Because it's something Mr. Hans would say extra. I'm no longer into shopping.

Of course!

I didn't normally want to know that your mother-in-law's family was plotting something for you as a nobleman, even though it was a prediction!

No, of course I know that must have been taught in good faith.

Because your mother-in-law advises you not to be imprisoned for it.

(I think it's a disincentive for an escort named me not to act extra.)

It's more meaningful that way......?

Sure, I think if your mother-in-law and Melek get sick in that house and you can't go home, and they ask for help so you can come with me or something, I'm going to shake it knowing it's a trap.

Well, in that case, I'll take someone who's going to give me a hand no matter what.

But if that happens, in many ways, the Counts of Purvas and the Viscounts of Fundid can be laughs of aristocratic society.

Because acting to keep mummy removal from becoming a mummy means you can't get rid of it in secret!

That's why I don't even think you're bothering to miss it over there. I mean, I think you're acting like this because you're stuck in your feathers.

"Well, don't you have to think that deep?

"Do you say that..."

That's not what you're gonna say, is it?

Totally no more......

Lygial Chamber of Commerce meeting came when I did that, so I decided to switch my mind. Of course, it bothers me...... I'm actually hitting my hands ahead of time, more than I'm supposed to be.

I asked the samurai of the hall, whom I became friends with on my last homecoming, to take as long as possible to get ready and send me an immediate contact if anything happened that my mother-in-law would have to return to the Count Purbus house.

Instead of acting without knowing what happened, it's like it's different to act knowing and thinking about measures!

Nevertheless, there are limits to delaying preparation... and if it is the Count's, unfortunate news, your mother-in-law will want to go home soon.

I've never done it without, so I don't want to use that hand as much as I can.

So I wanted to have a souvenir after gathering information and finding reassuring elements in the moment......

(You won't find any reassuring elements at all!!

But in addition to the fact that I have nothing to do with the deterioration of the relationship between the Purvas family and the Talbot Chamber of Commerce in your letter to your mother-in-law, let's decide to write in the letter that no matter what happens, I want you to wait to go back there.

My old mother-in-law would have smiled at me about what she was saying, but now I think you'll think about what it means properly.

(... but it's rude not to go even though you're a relative)

How do we deal with that there?

I feel that would be troublesome if I made the wrong choice, so I can still only hope that Mr. Sebastian will come here to buy the inside of that house with rumors!

"That's a lot more aromatic, though I'd prefer something that would make me feel more calm if possible. Apart from that, what's refreshing about the aroma and taste?

"So how about this one, etc."

"... well, there you go..."

And what do you say yourself, it's pretty awesome to be able to think in parallel like this while making tea product rules?

I have to say that I was trained as a samurai because it was a necessary skill in doing my job, but I feel so active right now......!!

Now that you've got the right tea for the potato kan, it's a tea party when you get back with Mr. Sebastian! I'm sure you'll be sorting out the information and waiting for me by now.

I exhaled relieved, and the head of the meeting said, "Speaking of which," where I left the Lygial Chamber of Commerce while being dropped off.

"May I help you?

"Looks like our colleagues have been bothering you lately"


"I'll be waiting for you sometime."


What the hell is that?

I can't even ask what that means, Mr. Hans took my hand and escorted me all the way to the carriage, as the meeting with a harmless smile on my face waved at me. I just have to haunt my head.

Mr. Hans is laughing at me like that, but how far and what does he know? Horrible!

"Look, Julia."

"... what is it"

"There's Murietta over there. You were looking at Julia who was dropped off at the meeting right now."

"Lady Remred......!?

"Shit. Don't look at me that way. That's it for my escort! Lord Regina's right there, so I'll take turns. Shall we talk slowly next time?

"… is your mission complete?"

"Sort of."

"Was that to show her?"

"Come on, I don't know about that."

A giggling Mr. Hans waves at me with a glimmer and flips himself.

And I followed the back of a girl with thin red hair who was leaving, and I felt indescribable to drop her off as she ran.

(What the hell is going on...!?

Fun shopping, it was supposed to be that kind of day.

What's going to happen when you show it to Mr. Murrietta? I'm taken care of, to the Kingsguard Knights... to the Great Merchant.

You see that, and you act on what she thinks or something, and what that's going to be.

(Kind of like I'm abusing that kid, I don't feel well)


Regina, who came into the carriage trying to replace Mr. Hans, called out surprised at how I was doing, but she couldn't respond right away.

"Julia, if you're not feeling well, will you go back to the royal castle?"

"No.... close the door, Mr. Regina. I'm not leaving, I'm just staying here for a little while."


It's tough on Regina, tough on her! Sorry! I don't!!

I grabbed Regina's arm when I closed the carriage door.

I asked her a little bit, diving into her voice as I looked up to challenge her.

"Regina, what do you know, would you like me to throw up in the wash?"

"Oh, no, um, my dear Julia... I'm sorry, but I don't know more about Atashi"

"As far as I know, fine. Can you tell me?

"Yu, Yulia"

"I was just telling you, right?

I'm sorry for Regina for making you smile so hard.

I think I've had my own eyes set on it for a long time.

But, you know, I think there's a lot of things going on with the way things were done, and I figured I'd understand that I had a position with her, with Hans, with Murietta, and so on.

Oh, I'm pissed! … and.

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