Curly Hair even used his talent [Hand Blade], and rushed towards the devil woman and slashed her.

The bearded man and the black girl's eyes lit up when they saw this.

The three of them rushed towards the devil woman like a man who had been thirsty for more than ten years and saw a beautiful woman.

After all, experience in actual combat with the weird is rare, so just treat it as practice.

"Awakened One?"

When these women saw Curly's palms and the black girl's outrageous speed, their eyes suddenly lit up.

But then it dimmed again.

"No, it's useless. A physical awakener can't kill her."

Jiang Xiao remained silent, just silently watching the performance of Curly Hair and the others, seeming to be thinking about something.

In fact, it’s not just Jiang Xiao.

Including high-level officials from outside countries.

At this time, they were all staring at every frame in the live broadcast room.

Maybe they can figure out a lot of things in this weird story with a huge map!

At least.

The information this world knows about the devil [Weird] must far exceed that of Blue Star!

After a lot of beatings and torture.

Big Beard and the others have basically determined what the strength of this devil woman is.

If she hadn't had so many joints broken by Mu Xitang, she should be stronger than them.

But with all the joints in his body broken, he was much weaker than them.

Finally, he worked up a trick, spitting out some black mist from his mouth in an attempt to infect the others.

Unexpectedly, she was restrained severely by Little Pink Hair, who sucked up the black mist emitted by the devil girl with a sharp breath.


Threesome: (_|||)

This thing is really weak. The black mist that comes with it from the factory is weird, but this devil woman actually has to brew it for a long time.

But the little pink-haired girl's hand of sucking the black mist shocked the other girls in the carriage for a hundred years.

She. How could she absorb this extremely polluting black mist with her mouth?

I’ve never heard of nuns purifying demons by sucking them through their mouths?

Could it be that this little girl is also an awakened person, and her talent is to purify demonic power or something?

"She really didn't say much about resisting beatings. You can see that her body seems to be slowly recovering."

The black girl looked at the holes in the devil girl's body and said.

"What if we get something to plug her wound?"

Curly Hair made a suggestion.

"Just talk and don't practice the tricks, we'll find out after we try them."

The bearded man searched for a long time and tore off the cloth strips on a mop leaning in the corner.

He wanted to use it to block the bullet hole on the devil woman's body to prevent her physical body from recovering.

However, his idea quickly overturned Mu Xitang.

"No, no, no, I think we can lock her big holes with steel pipes and nail her to the ground like the nun to see the effect."

Soon, Little Pink Hair pulled out a pile of steel pipes from the carriage and came over.

"Since the steel pipe is already installed, why not get some gunpowder and throw it into it, then light it with a lighter and see if we can cremate her on the spot?"

"Hey, that's disgusting. I remember that daddy's hiking bag contains laxatives for animals. Why don't we give it to her and see if the demons will spread?"

"Master Xitang, this kind of bad taste should be left unchecked. The carriage is sealed. If it really gets messed up, we will also suffer."

"Then block her back with a mop strip too!"

The bearded man pulled a mop strip and was about to take off the devil girl's pants, but was stopped by the black girl.

Devil Woman:

The rest of the girls:.

Something is wrong with this situation. Who the hell is the devil here?

It took a lot of effort to find such a good experimental product, and everyone wanted to try their own methods to see if they could kill the devil.

In the end, the few people couldn't argue, so they wanted to ask Jiang Xiao to make up his mind.

"Oh? Me?"

Jiang Xiao touched his chin and said thoughtfully.

"If it were me, I'd be really curious about something. Does she still have humanity now?"

Everyone was stunned.

The secret path is worthy of being God Jiang, and the issues he considers are so profound.

Judging from past experience, although Wei Wei has an irritable and unstable personality, he does still have his own emotions.

Whether it's psychological joy, anger, sorrow, or physical vomiting or diarrhea, there should be some weirdness.

But this devil woman is obviously different from the weird ones that Jiang Xiao and others know.

Rather than saying that she is weird, it is better to say that she is like a walking zombie.

A zombie with no emotions and strong recovery ability?

And what those girls said next also confirmed everyone's guesses.

"Human nature? She is a demon now, how can she be human! You, you men, since you are so strong, then find a way to eliminate her completely!"

"That's right, get rid of her quickly. Didn't you see that we still have girls here? Do you know how to protect vulnerable groups like us women!"


Are these mentally retarded people getting sick again?

Mu Xitang, a brat, grew a beard.

"Beard, go and give them a slap to clear their minds."

"Okay, Sister Xitang! These people just can't tell the difference between the big and small kings."

After a violent beating, the girl finally calmed down.

We are just saying, are you guys cheap? Do you have to have your dick fucked to be normal?

Then came the body search of Little Pink Hair.

It really took off very cleanly.

After all, Yali was really shocked when she took out the golden ticket from the mezzanine of the bra.

Can anything be hidden here?

The book says: A lesson learned from the past is a guide for the future.

So this time, the little fanmao plans to dig out everything he can!

Jiang Xiao, on the other hand, was still thinking about the devil woman in front of him.

Is this guy no longer humane?

It's really strange.

The smell on her body is indeed strange, yes, but where did her emotions go?

It seems that only killing and anger are left.

Uh, no, I still have some emotions.

At least it can be seen from the devil girl that she has a lot of resentment towards the little pink hair.

"By the way, what is the devil's contract you said she signed?"

After a lot of sex, these women became completely honest and told everything they knew.

The so-called devil's contract.

It was actually signed in the Romiya Cathedral.

It is worth adding.

Only women can sign devil's contracts.

More than 85% of the women in this city have signed this contract.

The remaining 15% and more than 12% are girls under ten years old.

Even if you don’t sign it now, you will most likely sign it in the future.

"Well, if you don't understand, just ask, what's the use of signing this contract, or what benefits can you get?"

"The advantage is that we women can also freely control ourselves to become demons without emotions and memories."

"The disadvantage is that after abnormal death, we will passively turn into demons."

Everyone:? ? ?

"Uh, become a demon? Do you want to become a demon? Can she be immortal or something?"

The woman shook her head and retorted.

"How can you not die? The demon will be eliminated by the nuns sent from the cathedral within a few hours after it appears. In addition to the church nuns, there are also some [folk cultivators] or [awakened ones] like you. After they see the demon I'll kill him easily."

"And after becoming a demon, not only will he be killed quickly, but he will also lose his memory and feelings. No one wants to take the initiative to become a demon."

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