nergy crystals were stored, but the production of the billions of energy crystals failed.

Lu Qi had previously tried to gather the energy from about 10 crystals into one crystal. However, when so much energy was contained in one crystal, the stability of the surface was not enough to soothe the energy inside, and cracking would occur.

Lu Qi had no choice but to make tens of millions of energy crystals first. With so many crystals, Lu Qi is not afraid that he will not have enough fighting power on Marvel Earth. Even with the addition of hundreds of millions of crystals, Lu Qi would be able to achieve star-breaking combat power.

This time, Lu Qi stood up in a real sense!

Seeing the mages around him giving him friendly looks, Lu Qi responded with a smile.

Now these mages are not just laughing because Lu Qi can provide energy, but Lu Qi has really made Kama Taj better.

Now that the number of ninja soldiers in Lu Qi’s hands is too high, he is too lazy to buy those special units. Lu Qi simply transferred 10,000 ninja soldiers to various positions in Kama Taj, such as chefs and so on.

Anyway, the basic service industry is covered by ninja soldiers, and Lu Qi also earns a lot of income, although it is not as good as the income from mobile phone companies.

Although he didn’t know why these mages smiled at him when they gave him money, Lu Qi just accepted it happily.

After walking through the streets and alleys, Lu Qi came to Gu Yi’s residence and ran in.

“Here you come? Have you finished reading the book?”

Gu Yi held an ancient biography and looked at it. Looking at the traces of time on the book, Lu Qi estimated that this book was another lost historical artifact that could be entered into the National Museum.

Lu Qi was speechless when talking about this. He originally planned to build a three-story house for Gu Yi, but Gu Yi asked for two more floors, all for her collections.

“I’ve finished reading the book, and the house has been repaired. Now I can go out to Karma Taj.”

Gu Yi didn’t even look at him, “Okay, let’s go down when you’re done.”

He took a sip of tea . , the ninja soldier next to him immediately filled Gu Yi’s hands, leaving Lu Qi speechless.

This guy simply enjoys the services of ninja soldiers better than him.

After a brief chat, Lu Qi immediately drew a portal and fled.

The joke is, after being imprisoned in Kamal Taj for several months, I talked about everything, and there was basically nothing left to talk about, so what else could I talk about.

Returning to his den after a long absence, Lu Qi asked the ninja soldier who had been staying here to clean the room to return to the shadows, and then updated his blog. Not long after

changing “in seclusion” to “eating, drinking and having fun”

, Tony immediately sent a message: “Where did you finally come out from?”

Chapter 63 Colson’s Arrival

Lu Qi was quite surprised to receive a message from Tony so quickly. After all, Tony and Pepper had made rapid progress in the past six months, and Tony had almost convinced Pepper’s father to let them get married.

He wasn’t staying with Pepper at this time?

Lu Qi simply called Tony. After the call was connected, Lu Qi heard the sound of welding and cutting on Tony’s side.

“It sounds like you are quite busy. Why did you send me a message as soon as I updated? Are you asking Jarvis to pay special attention to it?” Lu Qi took out the snacks he just bought and tasted them carefully.

“Indeed, I’ve been very busy recently, but you finally came out of that Katamaji, and I have to say hello.” Tony’s voice sounded as dull as if it were wrapped in a can.

“Are you wearing armor? What are you doing now?” Lu Qi ate a piece of this wolf-toothed potato and thought it was pretty good. How about opening some snack bars outside like Tony?

“I’m changing the energy supply for Stark Tower. Later, my Stark Tower will become a benchmark for renewable energy in the world.” Tony’s proud voice came.

“You built a building? You didn’t tell me.” Lu Qi couldn’t sit still now, “Are you squatting in Manha?” “Yes, I originally wanted to

surprise you, but it sounds more like Scared?” Tony said doubtfully, cut open the cable shell in front of him, and then replaced the energy component.

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“Okay, the lights in Stark Tower will be on. If you hurry up, maybe you can take a photo to remember?”

Lu Qi glanced at some snacks on the small table and said to the phone: “I will be there. , wait for me, I will bring some gifts.”

“Then you have to hurry up.” Tony smiled, turned around and flew towards the water.

Lu Qi glanced at the hung up phone. The portal opened and several ninjas came over carrying a pile of snacks.

“Fortunately, I’ve been to Manhattan before, otherwise I really wouldn’t have made it.”

Lu Qi came to Manhattan through the portal, and happened to see Tony flying over.

“Looks like we’ve caught up.” Lu Qi looked at a very tall building in the direction of Tony’s flight. He had never seen it before. It looked like it was Stark Tower.

Tony walked all the way to his building and stood there steadily.

“Jarvis, is our cameraman in place?”

“Sir, we found the cameraman at the back.”

Jarvis displayed an image, Tony looked at Lu Qi’s pose, and then said to Little Pepper : “You can turn on the lights, the cameraman is already in place.”

Botz smiled, “It looks like there will be a party tonight, and I didn’t prepare anything to eat.” Then Botz pulled the switch, and Stark Tower Just keep turning on the lights from bottom to top.

“It feels pretty good.” Tony flew upwards following the lights, while Lu Qi below also pressed the continuous shooting button.

Flying all the way to a platform above, Tony looked sideways at Pepper in the hall, and then the mechanical arms on the aisle removed his armor.

“How long do you think it will take Lu Qi to climb up from below?” Tony said as he walked.

Little Pepper was amused, but a figure did enter the hall earlier than him.

“Maybe it can fly faster than you?” Lu Qi threw the camera from the portal to the other side, leaning on the table beside his shoulders.

Tony shook his head, adjusted his clothes, and picked up a card when passing by the bar.

“Then, this thing is a pass for Stark Tower. I suggest you hold it, so as not to show that my security measures here are useless.”

Lu Qi took the card, looked at the photo on it, and then put it in In the pocket.

“Then I’ll take it. Are you going to have a party tonight?” Lu Qi looked around and found no beauties or anything like that. “Why isn’t Rod here?”

Tony took the red wine handed over by Little Pepper, ” My original plan tonight was to enjoy some private space with Little Pepper.” ”

Then I really disturbed you, but I brought some gifts. Can you apologize?” Lu Qi asked a few ninjas to put large and small bags of snacks on the on the table.

Xiaojiao smelled it twice and said, “It smells pretty good. What kind of snacks are they?” ”

Some of the snacks we have there are made by my hands. I brought some wolf tooth potatoes, crayfish, and barbecue.” Some other things.”

“Crayfish? Are those things edible?” Tony said suspiciously, smelling the fragrance in the air.

“Actually, crayfish is quite delicious. I don’t know why it’s so popular here. We have to raise it artificially.” Lu Qi put on his gloves and took out a portion of crayfish. He peeled off the shell and stuffed it into his mouth.

“It looks pretty good.” Xiao Chili followed suit, peeled one off and ate it.

“Damn it, I didn’t know this food was so delicious. Tony, you have to give it a try.”

Tony arrogantly refused, but Little Pepper still stuffed one into his mouth.

“Okay, it’s really good.” Tony’s originally slumped face gradually became vivid. “Maybe I can launch this thing in my restaurant, I believe it will be very popular.”

Seeing a certain tsundere also put on gloves and started peeling the shells, Lu Qi smiled proudly, then picked up a s

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