I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 215: Xiao Tingzhi

The emperor's edict, announced to the world.

The fact that the false emperor Xiao Che had committed treason in the past has been settled, and the culprit of the palace change that year, Princess Yongning, is also among the slaughtered. The new emperor Xiao Xun, the seventh prince who came out of the former empress Wei Qiang in the past, took the throne on the 14th of the next month in the newly renovated Taiji Hall, and changed the era name to "Yongjia".

Because of the brotherhood of the royal family, the new emperor forgave Xiao Che's harem and moved it to Ganlu Temple; pardoned the death penalty of Princess Yongning's treason, and imprisoned the sect's mansion; Gu Juefei, a scholar of Baohe Palace, made great contributions to quelling the rebellion. Fu Weibing was old and sick and begging for rest, and he was promoted to the first assistant of the cabinet; in the past, he stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Wang Xuekuang, and made great achievements. However, in the frontier wars in the past, he actually used wars to support troops, deplete the national treasury, and bring disaster to the people. , laying the foundation of border and customs harmony, the merits and demerits were balanced, the title of the king was withdrawn, and the Wuwei general was buried in the Dongling, which did not tire the family.

The rest of the heroes were Jiheng, Fang Shaoxing, and Liu Jin's family, and they were all added to the ranks. In the past, the vassals and generals who obeyed the false emperors in the past, but those who belonged to the new emperors will not be blamed for the past, and everything will be the same as before.

Another amnesty to the world, tax reduction, and border trade.

Because of this turmoil of political change, the common people were not harmed, civil and military officials, and all the people of the world, each in their place, living and working in peace and contentment.

Later historians named this turmoil as the "Zhengyuan Rebellion" because it started on the day of Zhengyuan and lasted for a very short time. In this very short period of time, the change of the dynasty has been completed, and the details are not without thrilling.

Among them, the two-day **** battle between Beijing and China was the most.

Gu Juefei first lured Xue Kuang into the capital, and then brought people into the imperial city. He also planned to gather 20,000 soldiers who had been dismissed by Xue Kuang in advance, and then arrived in the capital, in order to attack from inside and outside, and eventually trapped a generation of famous generals to death. Forbidden.

The plan is solid, and it is praised by historical writers, but it is mostly criticized by the market.

The reason is that Xue Kuang's reputation for the country and the people has spread far and wide for a long time, and a generation of famous generals died in loneliness.

There are even those who do not believe in the words of fighting to raise soldiers, and they firmly support Xue Kuang.

As a result, in the ten years after the Zhengyuan Rebellion, there have been various speculations about the contradiction between Xue and Gu.

Of course, among all these rumors and speculations, the most impressive thing is that the two married one wife one after another, and even had a public case in court for this.

Compared with this, the topic that the new emperor is a lame man, which should be talked about with relish, pales in comparison.


a lame man.

The common people would not elegantly use "leg disease" or "inconvenience" to describe the new emperor's problems. Only the word "lame" is not respected, but simple enough. There is also a kind of ridicule unique to the market. It can make the emperor who was high in the past become like the beggar on the street and can easily ridicule.

Xiao Xun, or Xiao Tingzhi, is well aware of these rumors in the market, and he also knows that the storyteller under the bridge must have perfunctory enough stories based on his experience to preach everywhere, just without his name.

In order to please him, the following ministers also handed over books and suggested a ban.

The emperors of all dynasties and dynasties have done this kind of thing, and each has its own taboos, and the taboos must be avoided, not to mention the disrespectful words of the emperor.

If Xiao Tingzhi wants to do it, no one will criticize him.

But for some unknown reason, after ascending to the throne, walking in this heavy palace ban, he always remembered the days when he was "Xue Tingzhi" in the general's mansion.

Zhezi put on the imperial case for three or two days, but in the end he didn't agree, so he drew the four-character Zhu Critic on it, "don't pay attention".

When the cabinet returned the memorial, Gu Juefei saw it.

So he smiled and said to him: "The emperor's temperament is not ordinary."

Xiao Tingzhi returned a lukewarm laugh and said, "I am a 'lame', and there is nothing that can't be said. It is not my fault that I have a disability, and the word 'lame' is not malicious. If I really forbade the world's words, I can't change the fact of this leg disease. Right and wrong, there are other people's opinions. Now that I have just ascended the throne, the world has never seen a lame emperor. Everything has become old news.”

It's like the blood of the old days will eventually dry up.

Gu Juefei should have understood what he said, and there was a slight smile between his brows and eyes, but he didn't make any refutation. He just calmly said "You are right", then handed the book down and continued to deal with the other side. 's memorial.

It was just that when it was time to retire, Ji Heng, who was on the side, said a few words to Gu Juefei, then hesitated a little, and came up to report: "At the beginning of your succession, the emperor said that you would mourn the soldiers who suffered in the Zhengyuan Rebellion. , so I didn't mention the election of the harem, which left the post vacant. Now that the year is coming to an end, I should prepare for this matter when the new year is turned over. I have heard that when you were in the hidden residence, you had a relationship with the former Shuntian mansion. The daughter of the prime minister, Mrs. Sun, had already been hired, but it was delayed because of a chaotic affair. Now, Mrs. Sun does not dare to ask for a marriage, nor to ask the emperor. There should be an accurate word. Let's wait until next spring..."

"All right!"

Ji Heng was still about to say, but Xiao Tingyi's face suddenly turned cold, and he interrupted his former mentor.

"Mr. Ji doesn't need to say more, I have a clear idea in my mind. It's not too late to discuss things in the next year after New Year's Eve. After a busy day, you, Master Gu and the rest of the adults are tired? Go back to rest early and retire. Bar."

"...I will retire."

Ji Heng opened his mouth, vaguely feeling that Xiao Tingzhi's answer was inappropriate and showed a rare impatience. He wanted to say more, but Gu Juefei shook his head lightly to him, so he suppressed his voice. Without saying anything, he bowed and retreated with the crowd.

Just after leaving the Qianqing Palace and walking on the palace road, Ji Heng asked him: "Master Gu, why did you stop it? The post has been vacant for nearly a year, and the concubine Jing concubine appointed by the emperor was just a concubine in the old mansion. , can't be on the table. If things go on like this, the ministers in the DPRK and China are bound to criticize. Even if I don't persuade me, I will inevitably be told by others."

Gu Juefei looked at the blue sky with his hands behind his back, Qing Jun's face was calm and calm, and he only laughed when he heard the words, but he said meaningfully: "The emperor has only just reached the crown this year, and his blood and energy are just old, so it is inevitable that some The matter is unclear. You and I, as assistant ministers, should be more concerned. As for the stubbornness of the emperor, it is not a big deal. When you get older and see more clearly, your head hurts, and your mind is dead. Clear."


Ji Heng only felt that there was something terrifying about what he said, but if he really wanted him to go deeper, he felt that everything he saw was foggy.

And Gu Juefei's expression obviously didn't want him to ask more questions.

So his eyes flickered slightly, and he only said "you said it too", and didn't say much on this topic.

In the blink of an eye, the New Year's Eve is approaching, and it's New Year's Eve.

On this day, Xiao Tingzhi has been waiting for a long time, so that when he was talking to the ministers of civil and military affairs in the previous dynasty, he was strangely absent-minded.

He didn't even care about Gu Juefei's rather ugly expression.

During the banquet, he drank a bit too much, so he used the excuse of sobering up, and the palace staff held an umbrella, and walked on the palace road between the heavy walls under the heavy snow on New Year's Eve.

The cold wind was blowing, and it should have been sobering up.

But at this time, his heart was actually scorching hot, as if the wine he drank all burned at this moment, making him suddenly become the daring and reckless teenager in that night pavilion.

On the side of the Rouyi Palace, he stopped and only let the palace servants beside him enter, calling out the woman who was also drinking during the banquet.

She became pregnant a year ago and gave birth to a pair of children for Gu Juefei.

But now, when he walked out from the inside with slightly drunken cheeks, it was still the same as before. Snow-skinned and flowery, with a charming smile, the bottom of his eyes is as if gathering waves of light from the South China Sea, his brows are as cold as a handful of Kunlun snow, and even his eyes are the same as before.

When she came out and saw it was him, she was not surprised, as if she had guessed it long ago, she only came up to bow to him, and said, "The court lady greets the emperor."

Xiao Tingzhi found the word "official wife" harsh.

The surrounding eunuchs and palace maids had long since retreated. He remembered that the government and the public had been forcing him to marry him recently, and he felt tormented in his heart.

Even the voice calling her at this time was hoarse: "Lu Jinxi..."

Lu Jinxi raised his eyes and looked at him, looking at the majestic black dragon robe on his body, the dense dragon pattern embroidered on it and the piece of jade hanging around his waist, and finally his eyes were fixed on Between his eyebrows, his smile was rusty and cold: "The emperor used the pretense of letting me out, I don't know if he has something to say?"


One word came out, but it felt wrong. Xiao Tingzhi wanted to reach out and pull her, but she avoided him without a trace, so he just stood in front of her like this, and finally opened his mouth.

"I want to ask you, would you like to—"

"Do not care."

He didn't need to finish his words, Lu Jinxi knew what the next half of the sentence was. Although he sighed in his heart, he didn't leave the slightest leeway in what he said. He turned around and wanted to leave.

"If the emperor has nothing to do, the court lady will return to the banquet."

"Lu Jinxi!"

She always ignored him like this, and always treated him like nothing, which finally made Xiao Tingzhi angry. Sitting on the throne this year, it's not that he didn't learn anything. The coldness between his brows and his eyes finally came up, making his face look a little more gloomy.

"I won't let you go!"

"Those who know say that you are the honorable man of the Nine-Five, but those who don't know are afraid that you might think that you are a bandit in that mountain. Now your identity is not the same as it was in the past, and every word and deed are related to the national system. You dare to call me out of the banquet today, if you spread it out, you may not be able to sit firmly on the throne."

Can Lu Jinxi still know what the situation in the court is now?

Gu Juefei did a great job. Even if everyone knew that the death of the pseudo-emperor Xiao Che was inseparable from him, they also knew that most of the **** two days in the capital came from his handwriting, and they knew that he was coerced by Xue Kuang because of the security of the border before he reluctantly agreed to let Xiao Tingzhi ascend to the throne. , but who can get him?

He holds great power, more than a regent.

Right now, he looks at Xiao Tingzhi as a whole-hearted assistant, and looks like a loyal minister, but when he told Xiao Che that he turned his face when he turned his face, how could a new emperor with a shallow foundation be a problem?

It all depends on whether he does it or not, whether he wants it or not.

What Gu Juefei thought was actually not that complicated.

When Xue Kuang threatened the safety of Limin at the border, he was forced to agree, which seemed very aggrieved, but he didn't care who was the emperor. The only thing he was worried about was that he fought with Xue Kuang to the end, and was put together by him.

As for the emperor, it was even simpler.

He is dedicated to the country and the people, and will never do anything that crosses the border. If the emperor cannot tolerate him, it also proves that the emperor is incompetent.

Reverse or not, always in one thought.

In his own opinion, he was just a wake-up call standing beside the emperor's throne, but in Xiao Tingzhi's eyes, he was undoubtedly a tiger and wolf lying beside the emperor's couch.

It's just that Xiao Tingzhi can't get rid of him now, and he has no power to get rid of him.

Perhaps in the future, Gu Jue will not be able to make a big impact and will also fulfill the words of Xue Kuang's death in the past, but at least now he can't pick out the slightest mistake.

Lu Jinxi looked at Xiao Tingzhi with a cold face and sighed.

She didn't want to distinguish half a point from him, but when she was about to leave, she remembered that his situation was quite difficult, and in the past, she had called herself a first-mother half-truth.

So he hid a bit of a complicated smile and persuaded him: "You will be a good emperor, but only if you can sit firmly on the throne. If you choose to sit on the ninth-fifth position, you will be imprisoned like a beast. All these words and deeds are in the eyes of people, and every merit and deed is written by the historian. Your Majesty, you can sit in the world, but not everything in the world can go according to your heart. Do you think you belong to me, but how old are you? People's life is very long, and there are always things that you miss and can't get. You wake up early when you are drunk, or you can still watch the waning moon and the breeze on the willow bank; Do you miss more scenery?"

Xiao Tingzhi looked at her without speaking.

I don't know if I heard it or not.

Lu Jinxi didn't get a response, so she sighed softly, shook her head with a smile, and turned to go inside.

Outside the Rouyi Hall, Xiao Tingzhi stood for a long time.

Afterwards, some palace servants secretly said that the new emperor drank a lot of alcohol that night, and was so drunk that he woke up very late the next day, and then called his ministers into the palace.

Leaving the palace at noon, Senior Gu was in a good mood and took Lu Jinxi to the Jokhang Temple to enjoy the snow.

Three months later, in the late spring of the second year of Yongjia, the new emperor got married, and the Sun Shi, the prime minister of Shuntian Prefecture, was established as the queen.

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