‘Dong dong~’

A chill spread rapidly from Wobuju's buttocks to his whole body.

"Doctor, why aren't you moving?"

Bai Liu's voice is very wrong!

‘Dong dong~’

Wobuju's body was completely stiff,

He couldn't move now, fear had blocked his throat and eyes.

This thumping sound was so familiar to him!

Is the midnight sound coming from Bailiu?

‘Dong dong~’

Accompanied by the thumping sound, Wobuju finally saw Bailiu's current appearance clearly.

At this time, the expression on her face became extremely crazy, and her eyes had completely bulged out.

Moreover, he was holding a child's head in his hand and was constantly tapping the wall.

That's right

Wobuju's guess was right at first. The "dong-dong" sound was the muffled sound of hitting something with his head.

Cold sweat fell from Wobuju's forehead, and after swallowing, the doctor spoke with difficulty.

"Bai Bailiu, listen to me, we, we should go find...the dean now."

"Click, click..."

Bai Liu made a strange syllable in his throat, and then smiled sweetly.

"Dean? You came too late, the dean is already dead~"


Wobuju rushed towards the door, but was pulled back by a strong force and fell to the ground.

Bai Liu was riding on Wobuju's body, with his head bent back 180 degrees, facing Wobuju.

"Want to run away? What's wrong? Am I not good-looking?"

"Good-looking, good-looking."

Wobuju struggled desperately while echoing her words.

“You’re so good-looking but you’re still struggling!”


Bai Liu's black right hand inserted directly into Wobuju's chest.

"Gah ga ga, I caught it, a beating heart~"

Black and red blood spread on the ground.

Wobuju opened his mouth and breathed air hard. Some blood even came out of Wobuju's mouth.

He could feel that Bai Liu could crush his heart with just a little force.

"Can I be an understandable person?"

Wobuju used his last strength to say this.

He couldn't figure out where he made the mistake in his calculations. He was obviously following the rules of Kaitan.

"You know what? Hahaha! You know what? Didn't I tell you that this is a divided mental hospital~"


With a muffled sound, Wobuju's heart was directly crushed.

This doctor of reasoning who connected two levels and whose IQ was on par with Einstein's finally ended up with a grievance.

The live broadcast room of Lighthouse Country went black.

Rules Weirdan issued an announcement.

[The Chosen One of the Lighthouse Kingdom: Wo Buju, the challenge (divided mental hospital) failed. 】

[The weirdness will come in 120 seconds, descending on the city - Chicago, wreaking havoc for 48 hours. 】

At this time, everything was quiet in the live broadcast room of Lighthouse Country.

With victory in sight, the professor was actually killed?

Is this Bai Liu, who always looks the most normal, not normal?

Although the Lighthouse Kingdom did not speak, the Dragon Kingdom would not miss the opportunity to mock them.

After all, some dogs had been chasing and biting them in the Dragon Kingdom live broadcast room.

[Where is the charming foreign dog? Why don't you scream now? 】

[Worshipping foreigners is a manifestation of ignorance. It makes people unable to truly understand and experience the essence of foreign cultures, and they cannot truly understand their own cultural traditions. 】

[Can the five thousand years of cultural treasures of our Dragon Kingdom be compared to those underdeveloped bandits? 】

[Even if our country is taken away, our culture cannot be taken away, not to mention that we still have a majestic country thousands of miles away! 】

Many Meiyang dogs who did not live in the strange invasion area breathed a sigh of relief and picked up the keyboard again.

[So what if it fails? Our lighthouse has many talented people, and some of them are better than you by nature. 】

[Man makes mistakes and horses make mistakes. What does a failure mean? 】

[You still have the nerve to ridicule us. If you have the time, why not go see your chosen psychopath~]

The dead duck has a tough mouth, and those who are arrogant will be finished sooner or later!

[It’s boring. Lighthouse’s challenge this time is over. Let’s go back to Jiang Shen’s live broadcast room. 】

Many people couldn't help but smile bitterly when they saw the word "Jiang Shen".

It would be great if Jiang Xiao wasn't mentally ill, and his body is immortal. He should probably be a legendary SSS-level talent.

Although this kind of talent is not invincible, it can be used in more than 80% of the monster worlds!

At this time, Jiang Xiao also went to Bai Liu's room with a dark face.

He didn't even wait for security to knock on the door and accompany him.

‘Bang! ’

Bai Liu's room was kicked open by him!

"Bai Liu! You promised to take me to find Spongebob tonight! Look what time it is now!"

Bai Liu, who was combing his long hair in the room, looked confused.

Σ(☉▽☉“aI wipe it?

Is this guy so eager to come here and die?


Bai Liu tilted his head and let out a few weird laughs, then placed his bloody head on the table.

"Okay, SpongeBob, right? You sit down for a while, and I'll take you to find SpongeBob right away."

I'll go find that damn Spongebob with you right away!

Unknowingly, Jiang Xiao sat down on Bai Liu's hospital bed and just watched Bai Liu combing her hair.

'boom! ’

The door to the room was closed by a force.

Then you could clearly see that blood came out of Bai Liu's hair as he was combing it.

My long hair began to fall out rapidly.

Even large chunks of scalp were combed off by her!

The bright red head was so nakedly exposed to the light.

But Bai Liu still had no intention of stopping, and kept combing his head with the comb.

Without the protection of his scalp, Bai Liu's brain was like a thin layer of cowhide.

Every time you comb it, you can create large, dense wrinkles.

This picture made the people in the live broadcast room a little unable to stand it.

[Mom, I think it’s good to turn off the lights, otherwise it would be really disgusting. 】

[Are the buddies who faced Bai Liuchong from before still there? 】

[Yes, uh, I have already recorded the screen and saved it. I think Bailiu like this is more exciting. I will start with three punches tonight! 】

【Fuck! Dude, can you do this too? ! ! 】

[Uh, how about you guys see Jiang Xiao’s reaction? 】

Jiang Xiao was still sitting on the edge of the bed in a daze, not realizing the seriousness of the problem at all.

[Is he scared? 】

[Do you think you can scare a psychopath? 】

Bai Liu pretended to glance back from the mirror inadvertently, wanting to see the boy's frightened reaction.

Haha, you are motionless, you must be frightened, right?

I want you to come here every day to make me angry!

I must torture you well today and then kill you!

Just when Bai Liu wanted to cut open his skull, Jiang Xiao couldn't sit still.

"No, no! The way you comb your hair is completely wrong! Oh! This is really too bad!"

Jiang Xiao not only couldn't sit still, he also ran to Bai Liu and grabbed the comb to help her take care of it.

Bai Liu:? ? ? ?

"What? Wait wait! Stop! Aren't you afraid of me?"

What to be afraid of?

Jiang Xiao had already picked up the comb and brushed Bai Liu's hair style.

"Bai Liu, I know what kind of haircut you want, I did it for Spongebob before!"

Jiang Xiao's set of "haircut" movements can be said to be combing up and down with his hands!

"It's done, what do you think?"

Bai Liu looked at herself in the mirror and was confused.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also confused.

Many people have been fucked hard by the "hair style" that Jiang Xiao has styled.

This horse-riding person is really perverted, even more disgusting than Bai Liu himself.


Looking at himself in the mirror, Bai Liu let out the most miserable scream in his life!

Not to mention a large piece of his skull was cut out by him.

This outrageous Jiang Xiao also trimmed his brain into a weird oval shape!

It’s really ugly and disgusting! ! !

"Tell me, you have personally trimmed SpongeBob in this style?!"

Bai Liu was really furious, and his whole body was trembling!

"Uh" Jiang Xiao pondered for a while, blushed and scratched his head and said shyly: "I think so, I trimmed it for Spongebob myself on Halloween in the twelfth episode of the first season."

Bai Liu:? ? ? ?

It's not your pink bubble teapot that makes you blush. I'm not complimenting you!

(Short comment on the above picture, eh, the style of painting is weird, don’t look at it while eating)

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