
Sister Baoer, who has an indifferent nature, obviously doesn't want to meet Wang Dayong.

And this kid does look like he has reformed a bit.

As for the golden ticket~

Regardless of Brother Dayong's flattered expression, Jiang Xiao still gave him the money.

You can't take this thing out even if you think about it with your butt. Even if it is taken out, we in the Dragon Kingdom don't recognize this kind of money!

Giving it to him would also prevent him from stumbling behind his back, so he didn't care, he was mainly worried about Little Pink Hair.

Wang Dayong, who held 10,000 gold tickets, finally had light in his eyes.

"Thank you, Brother Jiang Xiao! Thank you! My admiration for you is like a torrential river, which is endless, and like the overflowing Yellow River, which can be out of control."


Mu Xitang, who had been waiting for a long time, interrupted Wang Dayong's flattery with a cold snort.

"Shut up, lead the way, and wait for me to arrange everything, otherwise you will know my father's methods."

Little Pink Hair was not very satisfied because her father once again took away her prestige.

This girl calls Jiang Xiao daddy?

Wouldn't that

Wang Dayong's expression was shocked, "Holy shit!" Isn't it? I really asked this man to get rid of the "daughter" in the ghost story!

What a big trough! !

I was shocked in my heart, but I didn't dare to delay, and immediately started licking this noble little girl.

"Oh! My eyes are clumsy, my eyes are clumsy. Isn't this a little princess? I mean, let me tell you, what does a mere exchange of equal value mean to Brother Jiang Xiao?"

"I can tell from your temperament that you will definitely outshine your father in the future! Even at such a young age, I, a veteran of ghost stories, feel a little oppressive. If you go all out, I guess I won't either. opponent."

Wang Dayong's flattery to Jiang Xiao is useless.

But the effect of shooting Mu Xitang was super doubled.

Fortunately, the little pink hair has no tail, otherwise it would definitely fly up to the sky.

(д): "Then you don't have to say, me, hum! Who in the world doesn't know my name, Mu Xitang, 伱"

Mu Xitang looked at the others and found that no one cared about him, so he quietly approached Wang Dayong and said.

(): "Ahem, what's wrong? If you have time, help me promote it more. I'll benefit from you in the future."

Wang Dayong was stunned, what the hell?

Why does this little loli like to pretend?

After finishing her whisper, Little Pink Hair looked stern.

(): "Hey, did you hear what I said clearly?"

Wang Dayong immediately recovered from his stunned expression.

"I know, I know! Lord Xitang is eternally invincible, and he is invincible in pushing strange stories! I respect you from the bottom of my heart! Have you seen the large ultra-clear LED blue-ray screen above our heads? I will play it 24 hours a day Lord Xitang’s glorious deeds, the kind with dynamic photos!”

Mu Xitang, who pretended not to care much about this, waved his hand.

"Hum, these things are useless to me. I've reached the point where I don't rejoice in things or feel sad about myself. But since you are so determined to do it, I won't say anything."

In the end, Wang Dayong took Mu Xitang to take more than a dozen photos and videos of different styles.

She was also forced to swear a poisonous oath that she would play it on a loop. Unless Wang Dayong died, the broadcast would not be stopped!

Wang Dayong almost cried again.

What kind of ancestor-level figure is this?

He said he didn't care, but he felt that it was too cruel for him to be weird!

A total of 64 poisonous oaths.

The lightest way to die is for the entire family, including all children and immediate family members, to be repeatedly crushed by the top four and the bottom eight.


From Wang Dayong's personal feeling, I can only say that like father, like daughter.

This pink-haired little loli will definitely be amazing when she grows up, and she will probably kill the ghost story!

The most important thing is that Mu Xitang said that she has two [daughters] like her, and her father has not fished them out for the time being.

Mu Xitang fiddled with her phone, which was full of photos she had taken.

Very satisfied!

Bai Yi and Shi Shi will definitely be jealous of themselves by then!

Thinking of the two women jealous of her, Mu Xitang could not stop grinning.

"What's your name? Dayong, right? Okay, okay, let's see you again soon!"

No, no goodbye, Wang Dayong just wanted to see them off quickly.

The three bearded men were already speechless.

What exactly is Mu Xitang’s growth technology tree?

Her poor acting skills can only deceive herself, right?

Big Beard: (┏口┓≠) "Uh, Leader Xitang, do you feel that you are a little bit?"

Mu Xitang: o.O "Something?"

Seeing the retarded look in Mu Xitang's eyes that looked exactly like Jiang Xiao's, the bearded man stopped questioning.

What he was thinking now was the same as Wang Dayong.

Like father, like daughter.

The trio looked at each other and sighed.

Forget it, let’s be an actor together with little pink hair, just pretend you can’t tell~

[I am turning a blind eye when I should be cooperating with your performance]

【What should I look like so that I can cooperate in the role】

At this time, the security inspector looked at the stationmaster Wang Dayong hesitantly.

"Brother, are you just going to let them pass? I'm afraid."

"Are you afraid of an egg hammer! Do you care about him? I just ask you if the money is in our hands?"

"But isn't this a bit unethical?"

"You care so much? I am the webmaster, and my rules are the rules!"


"Stop being so stubborn! Give them the green light to go all the way, and don't let the staff on the high-speed rail offend them. If anything happens, I'll be responsible for it!" Wang Dayong was furious when he saw the security inspector's lack of vision and knowledge.

He can bring me to my knees without even saying a word. Are you blind or something?

What do you think of me? Not letting them pass?

Then lead a black dog who also has no eyesight to reveal Mu Xitang's weird identity?

Then what?

Recognized, how are you?

Fight with that psycho?

You idiots don't think that the man who hasn't spoken a word is easy to bully, right?

Wang Dayong relied on a few things to survive in the world of ghost stories for so long.

Greedy for life and afraid of death, betraying one's trust, betraying one's brothers, cheating on others, framing others, and taking care of one's sister-in-law!

Besides, the official position of [webmaster] is very small in this magical tale.

But on a piece of land like one-third of an acre at the high-speed rail station, he, Wang Dayong, is the absolute local emperor!

"Is there no direct train to Romiya Church?"

Looking at the scrolling electronic screen, Curly Hair couldn't help but frowned.

"You have to take the high-speed train to Lunt first, and then transfer to a bus or take a taxi to go to this cathedral in the suburbs. That's not right. The location of the church is very remote, and buses may not be available."

"Normally, in a modern city, it would be normal for something as feudal and superstitious as a church to be built in a slightly off location, right?"

"Fart! I've already talked about weird rules, and why are you talking about this and that?"

Just as they were discussing the route forward, a coquettish voice interrupted them.

"Dad, dad, look, the door is too small, it seems like Niu Niu can't get through."

Mu Xitang stood on the bull's horn and gestured at the position of the high-speed rail's electric gate, and found that he was a head taller than the gate.


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