Anyhow, in order to better understand my new skillset… I arrived at the library.

“Tips for Soldiers, Volume 1”

Oh? I can read it.
In actuality, the content’s been changed into Japanese text.
I’m not certain that it’s thanks to the skill, but it’ll make for a good pastime until lights-out.

I took the book from the shelf and began reading it.

It’s some sort of foundational education book for soldiers.

Improving physical fitness, combat tips, weapon training… it even has basic information regarding harvesting medicinal herbs.
Seems like a summary of all the tasks a grunt has to undertake.

Now that I think about it, while the first two months of enlistment will be spent here training, we’ll be sent off to another region to train further afterwards.

That’ll teach us everything we’ll need to know, I’m sure of it.

Surprisingly, I’d lost track of the time and it was nearly time to sleep, so I made my way back to my bunk.

“Bu bu bu.”

I spotted Brute doing pushups beside the bed.
He must’ve been doing this whole time, given that he’d been doing it ever since I made my way to the terminal.

“All right, recruits! Lights out!”

Under a superior’s orders, the room became dark.

I hadn’t put much thought into it thus far, but how do they keep those lights lit?
They look modern, but the light being emitted didn’t look anything like a fire or fluorescent lamp.

Maybe it’s magic, or something else entirely.

Still, I should go to sleep. I was ordered to, after all.
With that in mind, I lay back into the bed to alleviate my fatigue.

I’ll get a good night’s sleep.




I slept a little and woke up feeling a lot better, but it’s still dark out.
How unusual, I feel great, almost as if I’d slept the entire day.

For a while I tossed and turned in my bed.
And yet, sleep would not come to me.

This isn’t good, maybe I’m too excited to get any sleep.

“Buu… Oink…”

I could hear the faint, yet cute breathing patterns of sleep from below.

With nothing better to do, I decided to peak over the bunk, spotting Brute laying there with an iconic snot-bubble inflating and deflating from his nose.

How can the people of this world not find that to be adorable…

Now then… yup. I’ve got too much time on my hands.

I’ll get out of bed and head to the latrine.
Since this is another world and all… I’ll have to try to not worry as much about that.

“Hm? What’re you doing up?”

As I left the room, a superior, who had been sitting on guard outside, noticed me.

“Toilet, sir.”

Regardless, I responded in a grunt like manner.

“I see.”

“Sir, I won’t be able to sleep afterwards, is it alright if we talk, or perhaps I could study in the library?”


Ah, that does indeed sound ridiculous.

“Heh, if it’s free time you want, how about running some laps?”

“No objections, sir. And, if possible, could you please arrange it so that my partner doesn’t receive any punishment?”

It’s dark, I have far too much energy and far too much free time.
If I can build up some fatigue, that’d be good.

Where’s my muscle pain gone?
The effects from Stamina Recovery UP are far too good.

“You’ve got spunk. Alright, go run ten laps across the yard! If you’re still able to ask afterwards, I’ll let you into the library.”

“Yes, sir.”

It’s a good thing I have a lot of energy to spare.

…Even so, is Stamina Recovery UP still working its magic?

Regardless, just as I was ordered, I ran along across the yard in the middle of the night.

Eventually, after I’d finished running, I once again approached the superior, who was now beginning to nod off.

“Mmmn… Finished?”

“Yes, sir.”

“I watched from the window for a bit, you’re pretty slow… but you’ve got a lot of stamina. Aren’t you tired?”

I’d considered saying the garbage food was the reason why I couldn’t sleep.
Instead, I’ll just be honest.

“Umm… I learned Stamina Recovery UP.”

“Huh… That’s a skill nobody in their right mind would put any points into. What’re you, stupid?”

It’s an unnecessary skill?
Considering it from a gaming perspective, isn’t the effect really good though?

“Anyway, here’s a form to get into the library at night. But… you should rest whenever you can or else your body won’t be able to keep up.”

That’s true, but…

My exhaustion faded away, all drowsiness gone with the wind.

Besides that, I noticed that while I’m filled in the form, the characters from this world were translated into Japanese in my head at the same time.

It feels like I’m not writing Japanese characters, but perhaps that’d be how it converts the language for the other parties involved?

Upon arriving at the library to find a book to read, I found the book I’d been reading earlier and picked up from where I’d left off.

Apparently the more experienced soldiers take turns keeping watch.
As I was reading, the personnel keeping watch shifted. They were quite surprised to see me sitting there.

The next soldier who came by for guard duty liked card games.
He poked fun at me for reading in my off-time, and laid out a deck of cards.

I’m not entirely sure what the cards represented, but I felt like the game had similarities to something like UNO.

I learned some of the basics of the game from him, and we played a few games.
Then, he smiled, brightening up a bit.

In between breaks, I managed to finish the book I was reading.

After returning the book to its shelf, I headed off back to my bunk, feeling adequately tired and worried that I’d crammed too much into my head within a short span of time.

And then, some time later……

“Recruits, up and at ’em!”

Before the sun had even risen, a superior officer yelled loudly into the barracks as we slept.
It was super loud.

Startled by the noise, everyone leapt up, sleepiness still written all over their faces.

“It’s time for morning drills! All of you! Grab your packs and run 20 laps around the yard!”

Wow, this is rough.
No problems on my end though, since I woke up beforehand.

The laps began rather easily, as if everyone had recovered as fully as I had.

…This skill really is amazing.
I thought back to the first day, and how the hell I’d experienced would only be the beginning.

Phew… It’s taxing, but after some time to rest, the fatigue blows right off of me.
Something like the same energy an elementary school kid has? Even more than that.

My stamina doesn’t hold out for long, but recovers in no time flat after resting for a few moments.

After spending the morning panting heavily while running 20 laps, we were forced to clean the barracks until nary a spot remained… Finally, we move onto breakfast.

The meal consisted of extremely tough bread and a strange soup.
Then, we were moved to a classroom to study.

“What you’ll be learning today are the basics of Lerarian military affairs. and the disposition of a soldier! Repeat after me, one-by-one!”

…The feeling of being forced to memorize and then recite the country’s laws really sold home the feeling of being in another world.

Ah, Brute’s only making noises.
I’ve no idea whether it’s some sort of dialect, but even the officers have given up on him.

Understanding the languages of this world seems to be a skill only otherworlders, such as myself, possess.

If I were to allocate more points into the skill, would I be able to understand Brute?

“Stamina Recovery UP… Listen up, this is a skill that isn’t necessary, meaning, you don’t have to take it! By training here, you will eventually learn it without needing to spend any points!”

I didn’t know you could learn a skill without needing to allocate points at a terminal!
Maybe he knows the requirements needed to automatically acquire a skill?


“What is it, Trainee Totsuka?”

“Sir, this recruit wishes to know the conditions to automatically acquire a skill! This recruit is not well educated in the matter…”

“Hmm. Good question. Receiving Stamina Recovery UP, for those who have yet to acquire the first level, is different for those who have already learned it. Each race has a different requirement, but in the case of the Human race, being around level 20 and three months of training should fulfill said conditions.”

……I see.
I’m only level 1, so learning the skill would’ve been a way’s off.
No harm no foul in picking up the skill then.

It’s simply too difficult for me to train without it at the moment.

“Thank you, Sir!”

“Moving on. As the level of your skill improves, so will its effects! Your stamina recovery will drastically rise, and you’ll even gain some great skills along the way!”

I get it already!
It couldn’t be helped at the time, I needed to clear away my fatigue somehow.

The only thing I had to help was controlled breathing, so from my point of view, it’s useful.

I silently grumbled to myself as the class went on.

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