In the end, the two of them succumbed to the black girl's power.

Forced to imagine myself as a woman from the inside out.


Big Beard and Curly Hair looked at each other in shock.

When they first had this idea, they felt their bodies became lighter?

I go!

What kind of slutty and sexist forest is this? !

The two of them began to lust after their Situ Yi, and within five minutes they got rid of the suffocating feeling.

Isn't this amazing?

"Brother Beard, are you okay?"

"It seems okay. I imagine myself as a housewife."

"I'm fine, too. I imagined myself as a resentful woman who was pregnant for ten months. Not only is she out of danger now, but she seems to be more relaxed than at the beginning! Wow~" After saying this, Curly Hair also suffered from morning sickness.



How did you, a grown man, come up with the feeling of pregnancy? This morning sickness is a bit too expressive, right?

"Brother Jiang Xiao, when they are ready, let's continue our journey. We will pass through the forest soon."

"Dad, let's go!"

Mu Xitang was like a koala, clinging to Jiang Xiao's body.

The black girl told Jiang Xiao all her speculations, although Jiang Shen might not need it.

The reason why the driver uncle ran away was probably because he was afraid of the [side effects] of the Nika Forest on men.

And why he didn't tell them this, he probably forgot.

After all, I was in a hurry to go home and share the joy of the five thousand gold tickets.

It may also be because it is no secret that this forest restrains [men].

So the driver didn't say much to explain to Jiang Xiao and the others.

There is a high probability that the driver thought Jiang Xiao and the others knew about the second point.

Comments from the outside world are complaining about this "patriarchal" forest.

The top leaders of Lighthouse, Kimchi and Sakura have already held a meeting.

"Our Lighthouse Empire's reminder opportunity has been used, so I'll leave it to Kimchi to pass on the negative effects of the forest and how to solve them. Is that okay?"

"Axi, of course it's no problem Smita!"

"By the way, I'm here to remind you that they are already far ahead of us silently!"


Cherry blossoms:.

Big Brother, how come you didn’t know the seriousness of the problem until you were riding a horse so early in the morning? !

Do you know what "silence" means?

He has reached his current height step by step in front of the whole world!

Seeing that both countries on the big screen were silent, Lao Deng couldn't help but remind (tapping) again.

"But I hope you can understand that they are no longer the place where they were happy to have friends from far away. They have a tough attitude now! I thank you @#¥! So, if you want to contact them to negotiate If so, it’s better to give up on this idea.”

As if realizing his gaffe, Lao Deng immediately added.

"Of course! With my iron-blooded character, I will definitely not bow to them!"

Cherry blossoms:.


Stop pretending, you must have secretly had a detailed discussion with someone behind their back, and the result must be very unsatisfactory, right?

If this had been used to fool the younger brothers like them, they might have actually believed it.

The reason why I can guess that Lao Deng has been contacted this time.

Mainly Kimchi and Sakura have also been contacted.


As expected, everything turned out to be rubbish.

Even if Sakura bent 180 degrees to apologize, it would be of no use.

The main problem now is that people don't want to talk to them at all.

That's right, stop pretending and show your cards.

Now they have absolutely nothing of value to look at.

Negotiations are definitely out of the question.

Unless it's a unilateral tip-off, in which case the other party might still be able to talk to them.

"It's okay, it's okay. We still have Xiaoya now. This little girl's talent is obviously very strong. We'll wait for her to pass. With her, they won't underestimate us!"

Sakura was noncommittal about the old fool like Lao Deng.

Our little bud has an amazing relationship with your lighthouse, and he really knows how to stick it in his face.

Just as the three countries were arguing with each other, Jiang Xiao had already arrived at the outermost edge of the forest.

"No, is that our end point?"

Through the gaps between some branches, everyone could barely see the prototype of a church.

Good guy.

The three bearded men thought at first there were some strange levels behind the forest.

Not to mention the ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, at least you have to pass five levels and defeat six generals before you can see the church, right?

I didn’t expect that the cathedral was so openly located on the edge of the forest, and I didn’t expect it to be directly attacked by someone?

But consider the locals’ esteem for the cathedral.

Presumably the priest felt that there was no need for any protection here.

When they walked out of the forest, the entire cathedral came into view.

so big!

It's said to be a church, but it's probably not much different from the footprint of some large stadiums.

The big sign of [Romia Cathedral] hangs high on the top of the church.

"Brother? Are we going to attack head-on or?"

Jiang Xiao took a look and found that the bearded man had put the RPG rocket launcher on his shoulder, and couldn't help scolding him.

"Come on, are you going to set up the cannon now? Just be a human being!"


The bearded old man put down the rocket launcher with a red face.

Secretly, although Jiang Xiao is a bit mentally ill, he still has a good character.

It's because I didn't think well, there are still staff in Romiya Cathedral.

How many innocent lives will be hurt by this shot?

The resentful trio looked at each other and couldn't help but give Jiang Xiao a thumbs up.

No wonder he is a man called a god by the Dragon Kingdom. He is not only powerful, but he also does not kill innocent people indiscriminately.

It is really difficult for such a person not to cry to death.

Seeing Big Beard put down the barrel, Jiang Xiao nodded this time and continued.

"You go like this, carry your own weapons and shells to the back, take out his anus, Black Girl and Curly Hair, you two are on the left and one on the right, Xitang and I will hit him in the middle, and! Don't put your weapons away so early With the edges raised, how many shells will be wasted if the aim is inaccurate or misses?"

"Stay close to me! We strive to maximize the damage! Every shell must have an effect!"

"We first dispersed to four directions, and then acted based on my look. I gave the order and launched a collective attack. The 360-degree heavy firepower covered no blind spots, leaving him in a critical situation with enemies on all sides. No matter how hard the priest struggled, it was of no avail. "

"Let's save this cathedral once and for all!"

At the end, Jiang Xiao couldn't help but admire his own bravery and let out a strange smile of "Jie Jie Jie".

Everyone:? ? ?

The bearded man swallowed.

"Brother Jiang Xiao, there seem to be people working inside. They may be innocent."

Jiang Xiao: (~) "What does that have to do with me? Are the people working inside your friends?"


"Do you know them?"

"do not know"

"That's it! Act quickly. The overall commander of this operation will be Major General Mu Xitang."

"Yeah! I'm so happy! No, cough!"

No, Mu Xitang immediately put on a serious face when he realized that he had lost his composure.

"Ahem, what I mean is that this trip can only succeed, not fail! Shout out our slogan!"

Three people:.

Well, what else can be done?

Of course I choose to satisfy her...

Bearded o(^`)o: "There was a loud noise in the sky!"

Curly Hair(`⊿): "Xitang makes a brilliant appearance!"

Black girl (*`д): “Been traveling all over the world for many years!”

Curly Hair (乂`д): "Teach the master a sweet voice!"

They all said in unison: "First there is Xitang and then there is Tian, ​​who will be able to compete with the gods for eternity!"


Although it was not the first time, shouting such a shameful slogan still made the three of them blush.

When they thought about broadcasting it live in front of the whole world, they were so embarrassed that they had to dig out three rooms and one living room.

Before departure, Mu Xitang also called the three of them for a meeting.

"Come here, let's discuss the signal! For example, if I throw the first grenade, it means [launching a general attack]."

"Then the specific details are based on the sound of my pistol. 3-2-1 is retreat, 1-2-3 is advance, 1-3 is..."


The missing cerebellum of Master Xitang has grown back?

Thinking about this skill [Gunshot as Command], it does look a bit good.

Little Pink Hair, who had been chattering for a long time, finally finished what he wanted to say.

"Gogogo! Let's go. I'll give you ten minutes. You all need to get back to your place!"

"Yes Sir!" x3

The three of them took away most of their weapons. Worried that they might encounter an accident, Mu Xitang kindly gave them many of his weapons.

He only left a few bombs, two Golden Sand Eagles and a heavy Gatling, the kind that can fire six thousand rounds of ammunition per minute.

Mu Xitang gasped and hugged the machine gun on the ground that was bigger than her body.

It wasn't that she was nervous, it was just that she was too excited.

Even boys can't hold up such a big toy, let alone a little girl like her.

My little hands are all sweaty!

"Dad, is it too far? I also want to lean forward."

Xiao Fenmao, the [Operation Commander] humbly asked Jiang Xiao to advance the position.

"Wouldn't it be safer to stay further away?"

Jiang Xiao obviously didn't want anything unexpected to happen to Mu Xitang.

"But, the three bearded men are going to fight against the outer wall of the church! I'm more than a hundred meters away."

At this time, the eyes of the three bearded men were straightened.

When Jiang Xiao pointed just now, he felt that the location was quite far from the church.

When I got closer, I realized that there was only thirty meters between myself and the wall!


You really don’t think of us as human beings!

Fortunately, there were some cover such as stone pillars and statues nearby, otherwise it would have been exposed.

At this time in the Romiya Cathedral.

The priest, who was exuding wisps of holy light, was leading a total of 88 nuns of various kinds to pray.

It seemed that he was not aware of the danger outside.

A maid-type nun knelt beside the priest and spoke softly.

"Father, the female mayor of Lunt wants to invite us to host a meeting on Saturday and offers us 500,000 gold coins."

"No need to say anything more."

The priest with a holy look on his face interrupted her and continued without even wanting to open his eyes.

"Fame and wealth are all fleeting. If you don't let them go, if you have God in your heart, you will be better than mountains of gold and silver."

His words were echoed by the other nuns at the scene, and they all said that in this world, the Father is the only king.

“Let not the coppery stench of this world defile our Father.”

"My father's level really puts us to shame. It's like a mountain that we can only look up to."

"Not to mention Lunt City, even if you look at the other big cities around Lunt City, it is the most powerful!"

"Hmph! Lunt City? Even if you look at the nine continents, my father's strength is unique!"

Hearing these nuns praising him so much, the holy color on the priest's face became more intense, and he couldn't help but speak modestly.

"My followers, there is no need to praise me so much. No one dares to say that he is the strongest. I can only say that in the city of Lunt, in the Cathedral of Romiya, and with the support of the Nika Forest, Nothing can harm us."

"I am Alpha and Omega, saith the Lord and God, and I will be an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, according to the promise of life in Christ Jesus, Amen."


All the nuns also lowered their heads and listened quietly to their father's teachings.

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