But the priest is not afraid!

They are all here to fool around, who doesn’t have a unique trick of their own?

Lift the anus first!

Tighten your belly again!

Clamp your buttocks and take your time, steady your mind and don’t panic!

Hold your breath and let go of the pressure.

That's right.

Because I don’t know if my stomach is dry or watery.

So what the priest wants to perform is the legendary long-lost method of gas-liquid separation!

At this time, he was doing two things.

While fighting Jiang Xiao, he controlled the strength of his sphincter.

Only gas can pass through the gap between them, but liquid cannot pass through. It is so thin that it cannot even pass through, let alone dry ones, which will not be able to get out at all.

Did I lose it?

Why has this guy's expression relaxed?

Seeing the priest's facial expression, he slowly relaxed.

Jiang Xiao once suspected that the medicine taken from the ranch had expired.

"Boy, stop fighting. How about we talk about it? There is nothing that we cannot sit down and discuss."

The priest took the initiative to ask for peace.

Don't look at it, he seems to have solved the trouble in his stomach now.

But one is one, and two is two.

The thing in his stomach was still there, he was just using a delaying tactic.

His current situation can also be well explained through the law of conservation of energy.

All energy will not disappear out of thin air, it will only be converted from one form to another.

"I don't, let's keep fighting."

"Boy, don't force me to use my full strength. You are no match for me."

"Then try your best and let me see."

"Why are you so ignorant? I think you are a talent, and I don't want to continue fighting with you because of my love for talents. Do you understand?"

"I have been ignorant since I was a child."


Why is this guy so clumsy?

"Okay, let me go to the bathroom, and then I'll give you the sacrificial robes!"

This is the biggest concession he can make.

There's no other way, if I delay it any longer, I'm going to be in trouble!

"I don't, you might lie to me, I'm not very smart, so you have to take off your clothes to me now."

As soon as Jiang Xiao said this.

The priest almost suffered cerebellar atrophy on the spot.

"Take it off for you? Now? Right here?"

"Ang, where else are you?"

Priest:? ? ?

You say this as if you don't have any teeth!

I took off my clothes for you in front of so many nuns, and I still want to give you some shame?

Isn't this a disguised admission that my strength is not as good as yours?

The priest's excitement almost led to the loss of the back court. Without noticing, a streak of yellow juice flowed down the thigh to the heel.


How can this bitch be so shameless!

five minutes later.

"Brother, look at what's missing. I'll find someone to take care of it for you."

The priest asked shyly, covering his front with one hand and his buttocks with the other.

The sacrificial robes were already in Jiang Xiao's hands.

The nuns behind all looked shocked.

"Oh God! What happened to the Father, what happened to Him"

"Is there something wrong?"

"My father's foundation seems not as strong and straight as I imagined."

"This is simply the worst thing that has ever happened to me in my life. My father's seems to be even worse than Uncle Aldous's alcoholic peanuts."

The priest is not tall, and his hands are the normal size of ordinary people.

So it seems true.

I saw those young nuns pointing at the priest's capital.

An older nun immediately stepped forward to save the priest's face.

"You know how well! My father can protect his privacy so well with just one hand! Isn't this something to be proud of?!"


Or can you be the eldest sister?

Just your high-EQ responses are enough to teach us for several years!

"Brother, I've given you these clothes too. Do you think you can let me have them?"

The priest's facial features were tangled together, and he really couldn't hold them together.

"By the way, give me your scepter to see what's going on."

Everyone:? ? ?

Didn’t the priest just tell you to use [sacrificial robes] in exchange for peace?

Why are you reaching for the scepter again?

The rest of the people had expressions of incomprehension.

But don't know why.

Seeing Jiang Xiao say such shameless words, the priest actually felt that it was normal and expected.

He didn't even bother to refute, and just threw the scepter over.

"Here you go, let's talk about it later."

What if you don't throw it to him?

Going to fight Jiang Xiao with his buttocks naked and his daddy between his legs?

After getting what he was longing for, Jiang Xiao finally let the priest go to solve personal problems.

Mainly because Jiang Xiao didn't want to really beat him up in public.

He didn't care, as long as he was somewhere else, mainly because Mu Xitang was still watching from the side.

Anyone can bury it, but you can’t bury the little pink-haired eyes.

Is this thing a trick?

Jiang Xiao waved it casually a few times, and could feel that there was a special power inside, but he couldn't activate it.

I gave it to the little pink-haired and bearded people to try again.

They are all unremarkable.

It wasn't like this when the fight just started.

In that hazy golden state, this thing can even break through Sister Bao'er's Qi.

And the clothes no longer have that holy air.

Could it be that these two things are very ordinary, and what happened just now was just the power exerted by the priest himself?

It doesn't look like it, mainly.

Or that someone can become a priest?

The amount of force that could have killed a cow was solved by the priest in less than ten minutes.

The refreshed priest changed into casual clothes and came over to sit next to Jiang Xiao.

Looking at this posture, it seems that he really doesn't intend to continue fighting with Jiang Xiao.

"Let's talk about it. How can we return these two things to me?"

Jiang Xiao shook his head.

"If you want money or people, it's up to you to choose money, beauty or power and status. I am the only true king in this city."

Jiang Xiao still shook his head.

"Do not want any?"

The priest was a little surprised and continued to throw out his chips.

"You can't use this thing even if I give it to you. Why are you forcing it to stay? Who sent you here? Is it okay to tell me this?"

Seeing Jiang Xiao, he still didn't say a word.

The priest started asking questions and answering questions.

"Actually, even if you don't tell me, I can probably guess that there are only so many forces that can make a top expert like you work hard. Looking at the [Aneta] continent, there are only so many forces. I will accept it this time, but Please give him a message when you go back, I will definitely find a solution to this matter!"

Bearded trio:.

I really don’t understand what you are trying to make!

I went to your grandma's house by mistake.

"Hahaha, it's good for young people to be motivated, but it's also important to choose the right master. Why don't you hang out with me?"

Jiang Xiao still didn't want to answer the priest's words.

He couldn't understand something.

Why is there no prompt to complete the level? Do I need to kill this priest?

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiao immediately stood up and slapped the priest!


This sudden slap numbed the priest's cerebellum.

What are you doing?

Don't talk about it, let's stop fighting, sit down and have a good talk!

Mu Xitang, who had been silent for a long time, finally found his opportunity to appear and rushed over with a lot of jumping.

"Hey, Father, don't be angry. My dad is not very smart. My dear, Mu Xitang, please give me a tissue. Don't be the same as him."

The priest covered his cheek and was speechless. Who is this little pink devil eating Wangzai Cow Candy?

It is said that some masters have a habit of keeping demons in captivity. When I saw them today, it turned out to be true.

But it is indeed impossible for the priest to attack Jiang Xiao again now.

Even though the difference in strength was not that big, his weapons and armor were confiscated by the opponent, so the fight was just a one-sided beating.

At this time, the three bearded men also came over.

Seeing that the other party had something to say, the priest politely invited them to the dinner and left first.

"What's going on? Why didn't you clear the level?"

It seems that Jiang Xiao is not the only one who has doubts.

"You don't have to kill the priest, do you? Brother Jiang Xiao, are you sure?"

"He can't beat me now, but if he wants to escape, none of us can stop him."

"Then it's over."

"What the hell? How could the strange rules provide such an outrageous way to pass the level?"

"That's right, if passing the request requires the Chosen One to kill an existence of the priest's level, wouldn't it be a death sentence?"

Jiang Xiao might not have enough brain power in this area, so he quietly watched the discussion between the three bearded men.

The nine rules this time do not give a clear way to clear the level.

They only came here based on [Rule 1: You have five days to get to the Romiya Cathedral in the city].

In fact, they don’t know what to do next.

But what is certain is that killing is never the best way to clear the monster story!

And objectively speaking.

This time the difficulty of [Sin City] is only seven stars.

It's only a seven-star difficulty level, but it requires the Chosen One to PK with dozens of nuns and a priest?

Besides Jiang Xiao, who else can do this?

And as long as the priest is willing, he can even mobilize the city's army to escort him.

So if you want to solve the problem, you have to find the cause from other aspects.

"Rescue these nuns?"

Curly expressed his opinion.

"Well, if I read correctly, this nun serves the priest purely voluntarily, and don't forget the work benefits of Romiya Cathedral. The rest of the people are trying to squeeze in!"

"Rescue them? I want to stay here and work."

What the black girl said is very pertinent. The working hours and benefits here are indeed very desirable.

"Yes, and they were obviously very surprised when they saw that the priest only had an inch or two of his body. This means that it was the first time they saw the priest's private parts. This means that the priest did not regard them as sex toys."

The angle of the bearded man is novel, but he expresses the issues on most people's minds.



Various cosplay nuns.

It’s hard not to get confused when all these elements are added together.

"The problem should be with the [Devil Contract], right?"

Curly's words brought everyone back to their thoughts.

"Every ghost story has factors that form it, but this time it is obviously not a [single specific] ghost story, and the strangest thing here is this devil's contract, which gives people the opportunity to choose to become a devil."

"It's obviously a very strange and outrageous existence, but the residents of this city actually accepted the existence of this contract. It's really beyond my comprehension."

Regarding curly hair, the black girl said that she could only accept half of it.

The devil's contract is indeed strange, but it doesn't feel outrageous for people to accept the black girl!

He also threatened that he would definitely sign it if he lived in this city. This thing would definitely be beneficial to him without any harm!

The bearded man and Curly Hair looked at the black girl and didn't want to speak.

You are happy.

But is the existence of this contract fair to men?

This is like a world where men are prohibited from using guns or controlled items.

But women can use it at will.

Although you said that women must pay with their lives even if they kill someone, it is still unfair to men!

In the end, it was Xiaofenmao who decided to stop the quarrel.

"Okay! Then tonight, I will help you thoroughly investigate this so-called devil's contract!"

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