"You yesterday!"

The gatekeeper who saw the girl's face shouted.

"What do you know?"

"Red! Surprised to hear, this friend was hibernating in the mud near the castle gate, dragging a fat frog with one hand, and using a ragged goblin blade with an unfamiliar martial technique ! "

The girl's cheeks moved.

It seems to be a topic that I don't want to be touched very much.

However, the movement of the expression seems to be inconspicuous, and is not transmitted to the gatekeeper.

"That sister, what's the name, Lou ... Rute?"


I thought I'd ignore it, but corrected that I didn't want to get the wrong name.

"Oh, that's the rule! Traveler, that name is Tifa. If you're going to stay in Zoltan for a long time, go to the adventurer's guild and there are always shortages of skilled adventurers. Even if that fat frog wakes up from hibernation, it's dangerous and I'm asking you to get rid of it.

Greater Giant Frog is a surprisingly troublesome monster.

Use the tongue dexterously to catch the opponent, regardless of the appearance of slime, the teeth of a frog like a razor can easily bite off if it is about chain mail, and even if you can not bite it, it is a troublesome habit of trying to swallow it for the time being is there.

D-rank adventurers are not opponents, and C-rank adventurers can't be alert if they play at a party. Such a partner.

Since the Greater Giant Frog could be defeated alone, the ruler seems to have the ability to rank C to B.

The girl, called Tifa, glanced at the gatekeeper, who was squeaking.

"Hey, let's do that. You're annoying the traveler."


"Yes, he came alone to eat oden."

Tifa nodded.

The gatekeeper scratched his head with a bad face.

"Sorry, I'm just excited."

"I'm okay, sorry, can I take the rest and wrap it up?"

With that said, Tifa stood up and walked away with the remaining oden from Oparala, as well as additional Chikuwa and Konjac.

"Hey, angry."

While saying so, I drink the beer left in the cup.

"I'll be back, too."

"Well, let's go get another cup of comfort, comfort me who made my traveler angry."

"I hate it."


"Oh, I'll wrap the chicken, radish and chicken and bring it to my lit."

I placed one quarterperil silver coin and several copper coins on the counter to pay for it.

Tise was wary of the tail and made several round trips before returning to his inn in Minato Ward.

"What's wrong?"

Luti calls out, noticing Tise's appearance.

"Be careful, heroes. Honestly, I licked the frontier, but there seems to be some troublesome Zoltans."

"Awkward opponent"

"I'm a young man. I talked for a short time, but I noticed my dress and knife."

Tise then points at the dress sewn with mythril silver and the knife hidden inside the dress.

These gears have been calculated so that no matter how hard you move, you will not hear the needle drop.

On the contrary, Tise was confident that even the Investigator and the Detective were not so prominent.

"But I was spotted. I have the ability, probably close to me. I wouldn't be able to win if I could win the opponent's advantage. Of course, the hero is different."

Despite being inferior to the brave, Tise is one of the best in Assassin's Guild chosen by Ares.

Tise does not humble about this. Just judge.

Tissé then determined that he could be the best enemy he had ever met.

"That human cannot be smoking in the field. Probably Zoltan's strongest adventurer."

"At the bar, Zoltan's strongest was B-ranked Bui."

"It's ostensible. There was some sort of dignity in that man's dress. Perhaps ... I think he used to be a formal man in the Knights."

"The knights……"

The face of a familiar person crossed behind Luti's mind.

But there are many knights. That guy I met yesterday at the bridge was also a knight. Rooty denied his idea.

Tise doesn't notice it and keeps talking.

"The former knight, a former warrior who was on the front line with the Demon Army. I think it was something disgraceful because it came to the frontier. I don't mind the stigma, but when you become a knight, the whole order is annoying. ''

"So that's it"

"I don't know what it is ..."

Tise thinks a bit.

"I'm guessing, but I think it's a place where I was squandered by my superiors because I was young and excellent, and I had to slash my opponent. I don't think that such an arm's owner made a simple mistake and fled. "


Tise removes the waist belt hanging the short sword.

I sat in bed and sighed deeply.

"Zoltan doesn't have a decent adventurer. Even the strongest adventurers are ranked B, so I thought it was weird how he defeated the advanced demons."

Tise had heard from Ales, who questioned Albert, about a small, but incident in Zoltan.

A senior demon and a B-rank adventurer collude, and a skilled adventurer stops it.

But as long as we gathered information yesterday and in Zoltan, the solution was settled by adventurers and guards. The adventurer is currently listed in the B rank.

"They are the information for the masses, the true hero is that man, so I was with the gatekeeper to get information about the people who came to the town. I was always alert to me, because I was drinking in a cup instead of a mug, and I was always on guard so I could move naturally. It's a true hero who doesn't even have an interest, but honors what he has accomplished. ''

Tise was remorseful.

This journey is a sweet self that I thought I had a hard time following the brave.

The journey of the hero cannot be such an easy task, even in the remote Zoltan, where a huge obstacle stands in front of the hero.

"Brave, we have to decide our policy"


"It's about cooperating or hostile with that man. If you're a knight and a hero, I think there's something similar."

"It's difficult. It looks like the alchemist I'm looking for is in a prison ward."

"Is it a prison?"

Rooty also seems to have gathered information.

I'm a little worried about what's going on, but maybe I didn't say anything and nothing happened. Information gathering has been done by heroes for some time.

It's more of an intimidation than a negotiation, just tapping your shoulders and talking ...

Rooty has heard from a contract demon that an alchemist who was close to Big Hawk was producing medicine. After taking the medicine, the contract demon stopped speaking at all, and at last Lutey couldn't hear the alchemist's name or stature ...

All of the Big Hawk's aides were in jail, and the person who was referred to as an alchemist in the aides had been cut off during the uproar and was currently in medical care in a prison ward.

"Because I'm hiding myself as a hero, I can't take over an alchemist in negotiations."

"That's right ... is it jailbreak?"


"You will be hostile to the town, and with that man."

"Do I see the man directly?"

Meet and defeat.

Tise determined that he was saying so.

"... Of course, the brave won't lose. No, but he probably thinks he's defeated. It would be dangerous to meet without looking back."


The brave nodded, leaning his head a little.

It would be hard to blame Tise for this extra alert.

It's hard to imagine that Tise, who has seen many ambitionists and conspirators as an assassin, says that an opponent with similar abilities is just aiming for a leisurely slow life. Because it was.

The two had long been discussing plans for the future, even after the night.

At that time, Uge Uge was sleeping with his legs folded in Tise's bag.

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