After eating and drinking, they went to the old dean's office together.

As students, they should say good morning to the old dean before going to work.



"Teacher, my junior brother and I are here to see you!"

The voice of the old dean came from the room, and the smart alloy door was opened on the computer.

This is a safety door specially built to protect the personal safety of the old dean.

The protective forest of the safety door is extremely strong, and even an ordinary C4 bomb cannot destroy it.

In addition, alloy plates are added to the wall to prevent all dangers.

Only the old dean has the authority to open the door in the Academy of Sciences.

In addition, several senior officials of Longguo have set the authority to open the door.

The door opened, and Zhou Wen and Mei Zhiyuan walked in.

Mei Zhiyuan:"Teacher, I haven't greeted you in the morning for many years. Please don't be surprised."

"I will come to see you every morning and greet you."

Zhou Wen:"Teacher, Senior Brother Mei is very good to me."

"You can rest assured that our brothers and sisters will do a good job in scientific research and will not let you down."

The old dean said:"You are willing to do it. With your ability, I certainly believe that"

"With you in Longguo, there will be successors in the field of scientific research."

"In other words, there are leaders, but there are many scientific research talents."

"But not many can reach your level. When you take on the responsibility, be a good leader."

If Mei Zhiyuan was the only one here, he would be very happy.

When Zhou Wen is in the office, and the old dean values Zhou Wen more.

Mei Zhiyuan was not happy, but felt nauseous.

In his mind, the old dean just wanted him to be Zhou Wen's deputy.


I have followed the old dean for more than ten years, and Zhou Wen has only joined the Academy of Sciences for two or three years.

As a result, in the old dean's heart, my weight is far less than Zhou Wen's.

The old dean:"Zhiyuan, you go and get busy first."

"I have something to tell your junior brother. If you have any questions about scientific research in the future, you can ask your junior brother."

"Your junior brother seems to be born for scientific research. Sometimes I want to cut open his head to see"

"Whether his brain is different from ours, he will sooner or later become the world's number one in scientific research."

Mei Zhiyuan:"Okay, teacher"

"I will learn more from my junior brother in the future and not let the teacher worry."

After saying that, Mei Zhiyuan left the office.

The moment he walked out of the door, he lowered his head, and there was only resentment in his eyes.

And the expression on his face was ferocious and scary!

With a sullen face, Mei Zhiyuan walked away.

He said to himself in his heart

"What a good junior brother Zhou Wen, it seems that you have completely replaced me."

"I even received love from the old dean, much more than I did in the past, which is great!"

"Don't let me find an opportunity, otherwise, you will all die in an accident together!"

If people knew what Mei Zhiyuan was thinking, it would definitely shock countless people.

Mei Zhiyuan could achieve what he has today because he was fortunate enough to be the old dean's student.

As a result, now he not only wants to kill Zhou Wen, but also wants to kill the old dean.

Even if he is crazy, it is not enough to describe Mei Zhiyuan.

Mei Zhiyuan can no longer use any language to describe his viciousness. He has been blinded by jealousy and money. He has already fallen into darkness and is extremely selfish.

In the office, the old dean has a smile on his face, and there is a wise light in his eyes.

"Zhou Wen, tell the teacher the truth, what do you think of your senior brother Mei?"

"Don't worry about anything, just say whatever comes to your mind."

After a moment of silence, Zhou Wen spoke.

"Teacher, you know that my car was tampered with before."

"Many people appeared in my mind, but I rejected them all."

"Zhao Bing has told me the results of his investigation today. The parking lot surveillance camera is missing a segment."

"There were no fingerprints left by any suspicious person on the vehicle, so it would be difficult to find the person who did it."

Zhou Wen said this without answering the old dean's question. Did he really not answer?

In fact, Zhou Wen had already told the old dean in his words just now.

The old dean was also silent, and finally sighed.

"Your guess is reasonable. I didn't think of this."

"I thought someone inside the Academy of Sciences was being turned against the government and was tempted by money or women."

"But like you, I didn't find any suspects."

"Zhiyuan re-entered the Academy of Sciences three days ago and returned to Longguo a week ago."

"I praised you many times in front of him, but he hid it well."

"But I can see that he is disgusted by my praise of you and is jealous."

"If a person is jealous, it is easy to do bad things."

Zhou Wen looked directly at the old dean and said in a deep voice

"Teacher, if it were him, what would you do?"

"After all, he was once the teacher's favorite student. You even said that you wanted him to take over your class."

"The person who tampered with the car now is most likely him. I know you are in a difficult situation, teacher."

"But no matter how difficult it is, when the day comes when the truth comes out, you have to make a decision.

The old dean stood up and looked at the scenery outside the window.

"This is Dragon Country. Teacher has been engaged in scientific research all his life. I only belong to this country."

"Zhou Wen, you should go to an event, the domestic launch of super capacity batteries"

"The output is enough to supply the country. You can attend as an honorary professor of the University of Science and Technology. Don't reveal your true identity."

Zhou Wen nodded and walked out of the office.

The old dean's words just now, that he only belongs to this country, have already told Zhou Wen what his answer is.

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