Ye Xiaohan did not dare to look forward to the days when he was always smiling.

She only hoped that Li Chen had really changed, and in that way, she would be content.

"You just talk less big, hurry up and eat." You haven't eaten much today.

Ye Xiaohan only said lightly.

"Okay, let's eat. This piece of lean meat is for you to eat, I heard that the lean meat of pig's feet is the most nourishing, so you have to eat more.

After that, Li Chen clamped a piece of meat into Ye Xiaohan's bowl.

This made Ye Xiaohan suddenly stunned.

Married until now, this man is still the first time to pinch meat for himself!

What exactly did he go through?

Why did it suddenly change so much?

"Xiao Han, do you eat meat? What are you stunned for? Do you still not believe that I have changed?

Li Chen saw that Ye Xiaohan did not move his chopsticks, so he reminded.

"It's not that I don't believe it, I just feel like it's in a dream."

Ye Xiaohan replied.

"I used to be such an asshole, so I can understand how you feel now. It's okay, you'll get used to it slowly. Let's eat first.

Li Chen knew that Ye Xiaohan still needed a process to readjust to his changes, so he was not in a hurry.

Now that they are born again, as long as they are still there, then there is a chance to make up for all the regrets they have had.


Ye Xiaohan nodded, and then moved his chopsticks.

Eat this piece of meat that Li Chen gave her.

There were all kinds of thoughts in her heart.

She seemed to feel the happiness of losing her for the first time since she got married.

But I was afraid that this lost happiness would only suddenly appear and suddenly disappear.

After all, this was something she had never dared to think about.

"Okay, I'm done. You eat slowly, and I'll help wash the dishes in a moment.

Ten minutes later, Li Chen put down the bowl and chopsticks, and then said with a smile on his face.

"That..... There is so much meat, why don't you eat it?

Ye Xiaohan asked.

"It's all left for you and the two naughty ghosts in your stomach to eat, anyway, I'm not very interested in meat."

Li Chen replied.

"How can I say hello, so much meat, how much can I eat? If you can't finish eating, tomorrow will be tasty, too wasteful. As

soon as Li Chen heard this, he remembered something.

It's 1998, and most people in the countryside don't have such a high-tech thing as refrigerators.

Therefore, the food that cannot be eaten cannot be stored.

"Okay, then I'll accompany you to eat more." When we have money, buy a refrigerator. In this way, you can put it in the refrigerator if you can't finish eating it in the future. Don't worry about waste.

Li Chen sat down again, and then said with a confident look.

"You, what's going on today? I don't say that I always want to buy this and that, and they are all high-tech things.

"What everyone else has in their home, our family must have too." Otherwise, when the two naughty ghosts in your stomach come out, you can't dislike my dad for being useless.

Li Chen said with a smile.

"Well, if only you had thought that before. But we don't have to compare ourselves with others. Just have a good time.

Ye Xiaohan sighed deeply.

Li Chen knew that Ye Xiaohan was a good woman, she was not worldly, and she did not want to compare with anyone.

But Li Chen couldn't help but give them happiness.

It's just that now he didn't say much, lest if he continued to talk, Ye Xiaohan would feel bragging and unrealistic.

After eating, Ye Xiaohan wanted to take the bowl and chopsticks to wash.

She has been washing dishes and mopping the floor for more than 2 years, and she has long been used to it.

However, Li Chen did not let her do these jobs this time, but helped her to sit on the edge of the bed, and then let her watch TV first, and take care of these tasks herself.

"Where did we get the TV?"

As a result, Ye Xiaohan's words made Li Chen immediately stunned.

No way?

It's 1998? Don't have a TV yet?

After reacting, Li Chen remembered that there was a black-and-white TV at home before, but he sold it due to his lack of gambling funds.

Because of this matter, Ye Xiaohan came out to stop Li Chen at that time, and was beaten by Li Chen with a nosebleed.

Li Chen once again scolded his former self as a bastard in his heart.

"Xiao Han, don't worry. I'll go buy you a TV in a few days.

Li Chen silently vowed.

After washing the dishes and chopsticks, the time had come to about eight o'clock in the evening.

At this time, the countryside was basically black and linen.

And because there are no street lights, most people choose to spend their time watching TV at home.

Li Chen looked at his house, which was still a yellow mud and tile house. Under the dim light, it looks particularly old.

Fortunately, these tiles can still be used, otherwise if it is slightly windy and rainy, it will be very dangerous.

Of course, it is not a shame to live in yellow mud tile houses in this era, after all, cement bungalows have not yet become popular on a large scale in Nanliu Village, in addition to their family, there are several families in the village who also live in yellow mud tile houses.

However, Li Chen already had more ideas.

You have to make money as soon as possible and then build a new house. Give Ye Xiaohan and his two future children a new home.

"Li Chen, let's go!"

At this moment, a voice sounded outside the door.

Hearing this voice, Ye Xiaohan's face immediately appeared panicked.

Because this is Chen Dawei, one of Li Chen's fox friends.

Every time he came over, he would call Li Chen to go out for a drink, and then Li Chen would find himself angry when he came back drunk.

Therefore, she was afraid that after Li Chen went out this time, he would become the bastard before.

Will he still go out?

"Li Chen, what are you kid doing? I shouted that didn't you hear? "

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