The dean was confused by Jiang Xiao's little move. His mind hadn't turned around yet, and he stared blankly at the steel nails on the table.

[Dean: There are fruits on the tree, you and me under the tree! 】

[I guess after being the dean for so long, this is the first time he has encountered such a big scene, right? 】

Less than a minute.

The dean saw that several blood holes on Jiang Xiao's body had completely recovered as before.

So that’s it, this person’s talent is strong resilience?

The dean breathed a sigh of relief. He really thought Jiang Xiao was a perverted monster just now.

"Forget it, Doctor Jiang Xiao, I'm tired, you can go back to your room."

"No, I don't think so. I think you can play with me all day like Spongebob!"

"Dr. Jiang Xiao, please get out immediately. Don't think that because of your strong recovery ability, you can do whatever you want! I'm not some SpongeBob!"


The dean, who was exposed to the light, was so resentful that he blew up the chandelier, plunging the room into darkness again.

"What? Dean, what did you say? It's too dark here and I can't hear what you are saying! Can you speak louder!"

Dean: I’ll @#¥%\u0026amp;*

【It's too dark, I can't hear clearly.】

[I feel like Dean, he is actually quite difficult. 】

[To be honest, the dean doesn’t seem to be a bad person, at least if you don’t turn on the lights. 】

[Indeed, until now, Jiang Xiao was the only one who turned on the light and was targeted by the dean. 】

[The dean has become so virtuous, so naturally he is unwilling to turn on the light and expose himself. 】

At this time, the dean took a deep breath.

Even as a well-informed director of a mental hospital, Jiang Xiao's level of mental illness is extremely explosive.

"Patrick, I think it's time to go to bed now, what do you think? Maybe you should go back to your room and have a good sleep now?"

"Oh! Dean, you are right, that is my specialty."

The dean immediately followed the pole and took over the conversation.

"Yeah, sleeping might be a good idea, he's definitely your specialty, yeah."

"Wrong, my specialty is being called Patrick Star!" Jiang Xiao said with a righteous expression.


I can't bear it anymore, no need to bear it anymore!

"Ha, haha. Die to me!!"

‘昘昘! ’

Several steel nails penetrated Jiang Xiao's neck.

A 'boom' sound.

Jiang Xiao's head fell to the ground and rolled around a few times before stopping.

"You have repeatedly challenged my dignity as the dean, and you really think I am a fool!"

So what about strong recovery capabilities?

I don't believe you can survive if you cut off your head!

But he miscalculated. Jiang Xiao's ability is not to recover, but to survive!

Under the shocked gaze of the dean.

Jiang Xiao's headless body grew a new head.

And the head without a body has regrown the lower half of the body!

"The question of whether you are a naughty person or not is very complicated."

Jiang Xiao touched his chin and said seriously.

"Oh, maybe you're not, I think you're more like... Right! You're more like Mr. Krabs!"

"No, no, no, you're a boss, the dean is more like a boss!"

Another Jiang Xiao obviously had a different view.

"But that's not important, Mr. Krabs. Will you tell me where SpongeBob is?"

"You called me wrong! He is Boss! Boss, you just need to tell me where SpongeBob is, and I will tell you a secret~"

"Oh no! You can't do this. You can't tell this bad guy the secret method of delicious crab pot!"

"As you said, he is Mr. Crab, not Mr. Crab."

"That may be true, but I still won't agree, SpongeBob will be angry!"

"Actually, the secret I want to tell you is to tell the boss where the boogers come from."

"I don't think Mr. Krabs wants to know the secret you told me."

"No, he is the boss! I think he must want to know!"

"Mr. Krabs, please find a way to prove who you really are."

"Boss, tell him! Who are you?"

Jiang Xiao handed the nails on the wall back to the stunned dean.

The dean held the steel nail and sat on the chair at a loss.

"Dean, you have to hold him! Hold it hard, hold it hard!"


This Jiang Xiao is an unkillable madman and a psychopath!

‘DuangDuangDuang! ’

The dean almost frantically picked up the steel nails on the table and nailed them to the chair again with a bang.

Labor and management won’t play with you anymore!

It's actually quite comfortable to pin yourself up.

"Mr. Krabs, since...since the exam is based on ranking, why don't everyone hand in the blank paper together?"

Oh my God, what kind of brain circuit is this to think of this?

"Please! Let Boss Ruffian or Mr. Krabs sleep! As you can see, I am willing to give up my position as the dean!"

[I want to change the channel, my mind is so confused. 】

[The dean was so tortured that he was even willing to hand over his position as dean. 】

[No one who has suffered from cerebral thrombosis for thirty years can’t understand what Jiang Xiao is talking about. 】

【remember! Don't try to understand a psycho, unless you want to be him. 】

[But I think what he said makes a little bit sense]

[If everyone scores zero in the college entrance examination, wouldn’t everyone go to college? It saves me more than ten years of hard study! 】

【This is a really great idea! It’s hard to imagine that a lunatic could ask this. 】

[Brothers, change the channel, I would rather watch Dr. Wobbly’s reasoning.]

When he saw that Jiang Xiao was finally willing to let the dean go.

Everyone, change the channel immediately!

If you continue reading, you will really become mentally ill.

At this time, Wobuju's nerves were still tense, and the ground was soaked with cold sweat.

The weird 'dong dong' sound didn't leave, and kept knocking on his door erratically.

‘Boom! ! ’

It seemed that he was getting angry, and the last knock on the door was very loud!

Then the sound of 'dong dong' probably meant that I didn't want to wait anymore, and gradually became farther and farther away.


Wobu took a big breath of air, and the depressing feeling just now almost made his nerves collapse.

‘Dong dong dong~’

Damn it, the horse rider is here again!

Wobuju, who had just relaxed, became nervous again!

"Dr. Wobuju, we should go for ward rounds." The person knocking on the door said,

Oh, it turned out to be a security guard.

In order to confirm safety, Wobuju asked the people outside the door a few more questions before carefully opening the door a crack.

It wasn't until he got it right that he went out to check the ward with the security guard.

"By the way, did you hear the knocking sound just now?"

Knocking sound?

The security guard glanced at Wobuju suspiciously.

"I stayed in the corridor and didn't hear anything."


Could it be a mental auditory hallucination?

Wobuju turned his head and glanced at his door. There was clearly a blood-red mark on it!

Not only that, there are countless messy scratches on it!

"Let's go, Dr. Wobuju, finish your rounds and go to bed quickly."

Seeing that the security guard didn't want to say more, Wobuju suppressed his curiosity and decided to see if he could find some clues through ward rounds.

Open Wang Xiaoai's room.

She found that the latter was sleeping soundly and soundly, and not even the sound of the two men making rounds could wake her up.

However, the thoughtful Wobuju still had doubts about this.

Is it possible that she is pretending to sleep?

After all, the sound of opening the door or checking the ward was not too quiet, so couldn't it wake her up?

Open Wang Hai's room.

The latter hadn't gone to bed yet and looked like he was just getting ready to sleep.

Wang Hai was also accustomed to ward rounds and did not reveal any flaws.

Not in bed?

Could it be Wang Hai?

After knocking on the door, he went straight back to his room, but why did the security guard say he didn't see anything?

The last one is Bailiu's room.

The latter was still beautiful, and made tea for both the security guard and Wo Buju who came to check the ward.

And she herself sat on the side holding a book and started reading.

As the aroma of tea wafted out, Bai Liu frowned and said.

"It's strange. I just heard a 'dong dong dong' knock on the door. It kept knocking for a long time."

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