When Li Chen heard this, he walked over and took a look, and immediately showed a happy smile.

"It seems that all fifty hens have laid eggs.

"Brother Chen, you're going to get rich now."

Li Huamei gave a thumbs up.

"Hua Mei, if I tell you that this is just the beginning, do you believe it?"

Li Huamei nodded.

"You girl, you can really talk. Let's go, go in and help me pick up the green-shelled eggs, I'll give them the food first.

Li Chen handed the barrel containing the eggs to Li Huamei, and he continued to divide the food he brought over into several positions, so that these hens could eat separately.

Li Huamei can personally experience picking up these green-shelled eggs, but she is happy, one bends down to pick one, and another bends down to pick up one.

After some effort, she had already picked up a dozen green-shelled eggs in her wooden barrel.

"Brother Chen, why are some of these eggs so big, and some of them so small?" When

she encountered a curious place, she also immediately turned to Li Chen for advice.

"The small green-shelled eggs are laid by the hens who lay eggs for the first time, because the hens' first eggs are on the small side.

Li Chen came over and explained to her.

"Oh, I remember, it seems like you told me once before. Then I'll keep picking up eggs.

After that, Li Huamei continued to bend down to help Li Chen pick up the green-shelled eggs on the ground.

Li Chen was also picking it up next to him at this time.

After some efforts by the two, they quickly finished picking up the green-shelled eggs on the ground.

Li Chen counted carefully, and it was exactly fifty green-shelled eggs.

It shows that his judgment just now is correct, and these fifty hens have already laid eggs.

He couldn't help but be excited and happy inside.

You must know that the green-shelled eggs in this period are not cheap, and some of them have been stored at home, and you can take them to the town together to buy them in a while.

"Flower girl, you take a few back to your parents to eat." Otherwise, I'll have to take it all to town and sell it all in a moment. You want to eat until tomorrow."

After returning home, Li Chen said enthusiastically.

"Thank you Brother Chen, my parents said earlier, you will keep these green-shelled eggs and sell them for money." We can just eat it once in a while.

After that, Li Huamei went home happily.

Li Chen was very grateful for this and wanted to say something, but Li Hua Mei had already walked away.

Soon, the news that all fifty hens raised by Li Chen had laid green-shelled eggs also spread in Nanliu Village.

"I really envy this Li Chen, he actually bred hens that lay green-shelled eggs. Now he is making a fortune.

"No, this green-shelled egg is a treasure, expensive and scarce." I wanted to buy it before, but I didn't have it in line for a long time.

"In other words, Li Chen has the ability, since he changed, not only can he have meat every day, but now he has really engaged in breeding." And it looks quite funny.

"This kid is not bad at the foundation, after all, he is a person who has read books." He was just not doing his job before, but now that he has made a change, it is naturally different. "


In addition to sighing with emotion, the villagers were also quite envious of Li Chen's skills.

This made Huang Cuihua unhappy again after hearing this.

She immediately ran back and scolded her husband Li Wu.

"Good you Li Wu, you go out and listen well. Now the whole village is praising Li Chen, and you still have the mind to sit at home. If I were you, I would just hit a piece of tofu to death. Even

if no villagers compare Li Wu and Li Chen this time, but thinking that his family was once a poor family like Li Chen's family, and now Li Chen is already getting better, Huang Cuihua is uncomfortable in her heart.

"Well, he is Li Chen, there are so many green-shelled eggs at once, and I don't give some to taste them." Lao Tzu mistook you in the first place.

Li Wu was still worried that Li Chen had sent green-shelled eggs to other villagers before, but not to himself.

Especially now that all of Li Chen's hens have already laid eggs and have not given them to himself, he is even more dissatisfied with Li Chen.

"What is the use of you saying here? You have the ability to say it to his face! You have the ability to stop him from farming!"

Stimulated by Huang Cuihua, Li Wu directly got up and walked out the door.

But he had only taken a few steps, and he was a little difficult.

Obviously, going directly to Li Chen's house and scolding Li Chen to send him green-shelled eggs to taste is naturally a very embarrassing thing.

It seems that it is better to think of other ways to prevent Li Chen from becoming rich.

"Yes, doesn't that kid have to go through the road of my orchard if he wants to go to his orchard?

Soon, Li Wu thought of such a move.

So, he immediately went home and got a knife, intending to go to the mountains to get some thorny thorn trees down and block the road.

In his opinion, Li Chen wants to raise chickens, the road is gone, see how you still raise it? Li Chen's

side, he still did not know Li Wu's plan, after going home and discussing with Ye Xiaohan, he chose to bring fifty green-shelled eggs and caught ten rabbits to sell.

As for the green-shelled eggs left over yesterday, they were first placed at home for Ye Xiaohan to eat.

Her body is too weak, and now that she is approaching the birth period, she needs green-shelled eggs to nourish her body even more.

"Be careful on the road, I'll wait for you to come back."

Before leaving, Ye Xiaohan handed Li Chen a towel and gently instructed.

"Thank you wife, then I'll go."

Li Chen put the towel on his shoulder and rushed to town on a tricycle with a happy face.

There are still quite a few things today, after selling the hare, he still has to think about how to sell these green-shelled eggs, and then after it, he has to buy wild dendrobium.

Therefore, in order not to waste time, he also stepped on the tricycle hard and accelerated his speed to the side of acquiring the hare.

How about it, how many hares did you get last night!" After

seeing Li Chen coming, the shop that bought the hare immediately came out and greeted him warmly.

"You see, there are ten big hares.

Li Chen stopped the tricycle, and then proudly lifted down his ten hares so that the other party could clearly see them.

"Oh my God, you're so lucky! You loaded ten rabbits in one night. How

about you add a little more price?"

"Oh, that's not going to work. We said okay fifty-one.

"Okay, fifty is fifty. Then you give me five hundred. Li

Chen was happy today, and did not waste too much time on the price, and this price was indeed what they had said before, if they really want to continue, it is obviously unlikely to increase the price.

Might as well leave some saliva to sell your green-shelled eggs for a while.

"Houshengzi, this is your five hundred yuan, you count well, if it is less, I will not be responsible for going out of the door..."

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