Look at Dasha in front of you~

Wearing a blue and white striped ward, he held a finished syringe in his mouth and made irregular movements with his feet.

at this point.

Xiaoqin finally completely lost the gentle attitude that a nurse should maintain and started going all out.

"I'm not telling you, buddy, where do you stand like that old man who is recovering from cerebral thrombosis? He has six left hands and seven right hands. He turns his left foot inward and kicks his right foot. When he walks, he's 1.6 meters or 1.7 meters, isn't it? Are you mentally ill?"

"No, you Western mixed race are so awesome. Why are you pretending to be so big in front of my aunt? Do you know what hybrid rice is? I'm talking about a hybrid species like you. What kind of picture are you looking for in front of me, ah?"

"Do you think it's a big deal that you have a golden hair due to a genetic mutation? Let me tell you, I can't even look at you for being such a string of characters. It's like there's something wrong with your brain!"

"Oh, by the way, do you know what Chuan Chuan is? They are puppies born from two different breeds of cats and dogs. Pet shops call this type of product a loser and difficult to sell. Do you understand?"

"Do you think I'm the kind of bitch who falls on you when I see a golden retriever? Bah! You still think of tainting me with your inferior blood. It's really disgusting!"

The little nurse's words almost caused Jack to have a cerebral hemorrhage on the spot.

His whole expression was twisted, as if he was going to have a cerebral infarction in the next second.

No, this little nurse who looks weak is too aggressive with her words, right?

Although Jack was scolded badly by the little nurse.

But the people from Longguo who were squatting in the lighthouse live broadcast room were very happy to hear it.

[Yes, it’s you, my best Internet mouth substitute, Nurse Xiaoqin~]

[Hehehe, fortunately, we girls from the Dragon Kingdom have always been self-respecting and self-loving. We are not the "bitches" as Xiaoqin said. We have always been dismissive of this kind of golden retriever's flirtation! I am extremely proud of our girls! 】

[Second floor, what you said is fine! 】

[Pertinent, to the point! 】

At this time, a very few girls felt their faces were a little hot.

The little nurse seemed to have scolded Jack, but why did they feel they were scolded too?

【Well done! Not only am I racist, I'm also discriminating against people who don't discriminate against them! 】

【Stop, stop, stop! Stop this topic, or you won't be able to pass the trial! 】

Looking at the little nurse with a proud face.

Jack's self-esteem suffered an unprecedented blow

Shouldn't it?

I am a lighthouse countryman.

Not only is he a super powerful nation, but he is also a great hero who has cleared a strange story.

Is this little nurse so ignorant?

Fortunately, no one knew what he was thinking, otherwise Jack's ancestral grave would probably have to face a new round of bombing.

Don't you have any ideas on how to pass the level?

In the early stage, it was all about selling teammates.

In the mid-term, everything relied on team leader Xiaoya.

The final clearance was also the result of Jiang Xiao's team, allowing all the other chosen ones to pass the level together.

What is there to be proud of in what you, Jack, have done from beginning to end?

Seeing this golden retriever, he refused to leave. Not only did he not leave, his expression also became very ferocious.

The little nurse made a prompt decision and directly photographed the button to call the security room.

At the same time as he pressed it, there was a huge door opening in the corridor.

'boom! ’

It is not difficult to judge from the force of the impact of the door opening. The other party is definitely not in a very beautiful mood now.

at the same time.

The violent sound of opening the door also made Jack wake up a little.

I giao!

This is such a weird story. What on earth was I doing just now? !

Trying to hook up with a female spy?

In desperation, he had no time to run away, so he rushed directly to the little nurse, hoping to beg her forgiveness.

"Sister! I, I was wrong, I was just joking with you!"

Jack's "big change in temperament" frightened the little nurse so much that she stepped back.

And the more she backed away, the harder Jack pressed.

Just as he was about to catch the little nurse, Jack suddenly stood up in the air.

The security guard is here.

And there was a security guard with red eyes.

At this time, the security guard picked up Jack with one hand. Judging from the relaxed expression on his face, lifting Jack was no more difficult than lifting a chicken.

"Lost, lost. I said my luck is so bad tonight. It turns out it's because of you, a loser."

This is the current posture of the two people. Why do they have a very familiar feeling?

Soon, someone in the barrage said what everyone was thinking.

[Tsk, have you ever played Plants vs. Zombies? The giant zombie inside shakes forward like this when throwing the imp zombie~]

An imp zombie can survive being thrown out by a giant zombie.

But can Jack still survive after being thrown out by security?

The security guard explained it to everyone with personal demonstrations.

With an easy throw by the security guard.

Jack had been thrown from the nurse's duty room to the tiled wall of the corridor outside since he was a child.

Along with the tiles, Jack's spine and internal organs were shattered.

As an awakened person who had awakened his talent in the power system, he actually never thought of resisting from the beginning to the end.

Completely stunned.

This performance is not even comparable to that of Asan Kingdom's Lashi Buzhan!

[The Chosen One of Lighthouse Country: Jack, the challenge (the never-ending hospital) failed. 】

[The strangeness will come in 120 seconds, descending on the city - Felix, and wreaking havoc for 48 hours. 】



Just put it into a box that night?

It seems that there is no certain death situation at this stage, right?

At this time, Lighthouse Country's live broadcast room was already flooded with curses.

Jack perfectly explained the truth of "If you don't do it, you won't die."

The bad words are still secretive!

With his death, the lighthouse can only speed up the acquisition of golden tickets.

This time they were not going to use money to buy golden tickets and make the other party look like a fool.

Xiaoya on the other side had already returned to the corridor, and she couldn't understand Lao Suntou's request.

Where the hell am I going to find his grandson?

But since I have agreed to the other party, it is not appropriate to stay in Ward No. 9 all the time. At least I have to do it superficially.

So Xiaoya planned to stay in the corridor for a while, and then go back to the ward to sleep.

No, no!

How could I have such a rotten attitude?

Maybe we can take the opportunity to explore what's in the other wards?

The hospital was very quiet at midnight.

In addition to his own breathing, Xiaoya could vaguely hear the "ticking" sound of some similar instruments.

The lights in the corridor seemed to sense his emotions and began to flicker on and off intermittently.

Xiaoya is not yet sixteen today.

She's really talented, but she's still fundamentally a little girl.

Now that she was still in a hospital, especially a hospital at midnight, Xiaoya felt a little frightened.

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