As the captain, Jiang Xiao has an extra chance to win the lottery.

There were nearly a hundred kinds of rewards on the lottery board suspended in front of Jiang Xiao.

There are everything from magic weapons to skills and even talents, but even Jiang Xiao doesn't know what they are for.

The most shining item among them is a golden urinal-like thing.

Among the many rewards, they are the most dazzling, and from time to time there will be a dazzling golden light flashing through.

【Whether to click to draw】


After a burst of high-speed rotation, the turntable suspended in front of Jiang Xiao slowly stopped.


Before I could see what I had drawn, it disappeared from the turntable.

Jiang Xiao searched for a long time before he found it in the skill bar.

[SSS Passive: Dual Personality (automatically activated when entering the strange story)]

[Dual personality: The host can develop multiple personalities. Each personality has unique skills and characteristics, and there are conflicts and competitions with each other]


Jiang Xiao stared at this [Passive], and this [Passive] seemed to be staring at Jiang Xiao.

"What the hell are you looking at?"

Mu Xitang:? ? ?

Who is watching whom?

Who is dad talking to?

Looking at the flash of passivity, Jiang Xiao felt that this skill looked down on him.

"Come out, let's practice ba, practice ba?"

"Dad, do you want to practice ba ba with me?"

Xiao Fenmao's weak words awakened Jiang Xiao's self-personality.

"No, how could it be? I just...huh? Where did you get this golden compound fertilizer sack?"

Jiang Xiao's face was shocked. The little Mu Xitang was carrying sacks that were three times bigger than her whole body, and she also carried two sacks!

Mu Xitang:?

If I remember correctly, you seemed to have just asked this question a few minutes ago, right?

Speaking of this, Mu Xitang immediately felt less sleepy!

But considering that my father's brain is not very good, this situation is normal.

So Mu Xitang happily opened the sack and showed it to Jiang Xiao like a treasure.

"Dad, look! We are going to be prosperous!"

I saw that the sack was full of gold tickets, with the lowest denominations being 5,000!

Can this kind of thing really be brought into reality? !

As we all know, as long as something can be brought into this space, it can definitely be brought into reality.

But Mu Xitang is really free, so what's the use of taking these things out?

"It's a pity that this thing is useless in reality, and besides, in reality we don't lack money to use it."

As long as Jiang Xiao and Mu Xitang are willing, the entire Dragon Kingdom's resources can be mobilized by them. It can be said that they can get whatever they want.

After glancing at his father who was having a hard time thinking, Mu Xitang curled his lips.

"Uh, dad, have you ever thought about it, we can bring this money in next time we go to Kaitan?"

Jiang Xiao:.


That’s so maneuverable!

Is Mu Xitang really a genius?

Mu Xitang smiled, he was not just a genius.

In order to prevent inflation, she even burned the treasury of Romia Cathedral!

Whatever you can’t take away will be destroyed!

Just when Jiang Xiao took Xiao Fenmao and was about to leave.

Guitan, who had always been aloof, actually took the initiative to find him.

Rules Weird Talk: [If you are willing, the scepter and the sacrificial robe together can be converted into a magic weapon, how about it? 】

"Huh? Who's talking?"

Mu Xitang looked around confusedly for the source of the sound.

Jiang Xiao's heart moved, and his first reaction was to agree!


Does the other party take the initiative to ask for an exchange?

Does that mean that he really wants to get the scepter and the sacrificial robe?

Jiang Xiao knew that Rules Guantan would never make a loss-making business.

I guess the only time I suffered a loss since ancient times was when I exchanged my hemorrhoids.

Weird talk about rules: [Should I change it or not? 】

Jiang Xiao waved his hand and finally chose to refuse.

"Oh, I understand, don't worry, it takes two to change one person anyway. Let's wait until I find another trick weapon."

Hearing that Jiang Xiao was planning to put together another magic weapon and give it to him, Rules and Ghost Talk seemed a little anxious.

Weird talk about rules: [Maybe next time I just don’t want it? 】

"It's okay. If you don't want it, just don't. I can keep it for little Pink Hair to play with. It's just a trick. I have the strength to put it all together."

Rules Weird Talk: [In order to prevent me from regretting it, I suggest you give me the things now. 】

"It's okay, it's okay. At worst, I'll give you two serious tricks. I won't let you suffer any loss."

Rules Weird Talk: [You won’t be able to use these two things anyway. I just think they are quite interesting, and I definitely don’t really want to get them. 】


This silly talk seems to be self-inflicted. He really wants to get these two things!

"Indeed, it's quite boring, so I just keep it to myself."

Seeing Jiang Xiao's indifference, the weird talk about the rules also made him angry.

Rules Weird Talk: [Let’s do this! Give me these two things and I can use them as two devious tools! 】

Jiang Xiao:.

Something is wrong, at least fifteen out of ten is wrong.

Does the other party care about these two things so much?

Two pieces.

Another person can come out.

But somewhere, Jiang Xiao felt that these two things might be more precious than he imagined.

What a fuck!

Before leaving, I forgot to ask about the specific use of the steel egg.

But the only thing that is certain is that Guitan regards this thing as even more important than the magic weapon!

After thinking about it again and again, Jiang Xiao finally spoke. It was not impossible to change, but he definitely couldn't suffer a loss!

"Are they in danger now?"

As the person who makes the rules, you can only tell the truth when talking about strange rules.

Strange rules: [There is no danger at the moment, but it will be hard to say in the future. I hope you make a decision as soon as possible, otherwise if you delay for one more minute, the person you want to rescue will be in more danger. 】


As long as there is no danger, Jiang Xiao will just think that he is farting.

But if Sun Wei and the others were really in danger or something, this guy would definitely tell them and force him to exchange.

Rules Weird Talk: [How about you give me two things and I will exchange them with you for three magic weapons? 】

Jiang Xiao became more and more reluctant. The more the other party acted like this, the more precious he felt the things in his hands were.

"How about a scepter, exchanged for two artifacts, plus sacrificial robes, exchanged for four?"

The strange talk about the rules was silent.

It seemed that Jiang Xiao would dare to change with her like this.

Two for four?

He really dares to think about it, he is indeed mentally ill!

Weird story about rules: [Add in the mobile phone hanging around your daughter’s neck, and I’ll give you four weird weapons! 】

Jiang Xiao: "No, I want six pieces including mobile phones!"

Wang Defa?

The strange talk about rules is really speechless!

Who the hell can bargain like he does?

The two items are indeed good, but they can't be exchanged like Jiang Xiao did.

Weird talk about rules: [Get out! 】

With a flash of white light.

Jiang Xiao and Mu Xitang returned to the room in the military compound.

The scepter, sacrificial robes, and two large sacks of gold tickets were all brought out.

What Jiang Xiao didn't expect was that the mobile phone hanging around Xiao Fenmao's neck was actually worth a lot.

"Well, that is to say, we actually have four magic weapons now!"

Although the deal with Kaitan was not concluded.

But Jiang Xiao at least estimated the price of the items in his hand.

Well, in other words, my net worth should be more valuable than the four magic weapons.

After all, I definitely have to make some money from Rules Monster Talk, so I can’t exchange it with you for free.

"Dad, who was the person who spoke just now? What does the magic weapon mean? What do you want to change?"

Mu Xitang's little mind has not yet understood everything that just happened.

In order not to make her worry, Jiang Xiao did not tell her about [equivalent exchange] at first.

Now is the time to make it clear to her.

After listening to Jiang Xiao's words.

Only then did Mu Xitang understand why his father told him to search for valuable things before entering the ghost story.

"It's a pity that I didn't pay attention to the swordsman's strange weapon rules."

"It's a pity that the Rules Monster Talk doesn't like it. It doesn't mean that the thing is bad. It may just be that he simply doesn't like it."

After all, in the eyes of the other party, a trick weapon is nothing more than a [basic unit of measurement].

No matter how powerful the ancient sword is, it will definitely not be as good as the magic weapon.

Looking at Mu Xitang who was thoughtful, Jiang Xiao leaned over and stroked her short pink hair.

"Xitang, did you blame dad? If you were willing, we could replace mom and one of your sisters."

"No! That profiteer in the strange rules of the rules must be trying to take advantage of us! And mom and the others are definitely not in danger for the time being. We are not in a hurry. We will not do a loss-making business!"


We won’t do any losing business!

"Hey! Our Xitang is out. Come, let grandpa see if he has lost any weight."

A group of old men were shouting outside. As for entering the room, they definitely did not dare to enter.

Yo ho?

It's okay that the old man didn't say anything, but when Jiang Xiao said something, he thought of that damn Dr. Sun!


You must know that Dr. Sun would come over to check your condition every time you came out. Why did you become so weak today?

What kind of books did this bitch read to Mu Xitang?

Make the little pink fur look a mess!

Pushing the old man away, Jiang Xiao rushed straight to Dr. Sun's room with Little Pink Hair in her arms.

These old leaders looked at me and I looked at you, but none of them stopped me.

Who is to blame?

The main blame is Dr. Sun's own suicide. Anyway, Jiang Xiao brought Mu Xitang with him. As long as she was here, there would definitely be no death, right?

"No matter what, let Xiao Sun learn a lesson!"

"That's right, such a cute little girl is now talking slanderous words. She is simply unseemly!"

"Brother, listen to my explanation"

Dr. Sun was well prepared and explained all the causes and consequences in one go.

Speaking of which, I really don't blame him for this.

At that time, Mu Xitang was too bored when watching Jiang Xiao's past records of strange stories he had cleared.

So I asked Dr. Sun if there was any way to help her integrate into this society faster.

Dr. Sun casually said that just read more books.

When Dr. Sun said this, he raised his hand and swore that he recommended Mu Xitang to read the Three Character Classic Disciple Rules or something.

"First of all, no one knows that Mu Xitang knows [Quantum Wave Reading Method] and can memorize the entire book by scanning it."

"Secondly, I didn't know that she learned to surf the Internet so quickly, and all she reads are online novels, including but not limited to martial arts, underworld, fantasy, tomb robbing, etc."

Jiang Xiao:.

No wonder Mu Xitang was so interested in the "grave robbing experience" that David presented.

If you say that, I really don't blame Dr. Sun.

After all, it is a good thing to read more books, but Mu Xitang was wrong.

"Didn't they ask you to read the Three Character Classic? Why are you reading these messy books?"

"That one doesn't look good. If I give you a choice, which one do you look at?"


Then I will definitely choose Dragon King War God.

Haha too.

The Three Character Classic is indeed not as exciting as reading a gangster novel.

In that case, Xiaofenmao was actually right. She just read the books she wanted to read.


Dr. Sun was right, Mu Xitang was right, everyone was right.

The two of them went to take a shower first, and then finished their meal.

It wasn't until the end that Lao Li came over rubbing his hands with a flattering look on his face.

"Ahem, Jiang Xiao, I see that Xiao Xitang brought a lot of good things when he came out."


Jiang Xiao glanced at him. Could it be that this old boy also had the idea of ​​​​a scepter?

"Well, what we mean is, can we lend you two golden tickets so that we can study the currency material of the other party's world?"

"Okay, I'm sure!"

Xiao Fenmao agreed directly on Jiang Xiao's behalf. It wasn't a valuable thing, so she had too much.

It's not just her.

Even the three younger brothers who followed her around were hugged.

However, the gold tickets with the largest face value of 5,000 and 10,000 were all taken by Little Fenmao alone.

The maximum face value the three bearded men took was only 1,000.

"By the way, you just go and help me count the money!"

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