Li Chen's words made the villagers all excited, because if it was really as Li Chen said, they could follow the trend and catch yellow eel and crucian carp and sell them for money.

"Li Chen, you sold so much money, then you must have caught a lot of yellow eels and crucian carp, right? Where did you catch these yellow eels and crucian carp?

"Yes, Li Chen, you know where there are many yellow eels and crucian carp, don't hide them, they are all people from one village, and everyone who has money earns together."

"We have watched you grow up since childhood, in terms of generation, we are all your uncles and aunts, such a good thing, you can't swallow it alone."


Some people were insatiable, and after letting Li Chen tell him how the money was earned, they continued to use emotional cards to let Li Chen tell the location of the fish.

"They were all caught in the stream of the western grave."

Li Chen was not afraid to say this location, anyway, he had already caught everything last night.

"Where is the stream of the western grave? Haunted there, you dare to go there?

"Li Chen, shouldn't you be afraid that we will rob you of your way to make money, so you deliberately said that it was the yellow eel caught there?"

"It's just that you can't lie to deceive us. That place is haunted, who dares to go there at night to catch yellow eels. "


However, some people expressed doubts about Li Chen's words, and even felt that Li Chen deliberately hid it and did not want to tell them, so they deliberately said a haunted place.

"Anyway, I caught it in the stream at the West Side Grave, where there are still many traces of my catch last night." If you don't believe it, just go and see for yourself.

Li Chen didn't bother to explain to them any more, said a word, and then continued to pedal the tricycle home.

"Xiao Han, I'm back."

Back home, Li Chen stepped down, and then fixed the tricycle, and shouted happily.

"You're back!"

Ye Xiaohan answered and walked out.

Seeing Li Chen pull a cart of black hens back, she was also stunned.

"Oh my God! Li Chen, you bought so many hens at one time? And how is the color of this hen different from what we usually see!

After reacting, Ye Xiaohan sent out a series of questions in a row.

"Of course, I didn't tell you before I went out! This is a hen with a green-shelled egg, and the color is like this. Li Chen replied happily.

"But you didn't say you had to buy so much?" Buy so many hens and spend all the money, right?

"Nope! It only cost half of it, and there are more than six hundred dollars.

After that, Li Chen took out the remaining six hundred yuan and handed it to Ye Xiaohan.

"There are so many! That means it was sold for a total of about a thousand dollars this time?

"Good. One thousand one hundred and twelve dollars to be exact. If it weren't for the limited funds, I would have bought more and farmed them. But now they have to keep half of it, and they have to eat.

Li Chen replied proudly.

"Okay, since you've decided to invest, I'll have to support you. But I have a big belly now, and I can't help you much. "

Ye Xiaohan is a gentle and considerate woman, although she spent more than five hundred at once, she was very distressed and reluctant.

But as long as Li Chen no longer eats, drinks and has fun as before, she will be content in her heart.

As for what Li Chen wants to do, she will also support it.

If it weren't for the fact that her body could no longer do hard work, she still wanted to share Li Chen's hard work.

"Fool, this is what we should do as a man. You are responsible for looking beautiful like a flower.

Li Chen uttered a 21st-century buzzword.

This made Ye Xiaohan blindsided for a moment, but soon showed a happy smile.

"Just your girl's slippery tone, go inside and eat something." You've been out for a long time, and you probably haven't eaten.

"Don't say, after pedaling on a tricycle for so long, I'm a little hungry now." This stuff is too laborious. When we make money, we have to change to an oil-burning one. "

Li Chen originally wanted to say that he would change the four-wheeler, but considering that he had said too much about buying this and that recently, and then said, it is estimated that Ye Xiaohan really thought that he was bragging.

Let's wait until the economic strength allows it later, and then tell her about the four rounds.

After eating two bowls of rice to fill his stomach, Li Chen put down the hens he bought, and then gave them a drink of water first.

In this weather, all the way back, these hens were also very thirsty, and after seeing that there was water to drink, they all lowered their heads and drank.

"Li Chen, they should also be hungry, you will have to feed them later."

Ye Xiaohan reminded.

"I know this, let them drink some water, and then I will go and fence off our orchard, put them in later, and then give them something to eat."

Time was urgent, and Li Chen was not idle.

He found some tools at home and went to his family's orchard.

Since there are not so many hens for the time being, and there are not so many barbed wire fences in his home, he can only temporarily fence off part of it so that these fifty hens have a place to live.

But even then, it's not a long-term solution.

Because these longan trees grow lush enough to block some of the sun's rays, once the weather changes, such as heavy rain, it will still wet these hens, making them veritable soup chickens.

Therefore, he also had to use the distance between the longan tree and the longan tree to set up some tents as shelter from the wind and rain.

Things had to come step by step, and after Li Chen seriously made the fence, he went back to transport these hens here, and then put them all in.

Maybe they have regained their freedom, and these hens are suddenly flapping their wings happily.

Some even chirped.

"Good fellow, in the future, you will live here well and lay eggs for me well."

Li Chen smiled and said to himself to these hens.

Soon, the news that Li Chen bought fifty green-shelled eggs and returned to breed them spread in Nanliu Village.

Don't look at the current 98 years, there is no network transmission and the like.

But the spread of information is not slow at all.

If only one villager knows, it can spread throughout the village almost quickly.

After hearing that Li Chen now began to invest in the aquaculture industry, the entire Nanliu Village sighed:

"I really didn't expect that this Li Chen had changed so much." I have changed my previous habit of eating, drinking and having fun, and now I know how to invest in business.

"Not really! I really don't know what he went through to make such a big change.

"It's a fact that Li Chen has completely changed a person, but it's really hard to say whether these hens he bred are green-shelled eggs." This thing has never been raised.

"Whether he was deceived or not, it at least shows that he is completely different from before." I can't believe that a person can change so completely in such a short time. "

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