I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 210: the night before

This question is quite meaningful.

But Lu Jinxi just pretended that he didn't hear it, so he relaxed, lay in his arms, and said in a normal tone, "I met him once when I went to the General's Mansion to get Heli Shu a while ago. The situation was not quite right, so I wanted to tell him something, but he didn't expect him to see through. But later he disclosed to me the news that Xue Kuang was leaving the capital. You said, he really didn't care about Xue Kuang. Unmistakable trust and defenseless?"

"I haven't seen this son a few times, and I don't know much about it, but you hired Ji Heng to be his gentleman. I've heard a few things from Da Ji's mouth."

Gu Juefei leaned on the pillow with a bit of thought in his eyes.

"Ji Heng said that he has eight points of intelligence and intelligence, but only five points of outward appearance, only to make the world think that he is higher than ordinary people without becoming a world-shattering genius. Good forbearance. When he can speak well, he can speak well. His appearance, when he was taciturn, he was quite calm as a mountain. His temperament was undisturbed, not an ordinary person. Now it seems that Mr. Ji's eyes are quite old-fashioned."

Is Ji Heng's evaluation of Xiao Tingzhi so high?

Lu Jinxi raised her eyebrows slightly and smiled indifferently.

Gu Juefei saw it and asked her, "What are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing, I just feel that time is like flowing water. It has been more than three years and almost four years since I asked Xiao Che for him to ask the court to make a special case for him."

She took the topic away casually, and of course she wouldn't tell Gu Juefei why she laughed.

The reason is actually very simple -

Ren is how young and mature Xiao Tingzhi is in front of others, withdrawn and calm, but when facing her, Daoxing always owes so much enthusiasm. It's like fire is pressed in ice, knife is hidden in cotton, and you want to suppress your emotions and always show it.

Still young people.

Of course, Gu Juefei could hear the slight evasion of the topic from her avoidance of the topic. He hated it for a while and asked, "What about "Anti-Classics"?"

"I borrowed this book from him in the past, but the page you turned to seems to have been turned over many times, so I tested him once."

Lu Jinxi's eyes were filled with unpredictable calculations.

"Since he is a nobleman of Tianhuang, he will not compare himself to Han Xin, and regret not rebelling. Xue Kuang has no doubt read these pages over and over."

Someone who can read these pages over and over—

What kind of person is he, and what kind of heart does he hide?

Xiao Tingzhi was smart, I'm afraid he would have noticed it after she finished testing it at the time. Even, he lived in Xue Mansion for so many years and read thousands of volumes, he must have read this book many times. Not sure, long before she asked, he had noticed this little detail and had an idea in his mind.

Lu Jinxi nestled lazily, quite content: "Perhaps he is still hesitating in his heart, and has such a bit of luck. Then, after the eldest son has made the present situation, he should wake up. This book " "Anti-sutra" is just a rope that pulls him into our boat."

"Listen like this, you really did your best to this scumbag back then..."

Gu Juefei suddenly remembered the appearance and posture of the seventh prince, so when he looked at Lu Jinxi again, his eyes became a little more subtle.

Lu Jinxi felt a chill on her back inexplicably, and the intuition she had developed over the past few years with Gu Juefei made her very keenly aware of an indescribable danger.

The desire to survive made her react quickly.

"I didn't do my best. After all, people are lame and pitiful. At that time, I just thought that Xue Kuang's son would be treated equally, so I moved a little bit of compassion and took care of him a little bit."


Does Lu Jinxi have this?

Gu Juefei's lips already had a bit of coolness, and he only gently pulled her hand that was about to turn to the side and was about to stand up and escape, and then asked a question that made her want to hit the wall: "Speaking of which, I If I remember correctly, you and I were still in the Grand Master's Mansion when we met. There is such a tender grass in the General's Mansion, with your temperament back then, you didn't say anything?"


A slip of a step becomes an eternal hatred!

Knowing that she would be trapped in the big hole of Gu Juefei today, why did she expose so many "true temperaments" in front of him? Well now, every hole is dug for myself!

Lu Jinxi felt bitter in her heart, her thoughts were spinning around in her head, and she didn't know where to start, so she justified dryly: "Rabbits don't eat grass on the edge of the nest..."



The house was suddenly very quiet.

When Lu Jinxi said that, she wanted to give herself a mouthful, almost immediately turned over and wanted to escape, but Gu Juefei was still holding her hand, where could she run to? Only the life of being dragged back.

A good meal to clean up.

Her breath was chaotic, and she couldn't say a complete sentence. Gu Juefei looked at her with self-hatred, poked her head with his finger, and said, "It's hard to paint a tiger's skin, you can't paint your bones. You are good, look at the tiger, look at the skin and not the bones, and don't care for each other! If Xiao Tingzhi was still a young man, and a few years older, I think you can still do it if you are cruel."

"...Slander! You are pure slander!"

Lu Jinxi was not convinced, and felt that he still had a bit of integrity, and Xiao Tingzhi didn't like his temperament, otherwise, how could he fall in love with Gu Juefei at a glance?

Well, to be fair, Xiao Tingzhi still looks good.


Anyway, she didn't eat the grass on the edge of the nest.

Lu Jinxi mumbled: "As the so-called 'all evil and **** are the first, the argument is irrespective of the heart, and there is no perfect person in the world', you can't convict me with 'belly slander'."

She felt that it was rather playful.

Unexpectedly, the voice was behind, but there was a long silence, and Gu Juefei, who was beside him, did not answer her words.

She looked back and met the eyes he was looking at her.

It seemed that she remembered something old, and there was a vague sadness hidden in those dark eyes, but the moment she looked at it, it disappeared again.

He smiled at her.

Lu Jinxiping felt uncomfortable and blocked, just because of his dark and lonely expression: "What's the matter, what are you thinking about?"

"I didn't think about anything, I was just thinking about the war that might break out in the near future." Gu Juefei's fingertips brushed lightly across her smooth and full forehead. It seemed that after thinking for a long time, the corners of his lips were slightly raised, and he said, " Jinxi, this battle is no longer about Hanshanguan strategizing and winning thousands of miles, but facing the sword and facing the city. Every battle must be won and lost, and every victory must be life and death. If, if the one who loses in the end is me, you will remarry Come on, find someone you like and like you. Even if you choose Xue Kuang, it doesn't matter..."


At this moment, Lu Jinxi was stunned.

She was even a little dazed, and only felt that the voice of Gu Juefei that was ringing in her ear at the moment had a dream-like feeling, which was extremely unreal.

But those eyes...

He stared at her, his cold black eyes seemed to turn into the boundless night outside, wrapping her tenderly and hiding the thrillingness behind his back.

No one spoke.

After a long time, Lu Jinxi suddenly laughed, and there was a half-truth in Li Zhi's brows and eyes, and she actually followed suit: "Okay."

Gu Juefei's eyes twitched slightly, just looking at her heartless smile, she really wanted to strangle this evildoer in her arms!

What he said was just a sudden thought.

She was so good, she said "yes" to him seriously, I really don't know how to write the word "death"!

He was so angry that he pressed her down, buried his head and kissed, and the frantic and frantic breathing and breathing were intertwined, so intense that he couldn't tell them apart.

Lu Jinxi looked like a fish thrown on the shore.

At the moment when Gu Juefei let go, her consciousness was chaotic, and she could only breathe heavily, fortunately that he was not crazy and saved her life.

Gu Juefei saw how bad she was, but laughed instead: "Just fight Xue Kuang, you just want me to die, and I never dreamed so quickly. How could I lose?"

How could I possibly lose...

What kind of powerful self-confidence is this?

All Lu Jinxi's memories of this night stopped at this sentence, and he only felt that he was completely plunged into a torrent called Gu Juefei. ...

The day after Gu Xiaozhu's discussion, Gu Juefei's party took action.

They issued the latest announcement to the world. One was to describe the changes in the Ming Palace, the other was to declare that they had obtained the last emperor's edict, and the third was to welcome the seventh prince to the palace and enthrone the throne, so as to rectify the inheritance of the world.

On the same day, the gates of the city were opened, and the people were allowed to flee.

In just one day and night, the entire capital became an empty city, and even the servants serving in the Grand Master's Mansion left a lot and became much deserted.

The people are afraid of war.

Even if the words of the two sides are in good manners at this moment, it seems to them that they are cloudy and foggy.

On the twenty-eighth day of the first month, a reply came from Zhuozhou.

The result was exactly the same as what Gu Juefei, Fang Shaoxing and others had discussed in Gu Window Xiao Zhu. Xue Kuang wanted to bring the seventh prince into the palace for the enthronement ceremony.

Gu Juefei was naturally prepared and readily agreed.

A final battle is at hand.

It's just that Lu Jinxi never thought that in the middle of the night on the twenty-eighth day of the first lunar month, Meng Ji brought an unexpected guest to the Grand Master's Mansion.

"You, eldest son, how could you..."

In the thick and dark night, Xiao Tingzhi stood at the door of the flower hall of the Grand Master's Mansion, with his slightly sickly pale fingers, he lifted the dark and concealed hood, revealing that noble and handsome picture. Jun Xiu's brows and eyes have condensed into a calm color.

When I saw her, there was a little complexity and hesitation.

But then he silently and lightly salutes: "Madam, Tingzhi is disturbing."

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