon as there is anything!"

"Don't worry, you'll be there anytime!"

The Warring States period trusted Magellan's poisonous fruit ability very much. In a confined space like the advancing city, the power of poisonous fruit could be multiplied many times. Even if the Four Emperors came, it would be very difficult to face Magellan.

Moreover, Garp was staying at the naval headquarters at this time. When something happened, it only took three hours to reach the advance city through the circulating currents inside the navy.

After instructing Magellan, Sengoku left with confidence.

This time, he intends to take advantage of the opportunity of the execution of Chenos to eliminate the main members of the Varys Pirates. So far, the Varys Pirates have not made any moves. The only thing that counts is the Varys Sea. The pirate group's ship doctor, Liu Ji, is wreaking havoc on the naval base.

Now that Polsalino has gone to support, with Liu Ji's strength, it is estimated that Polsalino can't help Liu Ji, but in the Warring States period, he doesn't need Pol Salino to help Liu Ji, he only needs to get Liu Ji. Just hold on, don't break it everywhere.

Sengoku has been thinking about **** the members of the Varys Pirates as much as possible, and it is best to wipe them out.

It's just very difficult, and we have to see if we can join forces with the other four emperors!

After watching the Warring States leave, Magellan sighed and said to the jailer on the side: "Take Chenos to the sixth floor and lock him in a separate room, don't open this torture device!"

Chenos glanced at Magellan and said with a smile: "Don't be so afraid of me, I have dozens of Hailou stone handcuffs and shackles on my body, and this Hailou stone coffin on my body, what else can I do?"

Magellan said solemnly: "I can't be too cautious when dealing with you!"

Subsequently, several jailers sent Chenos to the sixth floor of the advance city.

In the sixth floor of the advance city, all the pirates of the gangster level are detained. There are Barrett, the left hand of the pirate king, the world destroyer Valdo, the most dangerous female criminal Katerina and so on.

The strength of these people is stronger than one, and one is more dangerous. When the jailer just pushed Chenos into the sixth floor, countless dangerous eyes were placed on Chenos.

Looking at Chenos' youthful appearance, Valdo said unhappily, "When can such a kid be locked up with us in the same prison? It seems that the pirates outside are not as good as the next generation!"

"Hehe, he is a good-looking little brother, jailer, hurry up and put people in my prison, I want to enjoy the taste of a beautiful man!"

Katarina licked her lips, her eyes full of longing.

After Barrett, who was exercising, looked at Chenos, a scorching light suddenly burst out in his eyes.

"This guy, looks like he has good strength!"

Although Barrett's words were not loud, as the strongest in the sixth floor, his words also made everyone look at Chenos again.

Waldo watched for a while, then frowned and said, "His whole body was blocked by Hailoushi. This guy's background doesn't seem to be small. Even we don't have this treatment!"

The jailer said proudly: "It's not too small!"

The guard who escorted Chenos down knocked on the door of the prison to silence everyone else.

"Chenos is the world's number one powerhouse recognized by everyone outside. Even Whitebeard was killed by him. If you don't want to die, don't provoke him, understand?"

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