Chapter 213 The witty Lacy is not defensive~

Jack poked Xiaoya from behind and made a gesture of preparation for action.

If it doesn't work, we can only force our way in!

With Xiaoya's talent, there shouldn't be much of a problem.

And just when Xiaoya was about to activate her talent, the ticket inspector came over with some security guards.

Wang Dayong waved his hands at the four people in disgust.

"Our trains will not carry these guys who can't afford it."

It's over.

The webmaster plus these security guards and so on, there are at least a dozen people.

Xiaoya didn't have the confidence to handle so much at once.

She was just curious, were there no other men here except the webmaster?

But if they didn't take the high-speed train and walked to Lunt on two legs, let alone five days, they wouldn't be able to reach the cathedral in ten days!


This high-speed train is a must for them!

Seeing the four poor men in front of him who were not planning to leave, the security guard had already begun to weigh the baton in his hand.

"Hou Li Xie Te, it seems that there are some blind guys here today."

"Nisnei, we have to take this train today!"

"Captain, give the order."

Jack and Park Renmeng are also unambiguous at this moment.

One proactively stepped forward to resist damage, while the other's healing skills were ready to go.

Both sides stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and no one would give in to the other!

At this moment, Lacy, who was hiding at the back, spoke weakly without taking any precautions.

"Actually, uh, speaking of gold coins, I have a little bit here."

Everyone:? ? ?

"Don't look at me. This, this was found on that fishing guy's body. Didn't you ask me to search it at that time?"

Xiaoya and the other three resisted the urge to curse.


Why didn’t you tell me earlier that you had money?

It really made my blood boil, and I was ready to fight my way out.

"How many."

"31 gold coins and a dozen silver coins."

This is not enough.

"My generous Mr. Webmaster, please see if you can be accommodating."

"It's not even a penny difference. I'll give you an accommodation today and give him an accommodation tomorrow. Do I still want to continue my small business?"

Xiaoya and the others were silent.

The Chain Bridge last time just chose to prevent one of the teammates from benefiting.

But this time, are you going to give up a teammate directly?

"Captain Xiaoya, I, I can actually overcome the difficulties."

Lashi Buzhanshou stood behind Xiaoya and whispered.


Xiaoya's eyes lit up, what a talent this kid had!

"Okay webmaster, then we can only buy three tickets."

Then several people went to the toilet together in the waiting hall.

Of course, going to the toilet was a fake, the main purpose was to give Lacy the opportunity to take off her clothes.

After a while, Pu Renmeng came out of the toilet with a few more clothes and underwear in his hands.

And Lacy’s non-occupancy code did not appear with them.

Fortunately, Wang Dayong didn't pay much attention to them seeing that they didn't have much to gain. Anyway, the clothes were not contraband.

It wasn't until they entered the carriage that the three of them finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Laxi is not guarding, have you come in? Are you there?"

"Shh, we're already in. Don't talk yet. I have business to do."

Laxi Buzhan stood beside the three of them and explained in a low voice.


This Lacy, who has always been unreliable, actually said that he had something serious to do?

Pu Renmeng asked nervously.

"Lacy, did you find anything wrong somewhere in the carriage?"

"Yes, the situation is very serious! So you must keep quiet and leave the rest to me!"

"Okay, then you must be careful."

It was rare for little Ah San to be so brave, so Xiao Ya and the others naturally had to cooperate as much as possible.

Soon, the smell of curry on Lashi Buzhanshou disappeared near the three of them.

Jack glanced around the carriage warily, frowned and said softly.

"Captain, something seems wrong at this station. Why are there all female passengers?"

So far, except for the station master in the waiting hall, they have not seen any other men.

"It's okay. Stay calm and don't panic. I'm here to protect you."

Xiaoya clenched her fists to hide her inner panic.

"Hey, what are you looking at as a man? Yes, you have the nerve to look at other people? I'm talking about your little golden retriever!"

At this moment, the pockmarked girl sitting opposite Jack suddenly started looking for trouble.


Jack pointed at himself in disbelief. He immediately cried out that he was wronged.

"I wasn't looking around. Oh my god, I swear, I was just looking, looking. Just now I was looking at the environment in the carriage."

The pock-marked woman hugged the small satchel into her arms and looked at Jack with even more disgust.

"Look at the environment in the carriage? Hahaha, I saw that your eyes have been on my face for three seconds. Isn't this excuse you made too lame? You are obviously peeping at me and lusting after me in your heart!"


This hat is on me!

It really will explode if you take one more look at it, and melt if you get closer!

As soon as the woman said this, the entire carriage's attention was attracted.

Even Jack, a shameless person who likes to betray his teammates, instantly blushed and became anxious on the spot.

"Not eldest sister? What do you mean by that? My eyes stopped on your face for three seconds? Thank you so much! I have no idea what you look like? It's time for you to go out this morning."

"Jack shut up!"

Xiaoya interrupted Jack's words coldly, and then lowered her voice to remind him.

"Bold! Don't you care about the occasion when you quarrel?"

Jack was stunned for a moment, and then a layer of cold sweat broke out on his head.

What happened to you just now?

Before entering the carriage, he had clearly warned himself repeatedly in his mind not to cause any trouble.

But when this woman slanders herself.

He didn't hold back immediately, all he could think about was how to retort.

Perhaps his eyes did pause for a moment on this woman's face.

But it will definitely not last for three seconds. As for having obscene thoughts in my heart, that is even more nonsense.

"Captain Xiaoya, I'm sorry, I seemed a little impulsive just now."

Jack gave up and stopped talking. The girl across from him didn't let him go either, as if her eyes were equipped with infrared scanners.

He kept scanning Jack's body, hoping to find something like a bug or a secret camera.

But it's a pity.

When Jack was in the bathroom, he pulled almost everything off his body that wasn't fabric.

Seeing that she couldn't find any excuse, the woman couldn't get angry anymore, so she could only snort coldly.

"Hmph, peeping tom! Bah!"

After she finished scolding, she picked up her small satchel and moved to a seat away from Jack, and she and the people next to her kept pointing at Jack.

Jack's anger that he had just suppressed suddenly rose up again.

Fortunately, Xiaoya stopped him in time again, otherwise he would definitely fight back.

"What's going on with you? Do you want to kill us all?"

"Yes, I'm sorry, captain, I don't know what's going on. I just have an unknown fire in my heart and want to quarrel with her."

Pu Ren pinched his thigh meat hard and said tremblingly.

"Axi! Yes, I also feel a surge of anger, and I can't help but want to fight with them. Jack, we must hold back, they are all waiting for us to make mistakes."

Nameless fire?

Xiaoya immediately thought of the strange device in Hengshui Prison that could affect mood and memory.

"Be careful, this may be the rule in this carriage. Once our emotions are affected, we will probably die here."

At the same time, Xiaoya still didn’t understand something.

"But why didn't I feel the influence you said? Forget it, you two should be careful first."

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