Jiang Xiao's feet were like the wind, and every step was steady and fast, as if he was afraid of disturbing the tranquility of the night.

Passing the low tombstone, his eyes were always fixed on the road guided by the desolate cry.

The target is close at hand, and there is countless sadness hidden in the intermittent singing, which seems to be mixed with weak and intermittent sobs.

Finally, Jiang Xiao found a vague figure under a half-broken willow tree.

It was a trembling girl sitting there, her face pressed against the tree trunk, red tears of blood falling like willow threads, her fingertips scratching across the ancient wood, leaving a string of irregular but poignant notes.


As soon as he got close, Jiang Xiao felt a biting force invade his brain.

Fortunately, my mind is abstract.

He allowed him to be strong, and the gentle breeze blowing over the hills could not hurt him at all.

The girl seemed unaware of Jiang Xiao's arrival. Perhaps she was too immersed in the whirlpool of her own emotions and had no time to care about others.

Jiang Xiao took a deep breath, and the anxiety in his heart to leave the ghost story actually faded a bit, and was replaced by an inexplicable pity.

"Are you...that grimace?"

Jiang Xiao finally spoke, his voice low and tolerant.

The moment the girl opened her eyes, the dim light under the willow tree instantly became much softer. Her eyes reflected boundless melancholy, but also revealed a request.

That face actually made Jiang Xiao's mind wander for a moment.

"They... they don't believe me. I... I'm not a bad person. I haven't harmed anyone."

The girl's voice was like a kite with broken strings, but her pupils seemed to be a little unfocused, trembling in the air, and the melodies that were supposed to be singing also revealed real pain.

Jiang Xiao nodded slightly, feeling that things might not be as simple as he thought, and indicated that the girl could tell him anything she had to say.

"Yes, there is a bad person in the funeral home. I want to remind them, but...it's just that they are all afraid of me and avoid me. Some even want to hurt me with a mahogany sword."

The girl cried, the blood stains at the corners of her eyes highlighting her pale face.

Peach wood sword?

Jiang Xiao's face turned red, and then he put away the peach wood sword that had been pointed at the girl.

"Have you seen that bad guy? How did he hide here?" Jiang Xiao decided to break the silence and directly ask the truth.

The girl choked and slowly stood up.

"After the bad guy came... After he came, many things changed. He hid in a place where everyone could not see him. He had a way of making people unable to hear his voice and invisible."

Jiang Xiao frowned and immediately thought of the guy whose face he peed on in the toilet.

"How do I find him?"

The girl stretched out her trembling fingers and pointed to a seemingly ordinary but neglected tombstone in the distance.

The moonlight seemed to deliberately avoid it, making it particularly conspicuous at night.

"Let's start there. There is a secret under that tombstone. I...I am also from there." The girl's voice gradually weakened: "But you must be careful. The guardian of the tombstone is very powerful. No...don't underestimate him. You must come out before dawn."

Jiang Xiao's eyes were firm as rock and he nodded.

These weird tombstones were not there during the day, but they all popped up at night. There must be something weird inside.

In an instant, the willow tree swayed alone again, and the girl's figure gradually faded away like mist, leaving only the sad cry drifting into the distance in the night wind.

Jiang Xiao turned around and walked towards the lonely tombstone with piercing eyes. The fallen leaves rustled slightly under his feet.

For some reason, along with the rhythm of the footsteps, the voice gradually became deeper and deeper, as if it was playing a prelude to the story that was about to unfold.

There was a certain silence in the funeral home.

The curator seemed to be drinking tea casually, but he drank one cup after another tirelessly, and he was obviously a little anxious.

The night watchman folded his hands on his chest and kept staring at the dark night outside, but he, who had always been indifferent, frowned at this time.

Bao Lebin, an outsider from Ju, was walking around in circles in the hall unabashedly.

Jiang Xiao finally stood in front of the tombstone that whispered secrets. As soon as he got closer, a cold breath hit his face, making him frown involuntarily.

According to the old man, every tombstone is the final destination of the deceased, and they silently guard the peace of the body and soul.

Looking at the tombstone covered with moss, the writing on it has long been blurred.

He stretched out his hand and gently brushed away the stubborn moss. Under the dim moonlight, a line of almost illegible text finally revealed its true form: "Where the Truth is Buried."

These six short words were like a heavy hammer, slamming into Jiang Xiao's heart.

His mind raced between these words, trying to decipher the hidden meaning behind them.

Finally, he took a deep breath and carefully groped along the edge of the tombstone with his hands.

After repeated confirmations, he finally found an almost negligible small crack on the back of the tombstone.

He took several deep breaths, placed his palms on the cracks of the tombstone, and pushed hard.

A simple sound of a mechanism sounded, and the tombstone moved slowly, revealing a narrow passage going downwards.

The passage was deep and dark, capable of swallowing up almost all light, but Jiang Xiao did not hesitate at all. He advanced directly as light as a swallow, and descended step by step into the secret passage underground.

After falling about three feet, Jiang Xiao's feet finally landed on the ground.

There was a strange and fishy air here, which caused his body temperature to rise unconsciously. At the same time, an unsuppressible ominous premonition began to arise in his heart.

In front of him was a spacious basement, exuding a decayed and ancient atmosphere, and at the same time, there was also a familiar fishy smell.

There were still burning torches on the surrounding walls, and the firelight danced and reflected in Jiang Xiao's pupils.

"Strange, this torch was just wiped on?"

The seemingly messy basement actually contains a variety of items:

For example, abandoned furniture, faded photos, rusty tools, and densely packed documents placed in a corner.

He walked over and carefully picked up a yellowed document. He saw that it was densely covered with mosaic-like words, but most of them were difficult to read due to the erosion of time.

However, at the edge of the partial page of the document, one name after another attracted Jiang Xiao's attention, and each name had a date marked next to it. Jiang Xiao's heart was shaking. Could these names and dates be...

Among those photos, one of them made him stop for an instant as if he was struck by an electric shock, because he accidentally discovered a familiar face—a beautiful female corpse?

Why does her photo appear under a tombstone so far away from the funeral home?

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