The lush trees cast intricate shadows in the afterglow of the setting sun, reflecting Martin's steady steps.

He had been walking for several hours, and according to his rough estimation, he should be almost out of this wilderness.

Just then, a small sob broke the tranquility of the wilderness.

Martin leaned down alertly, with an extremely professional posture, and then quietly approached the source of the crying sound.

In the bushes, a little girl in a white dress was squatting there, looking at Martin, her little body shaking, and telling him to go back over and over again.

"Why do you want me to go back?"

The little girl's appearance was too sudden, and her almost transparent white skin looked particularly strange in the dusk.

Martin stopped. He knew in his heart that no child in this world would appear in such a remote and dangerous wilderness for no reason.

"Are you lost? Where is your family?" Martin asked in the calmest voice possible.

However, the little girl didn't answer his question. She just raised her big, teary eyes and looked at Martin, crying even harder.

"Go back, you want to go back, you can't leave right now." Her voice seemed to have an ominous premonition.

This made Martin more determined. He knew that any anomaly in the wilderness might be a carefully laid trap.

Moreover, since he left the funeral home, his instinct told him that he was in an unprecedented danger.

"No, I have to get out of here." Martin's voice was firm and indifferent.

He bypassed the little girl and quickened his pace, silently thinking that as long as he kept moving forward, he would be able to get rid of this evil barrier.

But just as he was about to walk out of the bushes, a sharp scream broke through the night sky. The little girl's voice was no longer crying, but full of panic and anger.

"You didn't listen to my warning! You will regret it!"

Screams echoed in his ears, and Martin felt the cold wind gusting behind him, as if a pair of invisible hands were trying to pull him back to the crouching and crying little girl. He quickened his pace, almost running.

Just when he thought he could finally get rid of this strange phenomenon, a strange and unpredictable aura suddenly condensed in the air in front of him.

Compared with the childish cry just now, it was heavier and deeper.

Martin stopped and stared ahead, where something seemed to be waiting for him. The ominous aura made the feeling of uneasiness and threat in his heart even stronger.

He has experienced hundreds of battles, and every mission as a special forces soldier has been close to death.

However, this time is different from any previous tension of alert, tracking and sneak attack.

This kind of fear that comes from nature and the unknown is his intuition that is constantly warning him, telling him that he should not underestimate the unknown existence in front of him.

Looking back, the location of the funeral parlor seemed to be looming in front of his eyes.

"Do you want me to go back?"

Just when he was hesitating, a thunderbolt hit his head, and the heavy rain poured down on him without giving him a chance to react.


This is a downhill area, and the heavy rain made the already difficult road even more muddy.


After wiping the dirty rainwater from his face, Martin made a quick decision.

"We can't continue on our way, we have to find a place to hide from the rain."

It's raining heavily, and the weather is cold. If you keep getting wet, you will definitely lose your temperature.

Fortunately, he soon found a small cave on a small slope.

In other words, it's not too small.

There can be about three or four square meters inside, which is enough to accommodate Martin even for a simple sleep.

And the entrance of his hole is slightly downward, so rainwater will not pour in.

‘Case, wipe, wipe! ’

As expected of a professional, he used flint and steel to light some hay in the cave in a few moments.

There are many branches on the side that can withstand burning, so it is not difficult to withstand the rain.

"House Crab! This weather is more fickle than my grandma!"

After lighting the fire, Martin quickly took off his clothes to bake, while constantly doing push-ups to ensure that his body temperature did not drop.

After doing all this, the rain outside showed no sign of stopping. Instead, it got heavier and heavier.

If you were an ordinary person, you would probably regret leaving the funeral home.

But Martin is determined. The more harsh the external conditions are, the more he feels that he has chosen the right path.

"This is all just a test from God. Martin, you know, it's nothing. Just hold on."

The main character is a tough guy!

I have to say that watching Martin operate is a real pleasure sometimes.

I saw him skillfully taking a branch, quickly putting on the steamed buns and chicken legs and roasting them on the fire.

For a while, it really felt like surviving in the wilderness.

It was stormy outside, but inside the cave it was warm and fragrant, and the smell of meat was fragrant.

It wasn't until the chicken legs were sizzling with oil that Martin was ready to enjoy the meal.

"We set off at around six o'clock in the morning, and it should be around ten o'clock now. The rain should gradually taper off or even stop within two to three hours."

"To sum up, I should be able to rest for a while and take a nap?"

Although sleeping feels a little light and heavy now, there is nothing you can do if you don’t sleep, right?

It's definitely not possible to get out if it's stormy outside, so it's better to take a nap and regain your strength.


Lying on the soft hay, feeling the gentleness of the flames, Martin half-squinted his eyes and couldn't help but recall the glorious years of his field training.

At this moment, he felt a gust of cool wind coming in from the entrance of the cave. The cool breeze was like a subtle scraping sound of paper, which was in sharp contrast to the violence of the storm.

Martin's consciousness suddenly felt a tingling pain, and until the sound became more and more obvious, he looked towards the entrance of the cave in a daze.

"Go back." A voice so subtle that it was almost drowned out by the wind and rain came quietly into his ears.

Martin suddenly woke up, and the fatigue in his eyes disappeared. He stared at the hole, but did not see anyone.

"Who?" He growled, his wide eyes flashing with cold light showing the alertness and determination of a warrior.

The flame seemed to sense the tension in his heart at this moment, and suddenly jumped up, illuminating the entire cave.

But there was nothing else in the cave except him.

Even though the thunder outside the cave was like the angry roar of the gods, the silence inside the cave was like a high wall, isolating Martin's voice, leaving only his lonely breathing and nervous heartbeat.

Suddenly, a wet note dripped from the ceiling and was fed directly to Martin's lap, who was sitting cross-legged.

This was beyond Martin's expectation. His first reaction was to retreat quickly, and his hand subconsciously reached to his waist, trying to extract the ax for defense.

However, when his hand touched the note, Martin realized that it was an ordinary piece of paper, with wet ink notes on it, and the handwriting was blurred by the rain.

He looked closely and could only make out a few words: "Help me. Send it back."

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