
Jiang Xiao was stunned when he entered the cubicle.

This naked woman has a face that is very familiar to me

Originally, the woman wanted to angrily scold the man who barged into the cubicle.

But when he raised his head, he was stunned.

Is this guy a little too handsome?

When she discovered that Jiang Xiao's melancholy eyes were staring at her, the woman's tone suddenly softened.

"Young man, does your sister's face fascinate you so much?"


Is it Sakura’s Nako? !

Why did Nako, who disappeared mysteriously in the Madman's Villa, appear here?

Jiang Xiao was still very impressed by this woman.

At that time, it was rumored that this woman's talent was extremely rare and special, and some even said that she could be evenly matched with him.


Although in Hengshui Prison, everyone discovered that Naiko's true strength was just like that, her popularity did not drop at all.

I didn't expect that after such a long time, I would meet her in Kaitan.

Jiang Xiao froze in place because of surprise.

The live broadcast room in Longguo was the most lively.

The number of online viewers instantly soared to 3 billion, and is still rising.

[Si Guoyi~Our Miss Nako is alive? 】

【fart! Our goddess Nako has never died! 】

[Hehehe, do you want to see what posture your goddess is in now? What is she doing with this bald chef? 】

No need for this buddy to remind you.

95% of men have already recorded on screen.

I didn’t expect that.

Naiko, who has always shown herself to be pure and generous, unexpectedly~



Is it possible that Nako was ruined in the end because she was in the villa, so she completely degenerated?

You know, many of their Sakura special effects films have this kind of plot.

[But why did she suddenly come to the hospital from the villa? 】

【what's the situation? Come on, someone who understands! Where was Sherlock Holmes from last time? ! 】

Sherlock Holmes:

[I smoked two packs of cigarettes, but I still don’t have a clear idea.]

Doesn't make sense?

According to everyone's initial guess, even if Nako is not dead, she should be trapped in the madman's villa?

How could he have gone to another ghost story world and even be with a bald chef?

[Holmes is dead, veterinarian. Where is the veterinarian? Come out and say a few words! 】


【? ? ? 】

[What the hell? This doesn’t involve livestock treatment and livestock medicine. How do I know what’s going on? 】

This scene in the Longguo live broadcast room made the whole world boil.

Nako, who was lost in ghost stories, reappears!

Does that mean that the once-dead Chosen One may appear in some corner of the ghost story world?

"Brother, sister, am I so fascinated by you?"

The bald Naiko spoke again, pulling Jiang Xiao and everyone in the live broadcast room away from their thoughts.


This voice. It seems like Wanako’s [sister voice] can’t get the number?

Why is the sound so rough?

Is it possible that Rinako also smokes and drinks in private?


Something is wrong, at least eleven or twelve points out of ten.

The color of Nako's skin below her neck is different from the color on her face.

Moreover, the skin overall looks sagging and saggy, not nearly half as firm as Nako's.

The main thing is.

Naiko actually called Jiang Xiao [little brother]?

Could it be that he has lost his memory?

Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible for her not to recognize this man!

When everyone is still confused.

Jiang Xiao has concluded that this woman is definitely not Naiko herself!

"You are not Nako, who are you?"


The woman under the bald head was stunned for a moment, and then she covered her mouth and chuckled as if she suddenly understood something.

"Hey, I'm talking about why my little brother keeps staring at my sister. Do you know the original owner of the emotional face~"

"You are indeed not Nako!"

Jiang Xiao's face darkened, but he was not sad about Naiko's death.

It's just that they are both the chosen one, regardless of nationality, Nako's behavior is still acceptable.

She and Ward at the same time also gave everything they had for their country.

It's okay if such a person dies.

But if someone weird cuts off her face and uses it for himself.

Jiang Xiao will definitely make her regret coming to this world!

The woman stood up from the ground and dressed slowly, not caring whether she was being looked at.

"Naiko? Oh, it turns out that girl's name is Naiko. She's so good-looking. Even a woman like me is attracted by her."

"Don't push me, I'm just asking you, how is Nako doing now!"

"Well, little brother, if you want to know her situation, you have to pay a little bit."

'Snapped! ’

Jiang Xiao's powerful buttocks made the woman roll her eyes.

"Go away and show off! The employer is asking you for someone now, and I'm asking you where she is now?!"

"You dare to hit me?"

The woman who reacted covered Nako's pretty face in disbelief.

"Why don't I dare to hit you?"

Jiang Xiao stepped on the woman's bare foot and threatened her fiercely.

"Let me tell you, I'm still worried about hurting Naiko's face, so I hold back on whipping, otherwise I can pull out your brains with just one slap!"

So fierce and tough?

Star Tao, who was watching the show on the other side, stood up unknowingly.

This sponsor is not only rich, but also so powerful?

"Mad! Why are you still standing there? Kill him!"

The angry woman pushed the bald chef forward.

The shirtless chef was also unequivocal. He picked up the kitchen knife and was about to strike at Jiang Xiao!

‘Bang! ’

Before anyone could see what was going on, the tall and thick chef was kicked into the cubicle.

After several seconds, an angry shout erupted from inside.

"Asshole! How dare you act so arrogantly on your Lord Guang's territory!"

'boom! ’

The door frame of the small cubicle was not big to begin with, but now it was hit by the giant beast inside and created a large gap.

A strange creature on all fours, with a hairless head and a body that looked like crocodile skin rushed out from inside.

The crocodile was staring at Jiang Xiao with his red eyes.

Then he bounced hard with his hind legs, intending to knock down this blind man.

But Jiang Xiao just took a step back and stretched out his left hand to push the crocodile monster to the ground when he was about to bite him.

This was followed by a set of unreasonable right fists with a series of piston blows.

It was a critical hit to the held down crocodile's head, causing full damage!

The fist hammer on the bald head made a continuous "bang bang bang" sound, which seemed to be beating Jiang Xiao's rhythm.

The woman next to Jiang Xiao saw that the bald chef who had just merged with her was beaten like this. Instead of wanting to help, she stared at the bald Jiang Xiao with great excitement.

Is this man so motivated?

His skills in bed are probably unparalleled in the world, right? !

Thinking of this, the woman's body even reacted uncontrollably.

Star Tao, who was not far away, had long lost the ability to think.

Is this man's strength a bit too perverted?

Is it really possible to defeat such a powerful monster with just brute force?

It wasn't until the crocodile on the ground stopped struggling that Jiang Xiao released his grip.

Jiang Xiao shook off the blood and brain matter on his hands indifferently, and smiled kindly at the woman with a relaxed and comfortable look on his face.

"Hey! We, Lao Li, are reasonable people. If you can use your words, use your words as much as possible. Do you want to use violence? Then I will definitely accompany you to the end. Let's tell the truth. I have traveled all over the country for so many years. What kind of people have I not seen?"

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