Chapter 104 Three States Military Power in Hand! Zhou Yi deduction of the art!!

On the Xuanzheng Hall.

The female emperor had mixed feelings.

In order to stop what happened in the simulated trajectory, she thought of this plan to force the King of Zhao to deal with the Great Qi Dynasty.

It turned out to be counterproductive!

The other side actually chose to mutiny, colluding with the barbarian foreign tribes in the northeast region and the Great Qi Dynasty.

It is intended to open all major gates and let the enemy troops enter!

Once those barbarian aliens and Daqi armies were allowed to come in, the consequences were unimaginable.

The female emperor tried to stop something, but it still happened!

What surprised her even more was that this time the first one to stand up was the prime minister! With the speed of lightning and the ability to cover his ears, the rebellion was quickly quelled.

Re-guard the border and resist foreign enemies.

Nowadays, those barbarian alien races and the soldiers and horses of the Great Qi were all shocked by this prime minister and did not dare to act rashly.

The situation in Daqian was stabilized at once.


Ming Guogong, Taifu and others had a heavy heart.

They also did not expect that King Zhao would be so decisive, saying that a rebellion would be a rebellion

They did not expect that King Zhao’s rebellion was a joke in front of the Prime Minister

The momentum was huge, and as a result, in less than a few days, the banner was extinguished and it was completely swept away by the prime minister.

At this time.

Yan Luo suddenly said, “Your Majesty, General Wang has made a meritorious contribution to this quelling of the chaos, and Wei Chen suggested that he be promoted to the post of Right Attendant of the Army.” ”

The female emperor heard the words and returned to God, but once again her expression was stagnant!

Previously, Yan Luo had taken the position of a soldier’s left squire.

Now another location?

The ministers’ eyelids jumped!

The left and right attendants of the military department are all controlled by the prime minister, so what is the return?!

If this continues, the soldier Shangshu may have to be replaced by the person who is the prime minister! Tai Fu hurriedly stood up and said:

“Fine deep sea, Lang two positions, in a short period of time successive changes…”

“I’m afraid it will cause turmoil in the court!”

Rebbe Shangshu also echoed: “This move is not appropriate, Your Majesty please think twice!” ”

“According to Wei Chen’s point of view, raising General Wang’s rank and adding his title was enough to say that Luo was under his command, and Hubu Shangshu and others immediately retorted.”

“General Wang has worked hard and done a lot of work, why can’t he?”

“If we don’t give commendations and promotions, wouldn’t that chill the hearts of many soldiers?”

“It seems that you don’t know how serious the situation in the northeast was at that time, right?”

“Once those barbarian aliens invade, they will inevitably be ruined!”

“This time, thanks to General Wang and several princes leading troops to suppress it, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable!”

The female emperor nodded darkly.

Only she had ‘seen’ such a miserable state of purgatory on earth! Many ministers were clearly unaware of the rampant barbarian rage.

The Turks, in particular, are mad and inhumane!

In the eyes of the female emperor, quelling the rebellion in the northeast was definitely more important than resisting the soldiers and horses of the Great Qi.

Even if the soldiers and horses of Daqi attacked the city and plundered the land, they would not do such cruel things.

Yan Luo glanced at Ming Guo Gong and the others lightly, and said with an unmistakable tone, “Well, Your Majesty has also nodded.” ”

“This matter is so settled, General Wang will report to the palace in the old days.”

When the female emperor heard it, she couldn’t help but look confused!

When did she agree?

She did nod, but not in agreement to let the prime minister’s man be the soldier’s attendant!

She just admired General Wang’s outstanding achievements! How did it get taken out of context?

When the civil and military officials saw that the female emperor did not speak, they also felt that they were acquiescing.

They are even worse off saying anything more!

Ming Guogong, Taifu and the others had gloomy faces.

Now the female emperor was completely on the side of the prime minister, and they felt a sense of breathlessness.

However, Yan Luo’s next words made everyone’s hearts jump!

“Your Majesty, the fiefdoms of the three northeastern states will be taken over by those princes.”

“There is also the Eastern Border Pass, let the Yun King guard it!”

Ming Guogong and the others were shocked.

Those lords, the princes, though not sure, were the men of the prime minister.

But definitely has a close relationship with him!

Isn’t that the equivalent of?

The fiefdoms of the three states, plus a border pass city, all fell into the hands of the prime minister! Among the rebels, there are many prisoners!

Not to mention that there are also 200,000 soldiers and horses!

“Your Majesty, you must not!”

“The fiefdom of the three states is not trivial, and this is not something that can be easily handed over to anyone!”

“The other princes are bound to be dissatisfied!!”

Ming Guogong and others immediately objected anxiously.

Seeing the situation, Yan Luo couldn’t help but smile coldly: “Knowing that the fiefdoms of the three states are very important, why are the other princes indifferent when there is a rebellion?” ”

“Why didn’t you send someone to quell the chaos?”

“Now you jump out and want to share the fruits of victory?”

“Where is there such an easy thing!”

The tone of his voice became cold.

“If any of the princes have an opinion, let him attack the barbarian aliens!”

“As long as they can sweep away those barbarian countries, let alone the three state fiefdoms, it is not impossible for Your Majesty to reward one more state fiefdom!”

Ming Guogong’s faces were cloudy and uncertain.

There is simply no way to refute it!

Those barbarian aliens, brave and good at war, and are in the depths of the steppe.

It’s hard to sweep!

If it were so easy to deal with, the former emperor would have completely cleaned them up when he was alive.

Still waiting until now?

It was even more impossible for those princes to attack the barbarian aliens.

If you don’t do it, the whole army will be destroyed!

But the military power of the three states, so fell under the command of the prime minister, how willing!!

“Your Majesty, several princes and princes can temporarily guard the frontier.”

“But the affairs of the territory and military power of the three states still need to be considered in the long run!”

Ming Guogong resolutely opposed it.

Yan Luo suddenly snorted coldly, “Hmm. ”

“Ming Guogong, you speak lightly.”

“Didn’t you ever follow the former emperor in your conquest of various places, or would you go to the town guard?”

“Those princes don’t have the military power of the three states, how can they smoothly mobilize their troops?”

Yan Luo had a look of great righteousness and awe, and even rebuked him.

“If the barbarian aliens on the northeastern border invade again, who will bear the consequences?”

“Can you Ming Guo bear this responsibility?!”

Ming Guogong’s face was blue and white when he was reprimanded!


At this time, the female emperor was silent again.

She knew very well that Yu Yanluo’s military power could indeed be better dispatched by his subordinates.

The town guards the frontier, the stakes are high!

However, the female emperor was quite uncomfortable in her heart.

The last time Yan Luo had just asked for the military power of the three cities.

Now it is even more lion opening its mouth, taking away the military power of the three states at once!

“Well, it’s better than someone who falls under the command of a national master.”

The female emperor could only comfort herself in this way.


Thinking of this, the female emperor nodded in agreement.

Manchu Wenwu was secretly shocked in his heart!

In the past, although the power of the prime minister was tilted to the opposition, it was limited to the court. The former emperor attached great importance to military power and would hardly let this prime minister get involved.

However, when he arrived at the new emperor, he let the prime minister control the military power one after another! Definitely not a good thing!

What if the Prime Minister has the intention of rebellion? Who will be able to compete in the future? Not to mention, after this rebellion.

Everyone knows that the prime minister is far from that simple! On the surface, he doesn’t seem to have much military power.

But the princes obeyed his orders! Who else was he secretly colluding with many princes?

【Ding! Congratulations to the host, the power is tilted to the opposition, the power is even greater! At this moment, the system’s prompt sounded in Yan Luo’s mind.

[Get the reward: Zhou Yi deduction of the art! 】

[Reward: Heavenly Grade Pindan Medicine – ‘Feng Wu Dan’! 】

[Get Rewarded: Special Forging Technique – Tiger Bull Alchemy!] 】

In an instant, countless esoteric ‘Tao’ and ‘Reason’ were poured into Yan Luo’s mind.

Let him successfully master a profound art of deduction! Measurable auspicious, sharp, miserly, sharp, remorseful, blame, fierce…

Not only can you calculate the future direction of an individual, but also determine the luck of a country!

“It’s actually Zhou Yi’s deduction technique!”

“The I Ching, but the head of the Qunjing, has an immeasurable mystery of the ghosts and spirits!”

There was a wisp of essence shining in Yan Luo’s eyes.

Although that Guoshi claimed to be able to determine the fortunes of the country, in the face of Zhou Yi’s deduction technique, it was estimated that it was only a small witch!

“There’s also a ‘Feng Wu Dan’!”

“This is a legendary elixir containing a hint of phoenix aura, and if it is refined, it will be enough to elevate my cultivation to the peak of the feathering realm!”

“In this way, it will not be too far away from the Heaven and Human Realm… Yan Luo was in a good mood. ”

After the new emperor ascended the throne, his authority became heavier and heavier.

The rewards obtained are increasing day by day, and the cultivation is even more rapid and progressive! I didn’t expect that I would be ready to come to the Heavenly Human Realm so soon………

After reaching the Heavenly Human Realm, the many terrifying killing moves mastered by Yan Luo could fully exert their true power!

When the time comes, who in the realm of heaven and man, who can take the lead?

Moreover, after stepping into the heavenly realm, the benefits are too many!

One is that you can walk in the air, and when you fight, the advantage is much greater! Even if you can’t beat it, you can run…

It was precisely because of this that the major imperial dynasties were so jealous of the power of the Heaven and Human Realm.

This kind of existence cannot be piled up by relying on the tactics of the sea of people.

The other party can’t fight, and can completely escape… Once escaped by it, there are endless troubles!

Secondly, the Celestial Realm can already grasp a part of the Earth-weary power.

One move, one style, the power is mighty!

Unlike other warriors, you need to worry about running out of True Qi!

Otherwise, why is it called the power of the heavenly and human realms, the existence that can destroy a human city?


After stepping into the Heavenly Human Realm, Shouyuan will undoubtedly increase a lot! It is equivalent to being reborn and transcendently holy.

The life level is not the same level as before.

It is a qualitative leap.

With a long lifespan, it represents unlimited possibilities! Just like that Guoshi Yu Canghai.

Elders of the Three Dynasties!!

Protégés all over the world! This is all accumulated over a long period of time.

Once the talent and foundation of Yi Yan Luo broke through the Heaven and Human Realm, he didn’t know how powerful it was!

The world is so big that it will be difficult for anyone to threaten him.

It is estimated that the land immortal will not come out, he will not have any pressure!

And the land immortals were completely rare in the Tianwu Domain.

It is almost impossible to meddle in worldly affairs.

Thinking of being able to have so many benefits, Yan Luo’s idea of breaking through the Heavenly Human Realm was even more urgent.

“And Tiger Bull Alchemy!”

“Although it can’t be compared with the Ten Thousand Disasters Golden Body, the victory is suitable for most people to cultivate!”

Yan Luo looked at this alchemy and immediately discovered its extraordinary features!

Sure enough, the system produces, it must be a fine product.

There is no specific level of Tiger Bull Alchemy, and if you have to set a level, it is estimated that it is similar to the Xuan Grade Practice.

But its value is enough to compare with the Heavenly Grade Exercises!

The Nine Great Dynasties and the Great Sect Gate are not without alchemy.

But if you want to cultivate, it is very difficult!

Under the restrictions of various conditions, many people give up.

The pursuit of martial arts is the right way.

Refining is a complete waste of time, giving up the end of the road.

With the time and resources to refine the body, it is better to invest in martial arts training, and the harvest is definitely several times more than that!

However, this Tiger Bull Alchemy that the system rewarded this time is completely different for cultivators, and there is actually no threshold!

In other words, even the most inferior martial artists can cultivate.

Moreover, this alchemy is not difficult to cultivate, and it does not require too many resources to assist.

In short, the upper limit of this alchemy is not high, but it is fast!

“Promote it in the military, in the near future, all of our soldiers and horses are masters of refining bodies!”

Yan Luo planned to test it first, and if the effect was amazing, it would be immediately extended to his soldiers!

Nowadays advanced tuna has worked wonders.

Many soldiers’ martial arts cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds!

If you have a horizontal practice of kung fu again, then the overall strength of the army does not know how far it will be improved?

What elite Xuanjia army of the Great Qi Dynasty will be a younger brother in the future! Disperse early.

Yan Luo returned to the Prime Minister’s Mansion.

The first time was to enter the cultivation room and refine that Feng Wu Dan! Again, one’s own power is eternal.

After all, external forces have unreliable times.

It was when Yan Luo was refining the elixir in the cultivation room.

A ghost-like figure appeared in the Prime Minister’s Mansion! It was a thin man in gray cloth and linen.

His breath was like a mountain, stone, grass and trees, and none of the guards who passed by could find it!

“The Guoshi actually let this seat personally take the shot, but he could see this prime minister.”

“However, I heard that around the Prime Minister, there is a strong person at the peak of the feathering realm!”

“It’s the leader of the Kinmen Guard!”

“This person is really unfathomable, and if he is there, I am not good at doing it.”

“Fortunately, today, he seems to be no longer in the Prime Minister’s Mansion!”

“This is the perfect opportunity for this seat!”

“Guoshi has already promised me that as long as I complete this mission, I will find a way to elevate me to the Heavenly Human Realm!”

“When the time comes, our Shadowless Sword Sect can also be promoted to a super-first-class sect.”

It turned out that this gray-clad man was actually Duan Wuhai, the sect leader of the first-class sect ‘Shadowless Sword Sect’!

Self-cultivation has reached the peak of the feathering realm!

The Shadowless Sword Sect’s kendo is weird, sinister, and invincible—

Kind of a taste suitable for assassin cultivation.

Before Duan Wuhai stepped into the feathering realm, he was already famous in the jianghu.

The Shadowless Sword Technique in one hand is often able to surprise and kill a warrior who is even higher than his own realm!

It is precisely because of the strangeness and sinister nature of the Shadowless Sword Law that many jianghu people are unwilling to provoke this sect.

It’s just unexpected.

This Shadowless Sword Sect Leader would actually obey the orders of the Guoshi Yu Canghai and come to the Prime Minister’s Mansion to assassinate Yan Luo!

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