Ye Xiaohan's words reminded Li Chen of one thing, that is, in this era, water heaters have not yet become popular in the countryside.

This is also why Ye Xiaohan doesn't know about water heaters!

Of course, in 1998, China has already manufactured water heaters.

To be precise, China's first electric water heater has appeared since 1988, and then after 1995, solar water heaters have also been made.

It's just that in poor villages like Nanliu Village, many people have not been able to enjoy these technology-based products.

"Xiaohan, the water heater is that we don't need to use firewood to boil water anymore, directly turn on a switch, and then there will be hot water coming out. The water temperature is automatically adjusted, and then there is a sprinkler. Very convenient.

Li Chen explained to Ye Xiaohan.

"And something so convenient? That must be expensive, right?

"It's a bit expensive, but don't worry, we'll have it then." In the future, you won't have to bother washing your hair.

Li Chen said.

"Well, you want to have everything. I don't dare think that much. Well, until I'm showering, you fantasize about it yourself.

After that, Ye Xiaohan planned to lift his own shower bucket.

But where could Li Chen bear to let her carry it with a big belly, he immediately ran over, and then helped her carry it into the shower room.

Instantly, Ye Xiaohan's heart felt another burst of warmth.

Although it was just a small action, it was something she had never dared to expect before.

A happy smile finally appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"Well, why are you staying here if you don't go out yet? I'm going to take a shower. Seeing

that Li Chen was still in the shower room, Ye Xiaohan blushed and reminded.

"Eh! You're so shy! You and I are old husbands and old couples, and I haven't seen anything about you.

Li Chen couldn't help but get up with a bad smile.

This made Ye Xiaohan's face look even redder.

After all, the country women of this era are still relatively conservative, and they can't accept the presence of their husbands when they are showering.

"As far as you will say these shameless words, get out quickly." Otherwise I'll get your clothes wet in a moment.

"Okay, then you be careful. Don't fall. The

reason why Li Chen stayed was also worried about Ye Xiaohan's body.

However, Ye Xiaohan couldn't accept it, and he also respected the other party's ideas.

After coming out of the shower room, he looked at the downcast and old home again.

The bedroom, in particular, has only one bed, two chairs and not even a decent wardrobe.

After the birth of the two children, they must not be allowed to suffer this again.

Therefore, Li Chen silently vowed to make more money as soon as possible, and then change the living conditions of this family.

"Li Chen, that, you help me bring the clothes in."

About ten minutes later, Ye Xiaohan in the shower room said.

Yes, just when she was about to come out dressed, she found that she had made the same mistake as Li Chen just now, that is, forgetting to bring shorts in.

This made her face blush again, and then sighed in her heart: This

is good, if you don't show him, you have to give it.

"Okay, wait a minute."

Li Chen answered, and then looked for the place where the clothes were placed.

At this time, he found that Ye Xiaohan didn't have many clothes.

You must know that when she studied together, she was known as a beautiful school flower, she wore beautiful and shiny every day, and she had never bought new clothes since she married herself.

Thinking of this, the guilt in his heart became even stronger.

"Li Chen, did you find my clothes? Right on the side near the bedside. Bring me the black one. Seeing

that Li Chen had not moved for so long, Ye Xiaohan continued to shout again.

"Found it, you wait, I'll take it to you."

Li Chen answered, and then took the black shorts in by the way.

"That, you are not allowed to look, close your eyes, and go out."

As a result, Ye Xiaohan still couldn't pass the psychological level.

Especially now that she has a big belly and her skin is not very good.

She was even more reluctant to let Li Chen see her worst side.

"Good, good, I don't look. Clothes you take yourself. Remember to be careful of the water under your feet when you come out, don't slip and fall.

Li Chen still fully respected Ye Xiaohan's meaning, and after closing his eyes and handing his shorts to Ye Xiaohan, he turned and went out.

About a minute later, Ye Xiaohan also came out of it.

Seeing this, Li Chen immediately walked over and helped him to sit on the chair.

Since her belly is already very big now, according to the traditional customs of Nanliu Village, pregnant women in this period cannot wash their hair, so Li Chen does not need to help her dry her hair.

Seeing Li Chen treating himself so intimately, Ye Xiaohan's heart felt more warmth than ever.

She seemed to see the good hope of life again.

However, there was still a trace of trepidation and uneasiness in her heart, especially when she was about to go to sleep, the more she was afraid that when she woke up, all this would change back to the same old way.

"Xiao Han, you sleep inside, I sleep outside."

Li Chen looked at the not very spacious bed, and then said.

"Why? Isn't it always you who sleep inside and I sleep outside?

Ye Xiaohan asked curiously.

"Your belly is so big now, it's not safe to sleep outside here, what if you accidentally fall off the side of bed at night?" So to be on the safe side, you have to sleep close to the wall. Then I slept outside. If there is any accident, it can also be blocked by me outside.

Li Chen explained.

Instantly, Ye Xiaohan's heart was filled with warmth again.

It seems that he has really changed.

It became so subtle.

Otherwise, if it was the previous one, how could he be so thoughtful.

The trace of trepidation and uneasiness in her heart gradually let go.

The moment she turned sideways, a happy smile secretly appeared at the corner of her mouth.

She thought in her heart: It seems that God must have pity me for suffering so much, so I finally made him change.

"Xiao Han, are you going to rest? I'll go and turn off the lights. "

The electric lights at home are not so convenient, because there is no dual-control thing, so Li Chen wants to turn off the lights to sleep, but he has to get up, and then walk to the door with a single-control switch."

"You go and turn off the lights, otherwise it's always on, it's also a waste of electricity."

Ye Xiaohan is a thrifty woman, especially now that her family is still facing the pressure of debt, so she can basically use it without electricity.

Don't underestimate the dime or two electricity bill, sometimes it is also a difficult thing for their family.

After turning off the light, Li Chen lay back on the bed, the feeling was familiar and strange.

Familiarly, this is the bed he has slept on for more than twenty years.

The strange thing is that he has already experienced a past life, and his memories also belong to past lives.

And what makes him unaccustomed to it for a while is that there is no such thing as a smartphone in this period, and he can't take out his phone to brush short videos before going to bed in 2022.

Now he can only close his eyes, hoping to fall asleep early, and then get up early the next day to go up the mountain and dig up a few more wild dendrobium plants to sell for money.

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