Jiang Xiao glanced at Mu Xitang.

There is no disturbance in my heart.

never mind.

All the digging has been done, there is no need to dwell on it now.

"Rules, bring them."

The bearded man bowed and handed the rules to Jiang Xiao with a flattering look on his face.

Although they are a fighting nation, if the man they are facing is the Jiang Shen of the Dragon Kingdom, they will naturally have to lick them.

After working for dozens of minutes in vain, Mu Xitang also blushed a little.

But as a smart brain, how could she miss such things as reading the rules?

So two wise heads, one big and one small, got together.

[Rule 1: You have five days to rush to the Romiya Cathedral in the city (initially a four-person team, the captain has the right to kick out members, the more people in the team, the greater the difficulty)]

[Rule 2: You can use what you see and touch (everything)]

[Rule 3: If you want to ensure your physical strength, you first need to ensure your normal intake of three meals a day]

[Rule 4: If you enter a cake shop without surveillance, never stay alone with a little girl]

[Rule 5: There are some good things in the town, you must have the life to get them in advance]

[Rule 6: Everyone here is full of devout faith in Romiya Cathedral]

[Rule 7: If you get on a modern vehicle, you must find a way to maintain his emotional stability]

[Rule 8: If you need to take the subway, remember not to look at them, don’t lower your head to tie your shoes, and any reflective objects on your shoes must be removed in advance]

[Rule 9: This map is larger and there are more unpredictable factors. If you violate taboos, the difficulty of this ghost story will increase]

On the back of the note is a simple map.


It's really big enough.

There is a small dot where Jiang Xiao is, and the endless pasture in front of him is just a corner.

If we rely on Route 11 to reach Romiya Church in five days, we will probably have to hurry up and not lose a moment.


This rule is somewhat unreasonable.

It was really too far, even if there was no obstruction to walk to the cathedral, I would still be in a ball from exhaustion.

Moreover, how can it be so easy when you have to meet the normal intake of three meals a day during such a high-intensity journey?


Mu Xitang wrinkled her pink hair and touched her chin, looking exactly like that.

"Little sister Mu Xitang, do you have any unique insights?"


Mu Xitang nodded.

"I guess there must be something wrong with this church!"

The three of them continued to look at Little Pink Hair eagerly, anticipating her next words.


That's it?

Ouch, shit, it seems like you, an aborigine, are like that!

The three of them couldn't help but be disappointed.

They could see that this little pink-haired girl didn't have any hard goods in her belly, and she was just putting on this hard stuff.

At first, the three of them thought that they were aborigines from Kaitan, and that they would know some of the secrets of the Kaitan world.

Now it seems that we have to rely on Jiang Xiao!

"God Ginger, since there are no treasures in the ground, why don't we set off immediately?"

Looking at the continuous journey, Curly Hair urged.

"We? What we? You want me to take you three burdens with me?"

Jiang Xiao pointed to the rules, which clearly stated that the more people there were, the more difficult it would be.

The other party's cold and ruthless words touched the hearts of the three of them.

"Well, we, actually"

Just when the three of them were about to dig out of the three rooms and one living room with their toes in embarrassment.

Little Pink Hair's eyes lit up. Isn't this the little follower given to her by God?

Dad doesn’t want it, but she does!

Thinking of this, Mu Xitang immediately grabbed Jiang Xiao's sleeve.

"Dad~ take it with you, there are so many people~ Please, okay~"

If the daughter begs for mercy, then there is nothing more to say.

"Then you three, stay close. If you die, I will bury you all."

The three big enemies immediately cast a grateful look at the little girl.

Although IQ is not online.

But he is indeed a good person.

After accepting the three younger brothers from the future, Mu Xitang happily jumped onto Jiang Xiao's back and lay there without saying a word.

He also pointed to a herd of big-horned cows in the distance.

"Dad, Xitang hasn't drunk milk yet. The kind sold in the village before were all drinks mixed with water."

Jiang Xiao glanced at Mu Xitang, who was pretending to be pitiful, and exposed him mercilessly.

"You have drank it. You have drank it in the cafeteria and the amusement park. Several leaders have given you some special milk that is hard to buy even if you have money. You secretly hid it under the bed, thinking I didn't see it. .”

"But, this is a live cow. I've never drunk anything fresh like this. I want to drink it. I want to drink it~"

Mu Xitang targeted these dairy herds when he first came to the ranch.

If you don't speak now, you won't be able to drink when you leave.

dairy cow?

Landing point at the ranch?

Why do a group of cows suddenly appear here?

"Please daddy, just a little bit, just drink until a little bit."

Jiang Xiao looked at the rules, then looked at the map on the back, and felt a little enlightened.

He made an ojbk gesture directly to Mu Xitang.

"Don't move, wait for me."

Three kinds of resentment:.

Really, I have never been so speechless in my life.

This is a strange story about rules, brother. Time is tight and the tasks are heavy. Are you still in the mood to find milk for your daughter?

The barrage also started to complain.

【What are you doing? It has been a long time since everyone else left, but we are the only ones who are still on the farm without moving. 】

[Oh, I admit that Mu Xitang is cute, but bringing her in is not nonsense! 】

[Isn’t this just a drag bottle? 】

[I'm a little annoyed with her. My personal opinion is, don't argue. If you argue, you are right. 】

[Little girls, it is easy to act coquettishly towards the people they rely on. Think about it, did you have any experience of being coquettish towards your parents when you were a child? 】

[This is not a question of whether to act coquettishly or not, the question is that we shouldn’t bring along such a dragster as her! 】

[She is only five or six years old! Can you be more sensible? 】

【Sane ass! Let me ask you, did she delay progress? This is just the beginning. Who knows what she will do next? 】

[It is recommended that the country intervene directly and don’t let Jiang Xiao take her with her next time. She is so disgusting. 】

[Can you please stop being so malicious to a little girl? She doesn’t understand anything yet, and she also said that just drinking a little bit will be fine, but what about you? 】

[As a father, I understand Jiang Xiao, but what I don’t understand is that they have only known each other for a long time. Are they so sticky? Even if they enter into a strange story, they have to be together? Emotions also need to be cultivated slowly, right? 】

[Anyway, I think Little Pink Hair is pretty good, and I think there is obviously something wrong with this dairy herd. Don’t forget, Jiang Xiao didn’t agree to Mu Xitang’s request right away. 】

[Hehehe, I hope so]

[We are not criticizing Xiaofenmao for being ignorant, but we are criticizing her for why she followed Jiang Xiao into the ghost story. Will she die if she stays outside? 】

[Hehehe, I really hope that this little bastard girl dies directly in the ghost story, so that Jiang Xiao can spare his energy to take care of her. 】

[It’s better to be dead. It’s weird in the first place. If you don’t die, it will become a disaster sooner or later. 】

【Fuck you! Shut up, everyone! 】

A gold-label certified ID appeared, calming the rioting barrage.

After sending the message, Chief Li slammed the table heavily!

If these people knew that Mu Xitang almost froze to death waiting for his father in a cold and helpless world.

Will you ever say something like this again?

Isn't she just clinging to Jiang Xiao?

Is it wrong for a five or six year old girl to cling to her father?

Moreover, 80% of the comments show the same IP address in the background.

It was obviously a deliberate attempt to arouse public ill will towards the little pink haired boy!

The world has become a mess, why are some forces still unwilling to give up? !

"Block all accounts with the same device and IP address!"

"Forget it, just ask the local people to come to your door and arrest him to see what's going on!"

If the tiger doesn't show off its power, it will really kill me!

As this man is older, he would hate to see a poor little girl like Mu Xitang being scolded like this!

Doesn’t Mu Xitang know that strange talk is dangerous?

Wasn't she worried about Jiang Xiao's safety and wanted to go in with him?

Although maybe I probably overestimated my IQ.

Thinking of this, Chief Li picked up the document and knocked Dr. Sun on the head.

"Look at your bad idea! When my little pink hair enters the ghost story, it will be conspicuous!"

"Oh, don't worry, don't worry, although Mu Xitang does look dazed, but think about it carefully, is Jiang Xiao a little bit normal?"


That's right.

What Dr. Sun said seems to be true.

"We just made Jiang Xiao, who was originally a conspicuous bag, turn into Xiao Fenmao as a conspicuous bag. Recalling the previous scene, Jiang Xiao's conspicuous bag name scene was not more outrageous than that of Xiao Fenmao?"

"No matter what, we all made a profit. Think about it, if Xiao Fenmao hadn't dragged Jiang Xiao to the farmer's yard in the first place, Jiang Xiao might have wandered off to where he is now!"

Yes ha~

The prerequisite for clearing this level must be to complete Rule 1 and reach Romiya Cathedral.

The maps in the previous ghost talks were all very small, and Jiang Xiao could win by just messing around.

The current map is obviously very large, probably covering most of the city.

Do you expect Jiang Xiao to find the cathedral just by wandering around?

Dream on.

If he can't be found within five days, will Jiang Xiao be left in the ghost story forever, and then be judged as a failure to challenge the Dragon Kingdom?

Thinking of this, Chief Li couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

Little Pink Hair, luckily I have you!


Although their guesses were quite different.

But the reason why Jiang Xiao is emotionally stable is not because of Mu Xitang's existence.

The main reason is that Sister Baoer's nature is like this.

Although it may be awkward in some cases, a stable group wins.

When Jiang Xiao approached the cattle, the barrage began to become restless again.

It was just that they couldn't see clearly because they were far away. As they got closer, they also discovered that the cattle seemed to be very unusual.

[Is this cow too big? 】

[Hey, in the mouth of Uzumaki Naruto, the younger brother of Uzumaki Uzumaki, cough, what do you mean? 】

【I wipe it! I advise you not to be too outrageous. Is this bullshit, buddy? 】

[It doesn’t matter, I not only control my feet, but also my fur! With conscience in mind, do you think these cows are beautiful? 】

[Cough, I feel like Jiang Xiao is going crazy. No one understands Jiang Shen’s disease cycle better than me. 】

[Yes, he has been normal for so long. Calculating time, the calm period of his condition should have passed. 】

[You call it normal that he just believed the nonsense of a five-year-old girl and went to hoe the ground? 】

[Relatively speaking, it is indeed normal for this kind of thing to happen to Jiang Shen. 】

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