"Ugh, I'm getting nervous..."

It's okay, I'm just eating with my family normally.

Today, at last, the face-to-face meeting before the engagement... well, it's almost like a dinner party... but that day has come!

No, I don't want you to come.

It's just, what do you mean?

I'm glad, but I'm nervous and embarrassed, but I'm still engaged.

A lot of women's minds are complicated, yeah.

Aldar and I were contacted by our parents and went through the proper procedures to take a rest, but the surrounding eyes were warm, which was troubling in some ways.

Sebastian seems really happy. "I want to attend the wedding..." is too fast!!

But yes, I'm going to have everyone from the Princess's Palace join me at the wedding!

I've already discussed this with Ardal.

By the way, it seems that this meeting is the result of various adjustments...... it has become a luxury hotel in the Duke's realm, the Prime Minister.

How did that happen?

"No, I don't know..."

“But I didn't think I'd be able to rent a hotel in a sanatorium this season.”

"...... I don't want to think about where or what inspiration came from."

Aldar smiled bitterly and said so, but yes, for some reason (...) a hotel that has a reputation for receiving the best hospitality in a popular land as a sanatorium, and how much people's envy is gathered there.

I heard about that luxury hotel, but I heard that it was filled with reservations until a few years ago.

(...... Bianca, I knew it)

I don't think Count Baum applied, so perhaps the Prime Minister or Mr. Bianca was attentive and accommodating.

But I don't think it's the Chancellor, so it must be Bianca.

"Oh, the view has changed a lot."


As I and Aldar rode the carriage, the scenery was normal, but it changed... and we laughed face to face at the well-kept townscape.

There are a lot of nurseries in the country, so this is a special place.

A beautiful lake with a pleasant climate, where rare migratory birds come... you can enjoy the nature of the seasons.

"Let's be quiet and thankful this time." It's not good to water the care of the corners. "

"... I see."

First of all, our engagement is more important than just thinking about it.

Corner, you failed to set me up here, because it's not funny!

... well, there's not a single factor that fails!!

Our company is approved by both families in the first place, but it is rather a natural flow.

I even got promises from great people that they wouldn't let me put a sideways spear in it.

Above all, we have both thoughts!!

(But who pays for hotel accommodation?)

Generally, it is a process of visiting one of the houses to meet and stay there to deepen rapport... but this time it is a hotel.

It is better to pay if you can afford it, or I think it is better to pay for a warrior, but it is the noble society that does not go so easily there.

It's a match between honor and mentees!

For example, if the person with the money at the lower level pays in full, the upper side will give the appropriate gift in consideration of their gratitude and future company.

Conversely, if the upper side entertains you, how the lower side appreciates generosity and tells the other nobles that the upper side is forgiving and wonderful and strengthens the faction...?

It's a hassle, but that's how the ground solidifies.

Of course, there may be a lot of interaction from compassion due to mutual favor, but there is a possibility that there will be a personal desire involved.

As for this time, we both thought that... and both parents thought that it would end with "good, good", so it's fine... but it's just that I'm worried about luxury hotels.

(I don't think it's even half of it.)

Isn't that a matter of Baum's ticket?

Even though I say thank you, I wonder if I can be of any help to the weak nobles who don't belong to any faction...

I know it's not particularly desired, but if you didn't do anything, you might say, "Come on, that house over there!"

That said, I think it's different for me to think about it, so I wonder if I should have a family meeting there...

"Yes, Julia. Let's take a short walk around town after dinner."

Yeah? Yeah, I'm fine with that.

"It's been a long time since I've had a good day off, so I can stay with you. Can I just go on a date?"

The sweet thing about Aldar laughing gently!

It's true that we've become a lot more resistant together recently, but I think his sweetness has increased tremendously since we decided to get engaged!

Oh, you're always with me, aren't you?

"Well, I've been with the Royal Castle for a while, but... it's been a long time since we've been together, right?" It's the first time I've been to the Celesse realm. "

Well, maybe that's the case.

"I know that if we get married, we'll be together in the same house." Even so, I want to enjoy the time I can spend in this way. "

"... that's the same with me, though..."

"Thank you."

Aldar laughed and took my left hand, dropping a kiss that touched his finger.

Hey, don't scream at me, please.

What is it?!

If handsome men hadn't done it, it would have been a terrible barrier.

No, it wasn't handsome, but it was a barrier.

Ah, um, Ardal!

I'm looking forward to the ring.

Oh, yeah, that's right!

I'm really happy to say that I'm full of it.

Enough! Actually!

After the date of departure from the Royal Castle was decided, Ardal pushed me away, so I went to the castle town and ordered an engagement ring!!

I enjoyed deciding on the design of the place, yes.

I look forward to seeing you!

As for the engagement ring, it will be stored in the room except for the official place, but it is very different from the one without...

"... I'm just a little anxious about the beat."

Too happy to be scared, such a used word has swept my mind, but it seems that the day has finally come for me to feel it.

But Aldar smiled bitterly at me, who muttered unexpectedly.

I see? I don't think so.

"Huh? I wonder..."

"I wonder if it's been a long time since I've been here." That would be a good memory, too. "

"... I never imagined that I'd be engaged in a little over a year after I met you"

That's right, I didn't think marriage would have anything to do with it...

I am surprised at this development.

It's just a little over the course of the year, but it was so dense that it was superfluous.

Primera-sama is an angel, he watches his love, he starts dating Aldar... and then he is recognized as a nobleman in another country by his work... he is mainly entangled in the brain muscle, the heroine is a rival, and he is entangled in the distortion among the aristocrats. This is not called dense.

"I wanted Julia to be my wife sooner. It's just for you, just for me."

Aldar stroked my fingers sparingly and clasped my hands.

Just a little closer, I closed my eyes unexpectedly.

... yes, I was impressed by the atmosphere.

Please leave it like that.

Aldar laughed a little, but I forgive you for your gentle kiss!

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