I was mentally ill and was selected to participate in the strange rules talk

Chapter 217 It’s not hard to wait for the red light turning left


With a sudden brake, the driver's car was forced to stop at a red light again, and a traffic jam began in front of the vehicle.

"Is this a red light for a left turn ahead?"

"Yes, after this one, and another one, you will reach your destination."


After a silent silence, her breathing slowly began to become heavier and heavier.

"Tsk! Oh my god!"

The woman wanted to curse, but there was a black girl who was also a woman behind her, so she was afraid to go too far.

‘Bang bang bang! ’

She was so anxious that she could only beat the passenger armrest crazily.

"How long will it take for this red light to end?"

Looking at the panting woman, the driver chose to tell the truth.

"This one does not have a countdown. Normally it is about 30s-120s."


The panting woman asked the driver again.

"No, how long will it take for this red light to end?"

"It doesn't display the countdown, and I don't know."

The driver felt that he was unlucky to receive such a strange thing today.

"How long will it take for this red light to end!!!"

The woman seemed to have lost her mind, and her violent voice was so loud that it almost knocked over the roof of the car.


The bearded man couldn't stand it anymore and took action directly!

"You are stepping on a horse and calling your spicy neighbor! Damn it! Shut up!"

A gun was pressed firmly against the woman's head from behind!

If this was included in the previous weird stories, he might have tolerated it, but not today.

It is said that armed with sharp weapons, murderous intentions arise naturally.

The thing in his hand now is not a [sharp weapon], but a real golden sand eagle!

The woman's voice paused, and through the rearview mirror she saw the bearded man holding something on her head.

"Come on, tell me, is it difficult to wait at the red light to turn left?"

"Well, actually, it's not that difficult."

Seeing that the woman had become more honest, everyone was relieved, and the bearded man also put away his gun.

It seems that what Xu Si said in Jiang Xiao's mouth is right. If you can move your hands, try not to move your mouth.

The driver explained earnestly for a long time whether this thing is useful?

Speaking of which, why has Jiang Xiao been so calm this time and doesn't seem to have any dislike for this woman? Isn't this unlike him?

Curly Curly couldn't help but ask.

"Brother Jiang Xiao, don't you want to curse or something?"

Jiang Xiao scratched his head in confusion.

(~) "Swear a few words? Why, I think she behaves quite normally."

Everyone:? ? ?

"Is this normal?"

"Yeah, I've seen as many as eight hundred like this in Qingshan."


What you consider normal is compared to people living in mental hospitals.

"Huh? Doesn't that mean this woman might be mentally ill?"

"What are you talking about! Remove the possibility! You actually doubt that she is not mentally ill? You are disrespecting a mentally ill person! What does [possibility] mean? Are you discriminating against mental illness?"

Watching the duo singing the oboe made the driver so nervous that he sweated all over his pants!

"You guys, you'd better say less, she'll be here soon."


The green light was too short and didn’t pass?

Just in time, when we reached the driver's car, the traffic light jumped red again.


The driver coughed dryly and didn't even dare to look at the expression of the woman next to him.


The woman couldn't stand it anymore and exploded directly. Even a gun couldn't stop her resentment!

"We were walking slowly on the road! You went to pick up others! If you hadn't picked them up, you would have passed by already! Why aren't you leaving! You go! Oh my God!!!

The more she talked, the angrier she became, turning into a shrew and screaming hysterically.

"Ah!!! Ah!!!"

I go!

This voice made the people watching in the live broadcast room stunned for a while.

That's right, this bitch escaped from some mental hospital!

[Oh, it’s so disgusting. The driver is also very angry today. 】

[I suddenly and completely understood a word in the book, (noise pollution). 】

[I want to give her a big pussy even through the screen! 】

[Her mental illness is too spicy, not as fun as Jiang Xiao’s mental illness~]

"Ah!! Ah."

Suddenly, the woman's screams stopped abruptly, and was interrupted by the sound of retching.


With a dark face, Curly Hair pulled his socks out of the woman's mouth.

"How's it going? Counting outside time, I've worn these socks for six days. Doesn't it smell unpleasant?"

The woman rolled her eyes as she listened, feeling that athlete's foot flowed from her mouth to her lungs, and some even reached her stomach.


I’m talking about why it tastes so bad!

Those who knew thought that what you stuffed into my mouth was a sock.

If you didn’t know this, you would have thought you took a piece of sandpaper that had been pickled and fermented in a manure pit for two months and stuffed it into my mouth!

When he pulled it out, it even scraped off a piece of the skin on her tongue!

"Can you be quiet now?"

Mu Xitang said with a cold face.

"I'm so quiet!"

The woman burst into tears with red eyes! Who are you? How dare a little kid show his teeth to me?

"It's here, it's here!"

The driver immediately smoothed things over, and he finally sent the woman to her destination.

"Hmph! Just wait to be complained by me!"

A good man doesn't want to suffer the immediate consequences, so the woman plans to get out of the car first and then make other plans.

Do you want to leave after scolding the little pink hair?

Jiang Xiao patted the driver's shoulder and motioned for him to wait, and then he was led out of the car by Xiao Fenmao.

five minutes later.

The group returned to the car refreshed.

If you meet a bitch, you have to beat her up to feel good!

The driver looked pale and swallowed.

He had just heard the woman's shrill scream in the car.

Now that these people are back and women don't scream anymore, isn't that right?

"How many of you are awakened ones?"

"Why do you say that?"

The driver was relieved when he heard Big Beard say this.

No wonder he is so generous and not afraid of women. This is the reason.

"Harm, if you are not an awakened person, who would dare to provoke these women? If she signs a contract and you dare to push her too hard, she will dare to die with you."

Several people looked at each other and shrugged helplessly.

Not really~

It's not that the woman didn't sign the contract, on the contrary, she signed it, but she didn't dare to turn into a devil.

Although several people beat him very hard, they still didn't kill him.

Actually, although there are many women who have signed contracts in this world, there are only a few who dare to use them.

After all, no one really wants to become a walking corpse that has lost its memory and has no thoughts.

Probably except for a few exceptions.

The women on the high-speed rail last time were shot by machine guns, but they did not actively transform into demons, but [passively transformed] after death.

This shows that they actually reject devils in their hearts.

The purpose of signing a contract is mainly to "deter" men. Under normal circumstances, if you can not use it, you will never use it.

From this perspective, the balance of this world seems to be much more reasonable.

Because men are inherently higher in force value than women.

Now with this contract, it can effectively prevent men from oppressing women.


Curly shook his head.

what's the situation?

Just now, I actually thought that this kind of contract was reasonable?

'Snapped! ’

After waking up, Curly Hair suddenly gave himself a big blow.

The black girl was shocked: "I'm throwing you away, what are you doing?"

"I just felt like this contract was reasonable, damn it!"

"Do you think this contract is reasonable?" The black girl was confused and continued. "This contract is quite reasonable to begin with."

Everyone:? ? ?

"What? There's a problem. Isn't this a move that will kill us all? We won't use it to cause deliberate damage."


The black girl seems to be right in saying that, but it just feels like something is wrong?

"Uncle Driver, what do you think of the contract? Is its existence normal?"

"It's normal, what's the matter?"

Is this normal?

The driver's statement was exactly the same as the black girl's.

The general meaning is that women are not willing to turn into demons, so under normal circumstances everyone is in peace with each other.

"Then aren't we men inferior at the beginning?"

"But, without a contract, women are inherently inferior to us men in terms of strength, right?"

I lost it!

The driver's words made Bearded Man and Curly Hair speechless again for a moment.

Only the black girl seemed to have found a soulmate, and it felt like the uncle had spoken out what was in her heart.

"Brother Jiang Xiao, what do you think?"

"Keep your noise down, you'll be in trouble if you wake her up."

Mu Xitang, who was lying in Jiang Xiao's arms, fell asleep at some point and would cluck her lips from time to time.

"You guys, did you go to Romiya Cathedral to sign a contract for her?"

Looking at such a cute little girl through the rearview mirror, the driver felt a feeling of reluctance in his heart.

If such a sick contract is signed with such a little girl.

Should it really exist?

Of course it should!

"Uncle, you don't need to send it to the entrance of the cathedral. Just park it about a kilometer away."

"Okay, brother!"

The driver kicked the accelerator and was already thinking about how to spend the five thousand gold coins!

"By the way, while there is still time, eat more. If you don't keep everything, there will be a fierce battle to be fought!"

Curly started to take out the food from the sack.

There was vodka, pizza, and some staple foods like beef and honey bread and jam sent by Rocky.

There were also cakes that had just been "given" to Mu Xitang from the cake shop proprietress.

"Captain Xiaoya, please, you won't win if you don't eat, Smecta."

"Hey, we are going to Romiya Cathedral next. We, we really need to replenish some energy."

Two days and two nights.

Almost the entire journey consisted of two days and two nights of high-intensity exercise.

I can't beat the three of them in a marathon!

Now that the three of them can still stand and talk as much as they like, it's a miracle in the world!

As for whether you want to eat on the high-speed rail, I'm sorry, it's expensive, so the few extra silver coins you have can only buy some water.

"Sister, brothers are so hungry, why don't you come to our cake shop to eat something? It's free today, no charge."

The little girl selling cakes thought there was something exciting this time, so she persuaded her even harder!

Xiaoya licked her dry lips and kept thinking about whether to eat something.

"Captain, if we don't eat, we won't have the energy to fight the BOSS even when we get to the finish line."

"Axiba has no energy. If I don't eat something, I will probably be so hungry that I will pass out."

Seeing the two people's desperate state, Xiaoya finally decided to go and see this cake shop.

Besides, my talent is no joke.

If something unexpected happens, the worst possible outcome is to hypnotize the little girl and fuck her to death!

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