I was mentally ill and was selected to participate in the strange rules talk

Chapter 191 Firearms are my talent, but getting close is also my hobby!

Chapter 191 Firearms are my talent, but getting close is also my hobby!

What a robber!

This man didn't even bother to find a lame excuse to go to Grandma Li's house.

The main reason is that this man said such shameless words in front of his daughter.

Isn't he afraid of bringing up the children?



You said his daughter is a pure little devil, oh, that's okay.

Yali and Martha were also behind to persuade Rocky, the gang boss.

"Loki, surrender, it's important to save your life!"

"Yes, this is not the time to be stubborn, otherwise things may get very bad."

Facing the two women's admonitions, Loki sneered.

"Surrender? Ha, hehe. You don't think that's all I have, do you?"

Everyone was stunned.

No, could it be that Loki has some other tricks up his sleeve?

You know, as the largest underground gang within a radius of dozens of kilometers, Rocky must have his own unique methods.

Looking at everyone's surprised expressions, Loki nodded with satisfaction.

"Tsk! You think you've won by taking my gun? You don't really think that my famous Loki is the kind of guy who only hides behind others and fires cold shots, do you?"


Does he have any other recruits?

Martha frowned subconsciously.

It’s time to say it without nagging. Even she doesn’t know what the black boss Loki’s true ability is.

But he must have extraordinary means, otherwise he would not be in the position he is today.

"You, this man with a face full of dementia, do you think that my hand-to-hand combat skills are weak when you see me holding two guns? I tell you!"

Rocky, who fell to the ground, had a face full of confidence and arrogance. He rolled up from the ground with a standard carp kick, and then performed a fancy back-to-back punch!

"Ah hoo! Firearms are my talent! But close range...ah! It's also my hobby! Let you try it again, eh? eh?!"

I lost it!

The arrogant expression on Loki's face froze instantly.

Doesn't it feel right to the touch?

Under everyone's disbelieving gazes, Loki slowly took out the "Level 2 Certificate in Cow Postpartum Care" pinned to his lower back.

Everyone:? ? ?


Yali's body was shaken by thunder.

Wang Defa?

What's up, buddy?

Is it because the underworld can no longer survive, and now it is a technical job such as breeding and midwifery?

Firearms are your talent, but providing postpartum care to heifers up close is also your hobby, right?

There is nothing wrong with this!

"No, where are my power gloves for riding a horse? Where are the gloves I fastened to my lower back! Gloves! Where are my gloves? Where are they?"

Just when Loki was rummaging through the waistband of his pants like a headless fly.

Martha's words gave him a shot of despair.

"Well Loki, speaking of gloves, well, how about you see if the thing on the devil's father's hand looks like your gloves?"

Loki looked up and saw Jiang Xiao wearing extremely thin black tactical gloves on his hands, looking left and right.


Jiang Xiao:.

"Hey, what's going on? Little brother, why don't you give me back your gloves first? Let's fight head-on in a fair and just way."

"More, the fourth child said, put things in your trouser pockets and don't put things on your back. Those things are what that person doesn't want. Don't you want to let them go? Just give them to me if you don't want them!"

"Fart! What kind of gangster logic are you talking about?! No one in the world can be as reasonable as you! You actually took advantage of others while you were fighting, and you want to show off your shame!"

Loki was so anxious that he jumped up and down. At the same time, he was also surprised at how accurate and dark this kid's attack was!

He didn't notice when the gloves were taken away.

"The cauldron! It's not just a random thing, I've been thinking about it from the first second I entered the tavern!"

Loki::? ? ?

"This horse riding is not a question of whether you are smooth or not. You have to be reasonable. How can you steal someone else's work during a fight?"

"That's right, you have to know what's right and wrong as a person. If I can return it to you, why bother to take it!"

Everyone:? ? ?

Barrage:? ? ?

Loki: I'm so speechless!

Overall, what Jiang Xiao said seemed to make some sense but not much.

After working on it for a long time, Jiang Xiao seemed to understand the purpose of the gloves. He shook his head like a pendulum and randomly raised his fingers provocatively at Loki. .

"Besides, if I don't pay you back, how can you tease me? Come on, let's fight."


Yes, if Jiang Xiao doesn’t pay you back, what will you do, Loki?

He can't be beaten, and he can't be coquettish. The main reason is that this guy is so shameless and shameless. You can't even think about kidnapping him morally by reasoning.



Seeing that the situation was almost settled, the little pink-haired boy hiding behind gave a dry cough.

The three resentful people around her looked at each other helplessly.

This cough meant that Master Xitang was starting to show off.

Although they were reluctant, they still shouted out extremely shameful quotes as requested by their little ancestor.

Bearded o(^`)o: "There was a loud noise in the sky!"

Curly Hair(`⊿): "Xitang makes a brilliant appearance!"

Black girl (*`д): “Been traveling all over the world for many years!”

Curly Hair (乂`д): "Teach the master a sweet voice!"

They all said in unison: "First there is Xitang and then there is Tian, ​​who will be able to compete with the gods for eternity!"

As the three of them finished shouting, Mu Xitang, who had his back turned to everyone, stretched out his little milk-stained hand and pressed it down in a low-key manner, indicating that he was low-key.

Mu Xitang: ()

"Ahem, it's a false name. It's all a false name. It's too flattering and I love you so much. I'm honored by everyone on the road. In this case, Big Beard, go ahead and tie up all these people."


Are you playing like this?

As long as you are not embarrassed enough to pick your feet, then it will be someone else who is picking your feet, right?

Mu Xitang's face was full of pride, and he didn't even notice the resentful trio whose faces were turning red.

Such a shameful scene would be very shocking even in the context of their life experiences from childhood to adulthood.

The bearded man was the first to pull out the woman Elena who had been pushed to the floor by Jiang Xiao.

He checked his breathing and realized that, although his breathing was very weak, he was definitely still alive and could not die.

Then came the swordsman who was knocked unconscious by Jiang Xiao's shovel. It's not the swordsman's fault that he couldn't even hold the shovel.

Mainly because Jiang Xiao's power was so terrifying that the shovel even made a sonic boom.

As for Yali Masa and Loki, the three of them also consciously tied each other up and squatted in a row.


As soon as the people were tied up, Mu Xitang came to them with small steps and started searching.

"Dad! Watch me perform a body search for you!"

Little Pink Hair showed off the trophies she found to Jiang Xiao with a proud face.

Needless to say, although Little Pink Hair is a bit dull most of the time, her memory of babies is surprisingly good.

Even the Holy Light Pill that Yali had hidden in the ravine in her chest was pulled out by her.

Because of this, she could verify what she found with the "chips" they had just said, making sure that she would not miss anything.


Didn't see it.

Xiao Fenmao is very skilled in this body search technique.

When Jiang Xiao was about to ask her where she studied.

The erotic nun who was bound by the tortoise shell spoke.

"This powerful one can consider you an awakened one. Can I ask you a question?"


Martha thought for a while and finally asked the question she wanted to ask.

"I think I don't quite understand. As an awakened person, and such a powerful awakened person, why do you want to associate with the devil? You are so powerful, and I don't believe that this pink devil can confuse your mind."

Did she mention the devil again?

The name may be different, but Jiang Xiao felt that the devil in his mouth was most likely the "weird" in his mind.

'Snapped! ’

Before Jiang Xiao could answer her, Mu Xitang's small slap had already hit her face.

As if she still wasn't relieved, she picked up the cocktails on the bar and smashed them on Martha's head one after another.

Thinking of the scene where I was bullied by her just now.

She was poisoned and had a nosebleed, tied up and put in a sack, and she was even sold!

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. She felt that she couldn't do enough by herself!

Not only did she fight on her own, but she also greeted the three bearded men.

"You three, don't be stunned. Come and fight with me. I'm tired of fighting alone!"

Each of the three people had something to do in their hands, and they used tables, chairs, benches, etc. They were really killing the nun!


Loki and Yali on the side were trembling when they saw it.

No, you are not a buddy. What you are doing is really dark. If you keep greeting like this, you will have to flash your lights when Ultraman comes.

In particular, Xiao Fenmao also carried out dual physical and spiritual attacks, attacking and taunting at the same time.

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