Li Chen's words undoubtedly made both Li Chunchun and Ye Xiaohan feel incredible.

After all, they all know very well that although that barren mountain is large, it is a barren land, if he can make a fortune, someone has already rented it, where will it be his turn?"

"Xiaochen, shouldn't you be confused?

I'll ask you, are there a lot of red mushrooms on the mountain, and are there a lot of red mushrooms under the red trees?"

What's wrong? Are you still going to eat this thing every day?"

"Not to eat, but to sell." Let me tell you, the price of this red mushroom is very expensive, fresh sales can be sold for dozens of dollars a pound, dried can be sold for hundreds, or even a thousand yuan a pound. So, you say I'm not rich. Li Chen explained.

Xiaochen, you shouldn't be joking with your uncle, right?"

Li Chunchun had an incredulous expression.

"Uncle, I'm not kidding you. This is a very true thing. If you think about it, was I the only one who knew that stone climbers could make money? Is it also the only one who knows that wild dendrobium can make money? So, if you listen to me this time, you can't be wrong.

Li Chen replied affirmatively.

"If it's really like what you said, those thirty-odd acres of barren mountains can indeed make a lot of money, because there are a lot of red mushrooms there. Obviously

, Li Chunchun was still a little skeptical about what Li Chen had just said. After all, he was dozens of years old and had lived in Nanliu Village for decades, and it was the first time he heard that red mushrooms could be sold for such an expensive price.

"Uncle, don't worry, I'm not the same Li Chen I was before, and everything I do now is very sober. Do you really think I don't know if Li Wu deliberately wants to trap me, but I still have to thank him. If he hadn't tried to facilitate this, I wouldn't have taken over the right to use that barren mountain so quickly.

Li Chen continued to explain.

"Okay, since you've decided, that's it. I hope it really makes money as you say. Thinking

of Li Chen's recent changes, Li Chunchun could only choose to believe Li Chen.

"Thank you Uncle for caring about me, I will remember it deeply in my heart."

"You kid, it's all a family, don't always say two words." Well, it's not early, I should go back.

After that, Li Chunchun turned around and went home.

Ye Xiaohan also suspected Li Chen at first, but seeing that Li Chen said so confidently, she also chose to believe him.

"Li Chen, you said that those red mushrooms in the barren mountains can make money, do you have a way to sell them?"

asked Ye Xiaohan gently.

This is also the question that Li Chen is thinking about.

Red mushrooms are expensive, and it is obviously unlikely to be sold in town.

After all, consumer groups are different.

So, he had to set his sights on the county.

At this time, he thought of someone, that is, Lin Zhou.

The Garden Hotel where he is located is a five-star dining hotel and will definitely need these red mushrooms.

It's just that there is no landline now, and if you want to quickly contact Lin Zhou, you need to go to the Happiness Hotel tomorrow morning to borrow Liu Neng's landline and call him.

"Xiao Han, don't worry. I already have an idea. That is to sell to the county.

Li Chen replied.

"That's fine, as long as you're doing the right thing. I have your back.

Ye Xiaohan said gently.

"Thank you for understanding me, after this wave, we can make a lot of money and then build a house. "

In the '98 period, it didn't take much money to build a house.

Li Chen believed enough that as long as he could sell red mushrooms for two or three days, he could prepare for building a new house.

It takes time to build a house, and you don't need to pay enough money right away.

On the Nanliu Village side, the custom is to build a house before you need to pay wages.

After the house is built, Li Chen will be enough to earn a large fortune.

"Well, I'll listen to you. There's

such a big open space next to it, and then when it's built, we'll tear it down and cut it all into low walls and make a yard." Plant some flowers and plants.

"When did you learn to be so literary?"

Ye Xiaohan couldn't help but be curious.

I was born with a literary cell.

Li Chen said proudly.

"Come less, why didn't I see you these literary and artistic cells before.

"I was bad before, so these literary and artistic cells died." Now they're all resurrected.

Li Chen said humorously.

Ye Xiaohan couldn't help but laugh.

"You've been really oily lately. Can't talk enough about you. Hurry up and take a shower. I'll have to sleep later.

"Okay, I'll take a shower."

After that, Li Chen took the shower bucket to get a bucket of water, and then mentioned the shower room.

In this day and age, showering is too troublesome.

It seems that it is really necessary to build a new house quickly, and then get a modern shower room.

At night, Li Chen couldn't sleep for a while, and he was thinking about how to make money quickly.

There is no landline, and now contacts are too troublesome.

His plan was to buy the stone creeper that the villagers caught tomorrow, and then decided to go to the telecommunications bureau to apply for a landline.

He told Ye Xiaohan about this idea, and Ye Xiaohan also expressed support for him.

Now the days are full of expectations, and the two sleep happily again.

The next morning, after Li Chen woke up, he still went to feed the chickens and pick up eggs like yesterday.

Busy and happy.

There are dozens more green-shelled eggs today than yesterday. This means that dozens more hens have laid eggs.

At this rate, I believe that soon all the hens will lay eggs.

However, without the certainty that five hundred hens would lay eggs, he would not officially trade with the Garden Hotel.

According to the contract, once the transaction is formal, then the cooperation is formed.

If the Garden Hotel needs goods one day, and he can't provide them, he will have to face the risk of compensation.

After putting the green-shelled eggs home, Li Chen had breakfast, and then had to go to town again.

Yesterday's stone crawler's money, he still had to go to the bank to see if the account was received, and then finished, he had to take out the money again.

Now he doesn't have much money, and today he has to continue to buy the villagers' stone climbers, and he must have cash in hand.

Fortunately, Lin Zhou is still more creditworthy, and the money has already arrived yesterday afternoon.

After Li Chen and Liu Neng of the Happiness Hotel finished trading today's green-shelled eggs, they called Lin Zhou again and talked to him about the red mushroom.

Do you have a lot of red mushrooms there, is that the kind of wild red mushrooms?"

said Lin Zhou's surprised tone.

"Chef Lin, what you said, I dare not lie to anyone." It must be wild, and it seems that this thing cannot be cultivated artificially, right?"

replied Li Chen in a very affirmative tone.

"How much do you have? Can you provide a hundred pounds a day?"

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