I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 16: first impression

"A person who is not worthy...a real general?"

Xue Minglang didn't quite understand it.

In fact, she has read a lot of books, taught by her mother since she was a child.

In reading, she also has an extraordinary talent, and she feels that the world in the book is much simpler than the real world.

Like her father, like her mother, even like...

at the moment.

It is written in the book that when a good horse encounters a bright master, it will become very obedient.

She can understand this.

But Xue Tingzhi's words seemed to mean the same thing, but she sounded like a cloud.

Maybe it was because he couldn't understand the unpredictable look on the face of this younger brother, or maybe it was because he couldn't figure out the meaning hidden in the words. It seems to be full of admiration, as if smug, as if sentimental about the past...

Xue Minglang's little brows furrowed, and he mumbled and asked, "You mean, I'm not worthy of the wind? Are you complimenting your father or yourself?"

Hearing this, Xue Tingzhi did not answer for the time being.

His eyes fell on the big brush that was constantly walking on the horse's body, calm and deep.

It wasn't until the leaked emotions were subdued little by little that he quietly said: "It's exaggerating the general. As for you, you are still too young. When you grow up, you will have your own horse, but not Gale."

But she only likes the wind.

Because it was the horse of her almost unremarkable father.

Although it was blind in one left eye, it is said that Xue Kuang's sword was drawn from the ruins of thousands of troops.

Xue Minglang's mood dropped a little, her delicate eyebrows also drooped down, and her long eyelashes covered the divine light in her eyes.

She slowly put her hands into a large wooden basin filled with water.

If she hadn't touched it herself, she wouldn't have known that the water just drawn from the well was actually warmer than the air outside.

"Then why did father name such a good horse Dafeng?" She said in a dull voice, "This name is too common."

"The wind is blowing, the clouds are flying; the Weijia Sea, return to the hometown; the warriors of Ander, guard the Quartet..."

Xue Tingzhi's voice sounded a little hoarse.

But charming.

His brushes had the right amount of strength, as if he had been adept at it for over a decade.

"If you've been outside the Great Wall, you know how good the name is."

"When it snows in late autumn, the yellow sand on the Gobi will be covered by the white snow falling from the sky, like a bed of goose down."

"When the moon comes out at night, you stand on the city wall, take a torch and take a picture, and everything is white."

"I can't see the shadow of the Gobi, and I can't see the rolling yellow sand. There is only snow all over the world, and only the wind..."

"If you ride it, carry a bow and knife, and run on the snow field."

"It threw its hooves off and stepped on the snow. It was heavy, but it made you feel very light. It was like a gust of wind carrying a heavy snow, and it blew across the snow. When it ran past, the rolled snow , it will cover the print of the horse's hoof, and it will not be visible at all..."

It seems to be straight, but it gives people a strange attraction.

After Xue Tingzhi said this, he didn't speak any more, just touched the horse's head and smiled slightly.


Xue Minglang was stunned for a while.

Did he mean his father?

The snow was full of bows and knives. He rode a horse and crossed the majestic sand and snow outside the city...

In the courtyard, no one spoke.

Only the sound of the brush brushing over the horse made the surroundings quieter.

The twilight on the sky has gradually been covered.

After brushing the last horse's leg, Xue Tingzhi looked at the sky and only said to her, "It's getting late, although Madam's illness is getting better, you should go back."

This was a very normal sentence.

Unexpectedly, when Xue Minglang heard it, it seemed as if someone had poked him somewhere, and he stretched out his hand and patted it into the wooden basin, "Wow," a splash of water splashed!

"Do you tube!"

The voice was sharp, and the demeanor was even sharper.

It was like a sharp thorn that suddenly protruded out of nowhere.

She was a cute little girl just now, but she suddenly became a little arrogant and arrogant.

Xue Tingzhi frowned secretly, vaguely feeling that something was wrong with Xue Minglang recently, so he wanted to ask: "You..."

"Cough! Cough!"

A loud coughing sound suddenly came from the door.

Xue Tingzhi and Xue Minglang in the corner of the courtyard were almost taken aback and looked back.

There were three people standing at the door.

The one who was coughing hard and his face flushed was Lin'an, a book boy who was winking at them; the other two were naturally Lu Jinxi and Bailu.

At the moment when he saw the person coming, Xue Minglang, who was still squatting on the ground, immediately stood up, and a surprised smile appeared on the bottom of his face, which made his whole face bright.

As soon as her feet moved, she immediately wanted to run over, like before, and threw herself into her arms.

But the moment she took the first step, the words she heard outside the window echoed in her mind...

The steps taken were instantly stiff.

Even with the smile on her face that she hadn't taken back, she stiffened.

Xue Minglang stood for a long time, trembling for a while, the blood on his face faded in an instant, unable to control himself, he took a step back and almost stepped on the wooden basin next to him.

The water in the basin swayed and splashed wet her boots.

Lu Jinxi naturally stood at the door for a while.

She didn't say a word at first, and listened quietly, wondering what the brothers and sisters were talking about, but where did she think of it, she forgot that there was something bad behind her.

The book boy Lin'an was the one who ate the cake they had just met at the door.

He was standing at the back at the moment, stretched out his hand and stuck his neck, coughing until his face was red and his neck was thick, but when Lu Jinxi turned his head to look, he could easily see the guilt in his tender eyes, which could not be concealed.

It was obvious that the two children in the corner of the courtyard were afraid of saying something wrong, so they coughed and reminded at the critical moment.

Lu Jinxi looked at him, the corners of his lips slightly raised, with a faint cool smile, he praised him half-truly: "You are very loyal to the master..."

Lin'an was so frightened that his heart beat faster, and he was sweating wildly.

He didn't know what he was going to say, let alone what he should say, so he had to show an awkward, seemingly simple and honest smile at the legendary second grandmother.


One pretending to be honest.

Lu Jinxi snorted coldly in her heart, but she didn't bother to bother with him. She walked directly with the egret, and walked towards the corner. The first time she saw Xue Minglang, she immediately frowned.

I was far apart just now, and I couldn't see clearly what was going on on her body, but now I can see clearly when I got closer, the mud all over her body, and her cuffs were half wet.

The weather is still cold, and winter has not yet passed.

How could a seven-year-old girl do this?

She took off the snow fox fur cloak she was wearing, and walked up to her, wanting to put it on her: "The weather is so cold, it's okay to add more clothes when you come out, why are you-"

"Do you tube!"

But before she could get close, Xue Minglang suddenly shouted.

Her body was tense, and she looked at her resistingly, as if she was staring at some enemy, her eyes turned red, but something quickly passed in her eyes.

Before Lu Jinxi could react, she pushed her away and ran away: "I don't want you to care!"

"Sister Lang!"

The egret standing behind Lu Jinxi didn't expect this at all, and was stunned for a while before reaching out to stop it.

But Xue Minglang was wearing small boots that were agile and ran very fast. How could she stop her in time?

With just one mistake, Xue Minglang ran out of the door like a gust of wind, and disappeared.

This was far beyond Lu Jinxi's expectations.

She still held the snow fox fur cloak that had just been shaken off in her hand, and slowly turned her head to look at the door, her eyes flashed a bit of confusion, and a bit of deep thought.

The mountain-like eyebrows slowly tightened.

Although it was only a momentary contact, Lu Jinxi could already see that Xue Minglang was actually very resistant to her, and even blurted out, "Don't worry about it", which made her hairy.

If I remember correctly, people's comments on Sister Lang are not like this.

Knowledgeable and reasonable, although she is squeamish, she is only a little more lively than Sister Li, and she is definitely not stubborn or even rebellious.

Lu Jinxi pondered for a moment, then only handed the cloak in his hand to Egret, and said, "She doesn't seem to be willing to pay attention to me, you chase it out and have a look, don't let anything happen. If you can't find anyone, just take the right card and give it to the whole house. I search."


Egret was also in a panic at this moment, and hurriedly picked up the cloak, did not dare to delay at all, and went out to chase Xue Minglang directly.

The book boy Lin'an was at a loss when he saw this development.

He was standing in the same place, and he didn't seem to be looking for it, and he was sweating profusely.

But the two remaining people in the yard seemed to ignore him.

Xue Tingzhi never thought that Lu Jinxi would come.

When he was in the mansion before, he had only seen this great general's wife a few times from a distance, but she never approached this courtyard.

It seemed to her that this place was a forbidden place.

The reason, Xue Tingzhi knew.

He propped his hand on the simple wooden stool, and then stood up unsteadily: "Madam..."

It was still the same slightly hoarse voice as before.

But there is a little surprise, and a little bit of vigilance.

Lu Jinxi heard it and looked at him.

After standing up, he was really tall, more than half a head taller than her, but his left foot was slightly lame, making him, who had just stood up in a hurry, look a little embarrassed.

The long eyebrows are like swords, and there is a sharp edge.

With a straight nose and thin lips, and long and narrow peach eyes, there is also a very vague celebrity romance.

Maybe it was because he had followed Xue Kuang and stayed at the border gate, or maybe it was because he was the son of Hu Ji, there was a different kind of temperament hidden in these eyes, intertwined with the mist and rain in the south of the Central Plains and the desert sand and snow outside the Great Wall.


Not simple.

Almost as soon as he met these eyes, Lu Jinxi felt the thousand swords hidden in his seemingly thin body.

I want to keep my edge, but because of this, the edge is even more exposed!


Call it so rusty.

Lu Jinxi met his gaze with no expression on his face: "It looks like you don't like me very much."


Xue Tingzhi was stunned for a moment, his pupils shrank slightly, and a strange fear was born in front of this legendary cowardly and kind-hearted second grandmother.

He didn't know what to say.

Lu Jinxi looked at his eyes, showing the same coldness and sternness as a blade. Seeing his shape, he smiled for some reason, and only said gently: "But it's just right, I don't like you very much."

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