I was mentally ill and was selected to participate in the strange rules talk

Chapter 227 Learn from the barbarians and learn skills to defeat the barbarians?

These nuns spoke in a coherent manner.

In fact, it mainly elaborates on two issues.


They emphasized.

It is up to them to decide whether to sign the contract or not, and whether to become a demon or not is also up to them.

Everything has nothing to do with the priest!

But what little pink hair said next almost made these nuns’ cerebellum shrink.

"So, the priest didn't create the devil, he was just the transporter of the devil?"

It obviously means the same thing, but why does Xiaofenmao feel that the priest's image has changed for the worse after he said it?


These nuns also emphasized.

The reason why the priest came up with the devil's contract was mainly because he had a righteous heart and sacrificed his family for everyone. He even ignored the danger and personally explored the source of the devil's power at close range.

How can such a priest, who is willing to plunge himself into darkness in order to seek the light, be a bad person?


Little Pink Hair nodded.

"Don't change the subject, so in the final analysis, the priest made this contract for his own selfish desire to explore the power of demons."


The nuns stopped talking and felt that what this little pink haired person said was really uncomfortable.

Why did the words taste different as soon as they came into her mouth?

"No, no! Our priest is exploring the power of demons out of righteousness, sacrificing his family for everyone! How can we say that he is doing it for his own selfish desires?"

Mu Xitang skillfully opened the Bible, pointed to the big words on it and said.

"Open your eyes and take a good look, [give fully to God, and you will receive abundantly from God. If you give to God willingly and without expecting anything in return, you will receive great things!]"

"Did you see? True selflessness does not ask for anything in return. It is commonly known as doing good deeds without leaving a name. And your priest [want] to explore the power of the devil. The Bible clearly mentions that [thinking] means [getting], [ Getting] represents [desire].”

"No matter what you say sounds nice, let me ask you guys, your priest has done so many tricks, isn't it ultimately because he has a [desire] to explore [the power of demons] in his heart?"

"Don't talk about the West, the same is true in the East! The ancients said: How can you sweep the world if you don't sweep one house? I haven't figured out my three-acre land yet, and I still want to figure out the source of the devil's power in a dream. Woolen cloth?"

Mu Xitang turned his face to the priest and kept talking.

Did I lose it?

The dining table and even the entire live broadcast room were quiet.

The artistic content of Xiaofenmao's words is a bit high.

People are still talking about this.

She had already taken out her Bible and pointed at the big words inside to tell them that they had done something wrong.

The most important thing is that the nun doesn’t know how to refute!

Even the priest's mouth moved, and finally gave up the idea of ​​​​refuting.

How can you argue with this?

He is a person who believes in God.

When someone points to the words in the Bible and refutes her words, isn't it like a slap in the face?

"Oh, little girl, thank you for your enlightenment, which made me understand that my realm is not enough and I cannot meet the requirements of Allah, but my vision is still for good. I believe God can testify for me."

"Bah! Where is God? Let him come out and let me, Mu Xitang, see it. Do you still have a vision for good?"

"As the Buddha said, all living beings are equal, so your contract is destined to represent an unequal treaty!"

"Look what is written on this page? The Bible says that every life is worthy of respect. How many innocent casualties will you cause by making this contract?"

"There is a saying in Taoism that Tao is always inactive, and there is nothing that is not done! You have just used your own means to forcibly interfere with the operation and outcome of things themselves!"

"Originally, in many cases, these women do not have to die, but your contract has given them the courage to die. Also, this contract not only caused the woman who signed the contract to die, but also the people around her to be buried with her. !”

"You also said that the devil will be eliminated within three hours at the latest? How many innocent people will die in these three hours? Have you used your pig brains to think about it?"

Killing like crazy

Mu Xitang was already going crazy.

Not only the Bible, she even used Buddhist proverbs and Taoist scriptures.

By now the priest's CPU was starting to smoke.

Even the nun who had always been loyal to him felt a little shaken in her heart.

However, they still spoke for their father, this time directly in their own interests.

"So, no matter what, father's contract can still give us women our own confidence and prevent us from being oppressed by Nanquan!"

"Yeah, that's right. When I usually go to the supermarket, I only need a look, and those male customers with only brute strength will help me carry the shopping basket."

"Yeah, when I usually go out to park my car, the man will even take the initiative to pull over and let me park my car before he starts to park."

"That's right, when we normally go out to eat together, men always pay the bill~"

Jiang Xiao, who had been listening silently, couldn't bear it anymore.

'Snapped! ’

He smashed the wine glass on the table and pointed at several nuns angrily.

"Bah! Fuck you! Why do you look down on women! Men and women are equal, why do you want to box for men!"



Not only the nun was confused, but everyone was confused.

When did they look down on women?

To be honest, when it comes to boxing, they are also boxing for women.

Jiang Xiao was so angry that his face turned red with anger. He didn't know how much he had been wronged!

"Why do you think men can oppress us women? Does it mean that we Jimei are inherently weaker than men? Bah! I think men should sign this kind of contract! Because we women are not inherently weaker than men, even 50-50, even better than men. They are stronger!"

"And you? Do you actually think that men are stronger? Are you discriminating against us women as being weaker than men? You make me feel sick! Although we women are weak, our skills are better than those of men. How much do you know! You really disgrace our Jimei! Nanquan is such a licking dog!"

"Then there's you! Why do you want a man to stop for you first? Are you looking down on the driving skills of us Jimei men? Do you know how to drive? Huh?"

"Especially the last one! Do you want men to pay for meals? Do you want to show off men's ridiculous machismo? I ask you, are you discriminating against us Jimei people for not being generous enough? Not open-minded enough?"

"As women, don't you feel disgusted when you say this kind of Nanquan talk?"

At the end of the sentence, Jiang Xiao took the phone that had been hanging around Xiao Fenmao's neck and turned on the front camera.

"Family, who knows? Jimei, today I met four low-income women, avoid lightning and lightning."


I have a big grin!

All of a sudden.

It’s hard to tell who is boxing!

The male rabbit's punches are confusing, and the female rabbit's punches are confusing. They take turns beating each other in reverse directions. How can you tell whether I am male or female?

[Hiss, wait, wait, stop for a moment, I'm a little confused. 】

【The cup is going to smoke, I need to take care of it too.】

[What I want is this feeling of cerebellar atrophy. I haven’t seen it for a long time. I thought Jiang Xiao was not going to show off this time because of Mu Xitang’s presence. Unexpectedly, he hit me hard all of a sudden. 】

The nun has long been silent.

The priest was also sluggish.

What kind of boxing is this?

To counter magic with magic?

Yes, judging from Jiang Xiao's words, he is indeed firmly standing from a female perspective.

But whatever you say is up to you.

Hiss, it makes your teeth hurt!

The little pink-haired boy looked at his father with admiration.

She knew it!

No matter how good my memory is, no matter how much book knowledge I know, I can't compare to my father's freestyle on the spot!

Sure enough, you can't just study hard and study hard. You still have a lot to learn.

After a long time,

The priest just drank the wine glass in front of him in a daze.

"Yes, in fact, what you said is correct. I just have selfish motives. I am addicted to the power of demons and want to master them. It is human nature to chase power, isn't it?"

At this point, the priest was too lazy to pretend and showed his cards.


Jiang Xiao and the others had no reaction.

But the faith in the hearts of those nuns collapsed instantly.

"Father! You clearly developed a devil's contract for us from our perspective!"

"Well, because you are more emotional and easily swayed by emotions."

"Aren't you trying to prevent us from being oppressed by them?"

"Well, why do you have the idea of ​​being bullied by them? Aren't men and women in the world always equal? ​​When both parties have the same views and have equal family conditions, how can one party be bullied?"

"Yes, my father! It has always been there! Before your contract appeared, the number of domestic violence incidents was twice as high as it is now!"

"Uh, do you know why the other half can't come down?"


"Because half of the domestic violence cases are caused by women domestic violence against them."


"Besides, if the couple can't live together anymore and feel wronged, then they can divorce. The law also supports it."

The priest's words of "extremely upright views" shattered the "three views" of several nuns.

"So, what you said before about holding up the banner for us and rebuilding our glory is also true."

"Those words are mainly to coax you to sign this contract. Most of them are rational animals and not as emotional as you."

After a pause, the priest continued to add.

"Of course, I also underestimated the appeal and influence of this contract, which made me become the king of this city. At first, I just wanted to trick some people into signing the contract, and then see what happens after they become demons. It’s just a source of strength.”

Speaking of this, the priest himself looked sad.

It’s true that things in the world are unpredictable, the big intestine wraps up the small intestine.

He also didn't expect that in the end, he, a "liar", would become the faith of the entire city.

In order to maintain his persona, he had to turn into a priest. After all, his every word and deed was watched by countless pairs of eyes.

If you want to study the power of demons openly, there must be a cover or some legitimate reason, right?

Before the ancient emperors rebelled, they all knew how to spread some bizarre myths and stories.

What's the White Snake Rebellion, what's the real martial arts show, and what's the fish belly elixir book.

Of course, making up a story is secondary. The main thing is to focus on what the people want and what is right.


The mentality of these nuns is completely broken.

In fact, the priest wanted to continue to quibble, but he had no choice.

The father and daughter are simply more outrageous than the other, and he will really go crazy if he keeps talking nonsense.

It's better to open the sky and speak frankly. Anyway, now that his strength has reached its peak, he can't figure out the reason after research.

I just took this opportunity to confess, and then left here. A strong person cannot stay in one corner. He must go out more and meet people like Jiang Xiao.

Hee hee hee

Be more restrained, but you can't get through it~

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