But the situation on her side is different from Jiang Xiao's.

Nurse Xiaoqin on Xiaoya's side did not leave the ward after helping her get some water, but was still paying attention to Xiaoya's condition.

In this way, even if Xiao Ya wanted to pull out the needle secretly, there would be no chance.

One sentence.

What Guitan looks at is not only the rules, but also the worldly wisdom!

Xiaoya still had no money, so she had to act according to the rules.

At this time, Sakura was so anxious that she was going crazy!

This potion will definitely damage Xiaoya’s body!

The rules are even clearly marked.

[Rule 7: You need to take medicine and fluids every day. Of course, this may cause some irreversible damage to your body. 】

What does irreversible mean?

It is very likely that the damage caused by this potion to Xiaoya's body is irreversible, and it may even bring it to reality, or to the next weird story.

"Baga! How is the discussion about the golden ticket exchange going? If this continues, our little bud will suffer a big loss!"


Our little goddess, who is so talented and has such a flexible brain, has a worse life than that muscular man with a big beard!

In the final analysis, it is because the other party has money!

It is absolutely true that money can make [Gui] push the wheels!

"Taijun, don't worry, the meeting has already begun!"

After hearing what the other party was asking for, several major powers collectively fell silent.

They had been mentally prepared before.

Whether they are asking for money or people, or even asking for highly sophisticated technical talents and technologies, they are planning to make certain choices.

But I never expected it.

What the other party wants is really ordinary, so ordinary that they can't even afford it.

One hundred thousand kilograms of rice is exchanged for one gold coin.

That's right, change it~

It sounds like the exchange ratio is terrible, but for the financial resources of these developed countries, it is not too expensive to accept.

But you must know that the lowest denomination in the opponent's hand is 5,000.

Does that mean that replacing one requires 500 million kilograms of rice? !

Long live!

Cherry blossoms only produce 14 billion kilograms a year!

In addition, I have been tortured by ghost stories many times, how can I resist exchanging like this?

There are even fewer kimchi over there!

It's only about half of the cherry blossoms. How can I exchange it?

And this is statistical data on the surface.

As we all know, in order to look good, reports are always reported in a more favorable direction.

Only they themselves know how much water there is in it.

And now even if the opponent's lion opens his mouth, they can't do anything.

The other party just bit this amount, with the attitude that if you like to change, you will be defeated if you don't.

And it has to be [cash on delivery]!

Who can bear this?

The landlord has a little margin, but this exchange ratio is still a pain in the neck.


As a large and far-leading country, we cannot be petty.

If it means that there is not enough rice, flour, soybeans, corn, oil, etc. can all be counted.

"Can't we talk about the price anymore?"

"One price, no negotiation."

There was silence for a while, but Big Brother was still "arrogant".

"Let's exchange for six first. Uh, let's exchange for five. Well, just five. Brother Kimchi, we are so close, why don't you pay in advance?"

Lao Pu hesitated for a while, but finally agreed.

He was not afraid of Big Brother playing rogue, anyway, the golden ticket was in his own hand. If Big Brother wanted to take it away, he would have to exchange it for grain.

Kimchi himself gritted his teeth and exchanged two!

As for the cherry blossoms, they were about to speak, but the old landlord said that as the eldest brother, he would give them two this time!

It’s very atmospheric!

Lao Pu:.

Can't you see my embarrassment?

But anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

Big Brother's "righteous action" against Sakura is due to the fact that Sakura has Xiaoya.

I want to use this loan to boost my goodwill.

The cross-country call ended.

The smile on Wang Ju's face could no longer be suppressed.

It’s a huge profit, it’s a huge profit!

Just using a few golden tickets to exchange for 3.5 billion kilograms of grain is really terrifying!

You know, there are two full sacks of this little pink hair!

Not counting the little pink ones, but the curly hair and the black girl's two sacks are enough.

As for the food in exchange, Wang Ju did not intend to keep all of it.

Instead, he only earned five.

The remaining two [5000] quotas are just enough for their family once.

Ever since ghost stories started coming.

World food prices began to rise steadily.

Although Longguo has a granary that is said to be able to feed the people of the country for more than a year even if there is no harvest throughout the year.

But after all, no one has too much of this stuff, right?

Not to mention the future.

Just relying on the exchanged grain is enough to make the price of grain in the country, which is starting to get a little tense, drop.


At this time, some top leaders of the weak country are thinking about one thing.

How about making an announcement or something and letting the chosen ones find a way to make some money after entering the ghost story?

We don’t say we have to grab it like Jiang Xiao did.

We can obtain it through legitimate rights and interests!

Just like the current hospital weird stories.

We can ask the dean if there is any shortage of nursing staff or something like that.

There's no harm in asking anyway.

After all, mosquitoes are still meat no matter how small they are, so if you can make a little money, it’s worth it.

The other half of Xiaoya's dripping was finally finished.

The rules are right.

This stuff is really harmful to the body.

After finishing the bottle, he felt as if he had been woken up in the middle of his sleep, feeling weak and a little confused.

"Nisunai. If I had known that the side effects would be so severe, I would have hypnotized her."

I have three skills, and as long as they are properly allocated, I should be able to avoid the trick.

The main reason is that Xiao Ya just felt that it was not a serious problem, at most it was dizziness, tinnitus or something.

In addition, he had to take the initiative to deal with the little boy, so he thought about saving all his skills, just in case.

I never thought hanging a bottle of water would make me so weak.

"Come on! What's going on here? With my mind-reading talent, as long as I find the key figures of Kaitan, I will most likely be able to pass the level directly and perfectly!"

After going out, Xiaoya went straight to the door of Ward No. 4.

Thinking back to what the little nurse said last night, Xiaoya nodded, feeling that she was 100% sure if she didn't say anything, or 70% to 80% sure.

‘Dong dong dong~’

Knocked on the door, but there was no response.

Xiaoya opened the door directly.

I lost it!

As soon as she opened the door, she was startled by the person inside.

It looks like a little boy of five or six years old is auspicious.

He was sitting on the hospital bed like a puppet, with no expression on his face, but his eyes were strangely staring at Xiaoya's face.

This look.

It's so unbecoming of a child to show off.

It seems to contain a variety of emotions such as cruelty, bloodthirsty, violence, madness, viciousness, pity and so on.

Just looking at each other can send chills all over your body.

But when Xiaoya planned to take a closer look, the various emotions in Jixiang's eyes disappeared instantly.

The little boy seemed not to have glanced at Xiaoya from beginning to end.


Are you dazzled?

Or are you hallucinating as a side effect of just taking the water?

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