I was mentally ill and was selected to participate in the strange rules talk

Chapter 231 Weird story: The hospital that never stops spinning!

It ends with the guidance of light.

Jiang Xiao appeared in the duty room of a hospital.

"Well, it's a hospital again. Does it give me a sense of déjà vu? But this room is much worse than the one I had before."

In addition to himself, there was a girl in the room who was lazy and sleeping at work.

Judging by the decoration, she looks like a resentful nurse.

So this small room is a nurse's duty room and it can be confirmed.


Jiang Xiao touched his chin deeply and looked at the wall.

The rules are clearly written on the wall of the duty room.

[Rule 1: In the next three days, you will play the role of a patient in this hospital. 】

[Rule 2: If the other person is wearing pink beautiful sheep underwear, then you must agree to his request. 】

[Rule 3: Socks are prohibited in this hospital. If you wear socks or someone else wears them, please be sure to take them off. 】

[Rule 4: The best hunters often appear in front of you as prey. 】

[Rule 5: The hospital morgue is not very clean, so try not to go there after 9 p.m. 】

[Rule 6: Some people in this hospital are harmless, but that doesn’t mean they are innocent. 】

[Rule 7: The hospital requires you to take medicine and fluids every day. Of course, this may cause some irreversible damage to your body. 】

[The goal of passing the level is to survive for three days. 】


Actually a patient?

Jiang Xiao looked down and found that he was indeed wearing a blue and white striped hospital gown.

"Oh my gosh! That's not my strong point. As you all know, I'm supposed to be a doctor."

Jiang Xiao's words to himself also woke up the little nurse who was sleeping lazily.

Little nurse: (‘-ω) rubbing her eyes

"Who? Who's talking?"

After waking up, the cute little nurse immediately puffed up her mouth with anger.

"Patient No. 9527! Don't wander around at night. Please return to your ward No. 9 immediately!"

Jiang Xiao squinted his eyes

The rules this time are very interesting. They do not point to any specific person and have no target at all.

That is to say.

From now on, anyone who appears may be a key weirdo.

"Are you wearing pink Sheepyang panties?"

Little nurse:?

Jiang Xiao's sudden question scared her so much that she immediately closed her legs tightly.

"Crazy! What nonsense are you talking about!"


Jiang Xiao's eyes flashed!

The other party's excessive behavior made Jiang Xiao sure that she was wearing a beautiful sheep.

"Sure enough, you are wearing pink beautiful sheep underwear!"

"I'm not wearing any!"

"Then why do you squeeze your legs so tightly? Is there something hidden inside? Hmm, could it be that you have double pea shooters hidden in your trouser pockets?"

God's pea shooter!

Also, why did you add [double shot], is such a detail necessary?

"I didn't!" The little nurse's face turned red.

"I don't believe it." Jiang Xiao replied with a decisive look on his face.

"I, you! Not...me"

The little nurse was fidgeting with the things on the table.

You do not believe?

You don’t believe what I can do?

Lift up your skirt to give you a look?

No, no!

The little nurse shook her head and cleared her mind.

"What does what I wear have to do with you? What a pervert! A psycho! Go back to your ward quickly, or I will call security!"

"Just give me a look and I'll make sure you're a beautiful sheep."

Jiang Xiao stared straight at the little nurse's crotch with wise eyes.

Since the rules say that you must listen to the person wearing pink beautiful sheep underwear.

Then wouldn’t it be enough to find Him and kill Him in advance?

Little nurse:? ? ?

How could you say such shameless and hooligan words in a serious manner?

Seeing the patient pressing closer and closer to her, the little nurse hugged her body tightly.

"Don't come here! Hey! Just stand there!"

Damn it!

Everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned.

Jiang Xiao really planned to lift someone's skirt!

Thanks to the young nurse's strong skills, she rolled and crawled out of the duty room.

This patient is definitely a psychopath!

No wonder he sneaked into my duty room in the middle of the night, he really coveted my beauty!

The little nurse ran ahead in panic.

Jiang Xiao followed behind expressionlessly, scolding at the same time.

"Stop! You really are up to something! You are still wearing sexy stockings, take them off quickly, or don't blame me for being rude to you!"

What sexy stockings?

The little nurse looked at her flesh-colored leggings

"These are leggings! A nurse's normal outfit, can you please stop talking nonsense!"

The chasing battle between the two made the people in the live broadcast room stunned for a moment.

[By the way, this is Jiang Xiao’s first time playing gangster, right? 】

[Well, it’s also possible that he was suppressed by the Xitang leader in Sin City and couldn’t let go, and now he has completely let himself go. 】

[What are you doing to be a hooligan? Can you speak? Jiang Shen clearly wants to see if this little nurse is wearing beautiful sheep underwear. This is to explore the rules! I would like to call it (Justice Quest)! 】

[Are you sure you don’t want to see it yourself? 】


【Don’t you want to see it? 】

"Security! Security! Security, save me, security!"

The little nurses are in a panic now!

Anyone who is chased by such a perverted man in the middle of the night and wants to see his underwear can't calm down, right?

‘Bang! ’

The door to the security room was kicked open, and the security guard, eyes red with anger, came out angrily!

"I'm betting on football? Who! Who is making trouble! Let's see if I don't kill him today!"

"No! That's him! Psychotic and perverted!"

I lost

This security guard

The body shape is the weirdest that anyone has seen so far!

He is two heads taller than the shrimp bully from the previous mental hospital.

Especially now that he seems to be in a hurry because of gambling, everyone can feel the violent feeling in his body through the screen.


Mu Xitang swallowed while eating potato chips.

Once such a big guy becomes weird, no one knows how strong his combat power will be.

Anyway, as far as the current normal situation is concerned, everyone seems to think that this security guard is strong enough to compete with Jiang Xiao.

"Is this your boy?"

The security guard's nostrils were breathing heavily, as if as long as Jiang Xiao admitted it, he would tear him into pieces!

"It's him! Save me!"

The little nurse immediately hid behind the security guard who looked like a small tower.

Jiang Xiao's face was full of confusion: "I just want to see if the underwear she is wearing are pink beautiful sheep. Who knows what she is running about?"

security guard:? ? ?

Her not-so-smart brain was a little distracted for a moment. What do you think she was running about?

"Are you being a gangster? Don't worry, Xiaoqin, I'll help you teach him a lesson tonight!"

"Ah?" Jiang Xiao's face was full of confusion: "Why are you teaching me a lesson? What did I do wrong?"

You're still pretending to be stupid here!

"Just because you want to look at other people's underwear!"

"No, buddy, don't you want to see her underwear?"


The security guard was stunned, and the little nurse's body stiffened.

The security guard grinned widely and unconsciously let out a few silly laughs.

"Hey, hey, hey, what's in it, I really want to see it."


A perverted patient met a stupid security guard and had a chemical reaction?

The little nurse turned around and was about to run away, but the security guard's next words made her feel relieved.

"But! I am a security guard! It is my responsibility to protect the little nurse! Even if I really want to see it in my heart, it is impossible for me to say it!"


"Ouch! You, you!"

The little nurse stomped her feet in shame.

You seem to have already said what you should say or not. Hey!

The more he talked, the more he felt that his sense of justice was overwhelming. The security guard immediately performed a crab pose.

"I am a just security guard! I am a security guard with professional ethics! I have the responsibility and obligation to maintain the dignity and quality of our security guards!"

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