Li Chen looked at the big turtle in his hand and put it in the snakeskin bag with great satisfaction.

Then he found another turtle.

For now, they should be a couple.

Unfortunately, no other young turtles were found, otherwise Li Chen would have brought them all back so that their family could be reunited.

In addition to turtles, Li Chen also found many miscellaneous fish species, such as catfish, raw fish, tilapia and so on.

However, these are not his goals, he only selectively catches the larger ones, and as for the small ones, he chooses to release them.

After all, his target this time is crucian carp, and the snakeskin bag he takes is limited, and he can't be greedy enough to pack all the fish into it.

He can't put so much at home, so it's better to choose to release the small one, and catch it when he has the opportunity in the future.

"Depends, the crucian carp here is too big, right? Each one is about the size of a palm. Looking

at the crucian carp caught in his hand, Li Chen was simply pleasantly surprised.

He could think that the crucian carp here would be bigger than the rest of the place, but he didn't expect it to be so big.

You can really make a nice little money now.

And so he happily caught these crucian carp until the two snakeskin bags were full and the fish were almost catched, and then he was going to finish work.

But before he could go back, he had to put down the water at the gate.

Otherwise, the remaining fish may die.

After everything was settled, he returned with tonight's harvest with a smile on his face.

At this time, it was already late at night, and only Li Chen was walking alone outside the entire field, forming a unique scenery.

Although he was a little tired of carrying such a heavy thing, after experiencing the regrets of his previous life, he felt that the current tiredness was nothing at all.

This is visible hope and visible beauty.

Full of meaning.

After returning home, fortunately, Ye Xiaohan had already slept, otherwise he was really worried that this woman would stupidly wait for her to come back and sleep again.

Li Chen still had to deal with the fish he caught before going to sleep, otherwise he would die more than half by tomorrow.

Especially the turtle couple, if they don't use something to cover them, it is estimated that they will fly away in the second half of tonight.

Li Chen deliberately put them in an iron cage alone, so that even if they had the heart to escape, they would not have the strength to escape.

As for those crucian carp and pond horn fish, Li Chen also had to keep them separate.

Otherwise, they will fight when they mix together, and it is estimated that the personality of the pond horn fish will bite the wild crucian carp all over the body.

Fortunately, there are several water tanks in Li Chen's house, so at this time, they can be directly put into the tank and raised.

Otherwise, if there is no such tank, simply putting it in the bucket will also suffocate a part.

After everything was taken care of, Li Chen went to take a shower. In order not to wake up Ye Xiaohan, he gently walked back to the room and gently lay down on the side of the bed again.

Fortunately, Ye Xiaohan did not wake up at this time, and he could sleep with peace of mind.

At seven o'clock the next morning, after Ye Xiaohan woke up, he found Li Chen lying beside him, and his heart was also relieved.

Otherwise, she was really worried that Li Chen would encounter the ghosts that the sixth aunt said.

Although Li Chen has always said that there are no ghosts in the world recently, the sixth aunt has always said that there are really ghosts, and she is not worried that it is fake.

Seeing Li Chen sleeping so soundly, Ye Xiaohan couldn't bear to wake him up.

She got up gently, then walked out gently.

Seeing that several cement cylinders at home were covered with wooden boards, she curiously walked over to take a look at them.

"Oh my God! So many fish? After

seeing that the tank was full of fish, Ye Xiaohan was immediately surprised.

She suddenly admired Li Chen a little in her heart.

It seems that his choice was not wrong at the beginning, as long as he is willing to change, he will be better than many people.

Ye Xiaohan put the board back on, and then came to the kitchen again.

"Turtle! There are even two turtles this big? Seeing

the two big turtles in the kitchen in the cage, Ye Xiaohan was shocked again.

Although she hadn't bought a turtle, she knew it was expensive.

And these two turtles are so big, the price is not cheaper.

It seems that what Li Chen said last night was correct, this wave of harvest is at least thousands of yuan.

She touched her bulging belly, and seemed to have greater confidence in the future life.

If he had been so diligent all the time, why worry that his future life would not be good---- Ye Xiaohan sighed deeply in his heart.

"Xiao Han, let me make breakfast today."

At this time, Li Chen also woke up and walked into the kitchen.

"Li Chen, why did you wake up so early? Go and sleep again! Otherwise, you won't be able to get enough sleep.

Ye Xiaohan reminded.

"It's okay, young man, it's okay to stay up all night. Besides, I'm not an all-night yet.

Li Chen said with a smile.

"No, you have to listen to me this time, go to sleep." Sleep for 2 more hours, and I'll wake you up after half past nine.

Ye Xiaohan demanded strongly.

She felt sorry for this man, so she didn't want him to work so hard last night, and now she still got up to make breakfast for herself.

In the end, Li Chen could not defeat Ye Xiaohan. I could only obediently go back and continue to sleep for two hours.

When he woke up, Ye Xiaohan had already made breakfast and then brought it to him on the table.

"You caught so many fish last night, how are you going to sell them?"

Ye Xiaohan asked with concern.

"If this is indeed a difficult thing before, but don't forget that we just bought Chen Shanfu's tricycle yesterday, put these fish in a bucket, and then put them on a tricycle, and pull them into the town."

Li Chen replied.

"It's also a good idea, but it's a pity that my belly is too big now, otherwise I'll go with you." So that when you are tired, I can also step on it.

Ye Xiaohan said.

"That's not okay, even if you're not pregnant, I can't let my wife do these hard jobs." This kind of hard work should be something we men do.

Li Chen's words made Ye Xiaohan's heart warm again.

The corners of her mouth naturally showed a happy smile.

If this man has been able to do this all the time, then all the hardships he has suffered before will be worth it.

"Xiao Han, you smile so beautifully, like a spring flower."

Li Chen saw the smile at the corner of Ye Xiaohan's mouth, and then couldn't help but praise.

"Cut, say these shameless words again, hurry up and wash up for breakfast." You'll have to sell fish later.

Ye Xiaohan was even more smiling when he was praised by Li Chen.

Li Chen likes to see her smile, full of beautiful school flowers back then.

After breakfast, Li Chen was not in a hurry to sell fish, but took a look in his yard. Hens who are looking for a plot of land to raise green-shelled eggs.

His idea was to sell the fish and buy a batch of hens while he was in town, so he had to prepare the place in advance.

"Xiao Han, how about we build a shed here to raise hens?"

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