At night, Li Chen did not fall asleep because of this matter.

He also knew that the stone climbers of the Nanliu River had been tossed by nearby villagers like this, and it was basically difficult to catch them again, so after dinner, he did not go to put bamboo cages on stone climbers like yesterday.

Instead, he sat down and discussed the next plan with Ye Xiaohan.

At present, there are still about 10,000 yuan in hand, and Li Chen wants to do a lot of things: buy motorcycles, install landlines, color TVs, and build houses.

"Xiao Han, my idea is to buy a motorcycle tomorrow. Li

Chenzhi chose to buy a motorcycle first because he wanted to go back to Ye Xiaohan's mother's house on the 15th, and he didn't want to step on this broken tricycle, so he still had to have a motorcycle.

At this time, although there is also a car, but at present, his economic strength is not enough, so he can only start with a motorcycle.

In this period of 1998, there was no shame in having a brand new motorcycle.

Just like Tuesday dog, because his father bought him a motorcycle, it is said that the last blind date was almost successful.

"Now you often have to go to town, and having a motorcycle really doesn't have to work that hard. Always borrowing two dogs is not a solution.

Ye Xiaohan supported Li Chen's idea.

"Well, that's what I thought too. But what I care more about is going back to your mother's house with you on the 15th to celebrate your mother's birthday. It's not convenient without a motorbike.

Li Chen also said what was in his heart.

"Actually, it's okay, although my parents didn't agree to me marrying you, but as long as we live happily." Now you're willing to make a change, and the rest doesn't care as much.

Ye Xiaohan said gently.

"Fool, you can not care, but I must care. I am a man, I must give you happiness, I must let you and your children live a good life, and I must let the world see that you chose to marry me in the first place. This is my responsibility,"

Li Chen held Ye Xiaohan's head in his arms and said seriously.

At this moment, Ye Xiaohan did not resist, but hugged Li Chen's waist with his hand.

It's been a

long time! It's been a long time.

For the first time, she felt the man's sense of security and responsibility.


The decision to buy a motorcycle was so happily decided.

The price of motorcycles in this period varied, Li Chen did not plan to buy particularly expensive, he decided to buy more than 5,000 units.

After all, now that more than seven hundred hens have to be raised, he also needs a certain amount of funds in hand.

As for the installation of landlines, you need to go to the telecommunications bureau to apply, and then the cost will be about one or two thousand yuan.

Therefore, Li Chen's idea was to wait until the green-shelled egg could officially trade with the Garden Hotel before operating this matter.

The next morning, the first thing Li Chen did when he woke up was to prepare food for the seven hundred and fifty hens.

Now there are too many hens, and the food must be prepared in a very large amount.

Fortunately, he now has a used tricycle, and after preparing the food, he puts it on the tricycle in barrels and transports it directly.

"Woof. "

Woof. The

two foodies A Hei and A Bai had too smart noses, and when Li Chen appeared, they cried out frantically, as if telling Li Chen, "Hurry up and prepare me to eat, I'm going to starve to death."

"Ah Hei Ah Bai, you are in a hurry! Nothing went wrong with my hen last night, right? If it does, I'm going to punish you.

Li Chen stopped the tricycle, then jumped down from the car and touched their dog's head.

"Woof. Ah

Hei and Ah Bai barked three times at the same time, indicating that there was no problem with the hen.

No problem, then I won't punish you, I'll give you breakfast."

After that, Li Chen took down the food belonging to the two dogs and put it on the ground.

The orchard is already very foul-smelling because of the accumulation of chicken manure.

Fortunately, Chen Ah Liu will come to work today, and he will clean up in the afternoon. Otherwise, if you wait another two or three days, it is estimated that the entire Nanliu Village will smell it. The villagers will definitely have an opinion.

After feeding the hens, Li Chen personally picked up the green-shelled eggs on the straw with a basket.

Although it was a little hard to work alone this time, looking at the green-shelled eggs in the basket, Li Chen was tired and happy.

How many green-shelled eggs are there this time?" At this time

, Ye Xiaohan came over with a big belly.

"103. It seems that another fifty-three hens have laid eggs.

Li Chen said happily.

"That's a good thing. By the time more than seven hundred hens have laid eggs, it is estimated that our basket will not be able to fit.

Ye Xiaohan's words reminded Li Chen that when he went to town in a while, he had to buy a few more baskets to fill the eggs.

And in addition to the basket, he also had to buy some egg trays back, which is the kind of thing we usually see when buying eggs in the supermarket.

These 500 green-shelled eggs can't be directly put in the basket and sent to the county, right?

After bringing the green-shelled eggs home, Li Chen cleaned the dirty ones with clean water. Then he counted another fifty, intending to take them to the town and trade with Liu Neng later.

I want to buy a motorcycle today, so Li Chen doesn't plan to step on his tricycle.

Otherwise, it will be more troublesome to come back later.

He plans to go find Tuesday Dog and let him drive himself to town on a motorcycle.

"Are the two dogs at home?"

Are you going to borrow a motorcycle again?

Tuesday the dog was still so bold, thinking that Li Chen was here to borrow a motorcycle, and waved his hand to say that Li Chen would take it directly.

"Thank you Ergou, but I didn't come to you to borrow a motorcycle this time. I am embarrassed to borrow your motorcycle often. I'm going to buy one myself. So, I want you to drive me to town, and I'll buy a motorcycle and drive it back myself.

Li Chen explained.

"You're going to buy a motorcycle?" "

But yes, your kid recently made some money and is going to buy one." Okay, I'll take you to town in a moment. Hearing

that Li Chen wanted to buy a motorcycle, Tuesday Dog first looked shocked, and then thought of Li Chen's recent situation, and felt that everything was reasonable.

So, after going back and changing his clothes, Tuesday Dog drove Li Chen to town on a motorcycle.

Since he had just learned to ride a motorcycle not long ago, he wanted Li Chen to drive, and he sat in the back.

But in order to exercise his skills, Li Chen directly let him drive.

Li Chen's rhetoric is that Tuesday dog will rely on a motorcycle to ride a blind date girl to romance, how can you do it without exercising more motorcycle skills!

Tuesday dog also felt that what Li Chen said was very reasonable, and then followed his advice.


On the other side, Li Wu had just woken up at this time.

After all, his wife Huang Cuihua has returned to her mother's house, he is already lazy, if no one reminds him, there is no alarm clock in this era, and it is obviously impossible to get up early.

Lao Tzu took the stone climber he caught yesterday and sold it for money. At

this time, he remembered his stone climber, and after washing, he immediately went out with his stone climber.

The same was true of the villagers who captured Shi Creep yesterday, and at this time they all rushed to the town with Li Wu, intending to make a fortune by selling Stone Climber.

"Li Wu, you kid didn't fool us, right?

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