As soon as Li Chen met the people from the environmental inspection department, they immediately expressed their intentions to Li Chen.

However, Li Chen is not flustered, and the so-called body is not afraid of shadow oblique. He said confidently

, "Okay, no problem, I'm totally with you."

Li Chen's Rebirth Beverage Company has only been established not long ago, and even the first batch of goods has not been done, how can there be environmental problems?

Therefore, he didn't need to worry at all, and generously took them in and let them check at will.

In the end, they didn't find any problems, and they could only say sorry, and then shook hands with Li Chen and went back.

"Mr. Li, this thing is a bit strange. Our Rebirth Beverage Company has only been established for a long time, and it has not yet officially produced beverages, so how can anyone report environmental problems?

After these people left, Wang Jiayi expressed puzzlement.

"If there is anything strange, someone behind it must have reported it." However, this does not get in the way, we are a business, if we want to become stronger and bigger, we will naturally be reported and targeted by various people. As long as we do well enough, we are not afraid of these messy things. Li Chen said.

"What Mr. Li said is reasonable, then we don't have to worry about it." Just keep doing your thing.

After that, Wang Jiayi turned around and continued to do her own thing.

In the next two days, Li Chen basically spent on the side of Rebirth Beverage Company, and after these two days of hard work, Rebirth Beverage Company also ushered in its first order.

Li Chen also gave rewards to employees who won the first order for the company in accordance with the original promise.

This motivated the efforts of other employees even more, and everyone continued to work hard.

Reborn Beverages also soon received more orders.

Especially after Li Chen's free tasting and lottery were launched, many people realized the benefits of the Rebirth Special Drink.

They may be reluctant to buy Red Bull because Red Bull is too expensive in this period, but they are willing to buy Rebirth Drink, because Rebirth Drink is cheap and has similar functional effects to Red Bull.

"Mr. Li, good news, our company finally ushered in the first order of more than 10,000."

On this day, as soon as Li Chen arrived at the office of Rebirth Beverage Company, assistant Luo Xiner walked in excitedly and reported the good news.

Li Chen was also very happy when he heard this, and said with a smile on his face: "Great, with the first order of more than 10,000, there will be a second, third, or even more."

"yes! Our Rebirth Special Drink has such an effect just after it starts, which is already very good.

Luo Xiner is also full of expectations for this functional drink.

This is her first project after joining Rebirth Group, and Rebirth Special Drink is of great significance to her.

"This is just the beginning, you just wait, our Rebirth Special Drink will definitely become a well-known functional drink in China." Li Chen said with a confident look.

"Or Mr. Li is powerful, no matter what project he does, he can do it so successfully. I have a long knowledge, and I have decided to stay in the Rebirth Group for the rest of my life. Luo Xiner expressed her determination.

"Xin'er, I'm glad you can think so. Rebirth Group will definitely not live up to your love for it.

"Thank you Mr. Li, there is nothing else to order, I went to work."

"Go, I'll call you for something."

Li Chen nodded, and Luo Xin'er turned around and went out to work.

Li Chen was also planning to have a cup of tea, and then went to the workshop to take a look.

But I didn't expect that just after taking a sip of tea, the mobile phone rang. It was Mr. Zhou who called, saying that he had read the lyrics sent to him by Li Chen last night.

"How? Do you think these ten songs of mine match you? Li Chen asked anxiously.

"Very good, I really like these ten songs you wrote. And I also talked to the vocal director of the signing company this morning, and he also felt that these ten songs you wrote were like they were tailored to me. So, I really thank you for writing ten such great songs for me. Mr. Zhou said.

All this was expected by Li Chen, and he had long guessed that Mr. Zhou would be very satisfied after reading the lyrics he sent.

After all, according to the development of the previous life, these ten songs were originally the songs of Mr. Zhou's first album.

Although I have advanced the timeline now, the person is still that person, the level of appreciation has not changed, and my personal style and preferences have not changed. Naturally, there won't be much of a problem.

"It's good that I didn't disappoint you, and I wish you a good outcome for your first album." Li Chen said happily.

"Thanks, but don't you really need me to pay you? I just talked to the people in the company about this, and they were incredible. They also thought these songs were written by the biggest names in the industry. Mr. Zhou asked seriously.

"What I said was a promise that since you like these songs, you can use them, and even you can put the copyright of the lyrics in your name. I just need you to help me endorse the Rebirth Special for free. Li Chen replied affirmatively.

The real copyright of these songs does not belong to him, so Li Chen does not care. As long as Mr. Zhou wants, he can give it.

What he wants is not these small profits, he wants Mr. Zhou to help him speak for the rebirth special drink.

Especially in the period of 1999, if you can sign a free endorsement rebirth drink with Mr. Zhou, you can simply say that you have earned.

Otherwise, if you want to find Mr. Zhou to endorse any product after 2001, the price is not cheap.

"Okay, since you really decided to do it. I can promise you too. As long as Rebirth Special Drink finds me to endorse, I don't charge anything. I can even sign a contract with you for a free endorsement of Rebirth Drink. Seeing

that Li Chen was so generous and bold, Mr. Zhou also expressed his sincerity.

"Great, then it's so decided." Li Chen said happily.

"But I won't encroach on you on the copyright of the lyrics, the lyrics are written by you, and I will naturally mark that they were written by you." Mr. Zhou continued.

This makes Li Chen quite admired, if it is those small fresh meat stars in 2023 later, it is estimated that he can't wait to put all the copyright under his name, and then let the signing company hype his all-round artist's character.

At least in the following 2023, 99% of the characters of so-called all-round artists will be created.

Mr. Zhou, however, chose to refuse in the face of his own initiative to give. He deserved to become a Uranus superstar.

After chatting with Mr. Zhou on the phone, Li Chen didn't have to worry about the future of Rebirth Special Drink.

He is very clear that with Mr. Zhou's endorsement and some of his own means, Rebirth Special Drink will definitely quickly gain a foothold in the functional drink market.

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