"... We all worked well at the park fair the other day. It is a great pity that something unfortunate has happened, and both Your Majesty are heartbroken, but fortunately, no one has been injured."

The office of the presiding samurai, where the leading samurai of each of our palaces reflect on the table.

No, this time the expression consolation, not reflection, may be close. I think it would be harsher to reflect on this unusual situation because the monster appearance interrupted the park from the middle of nowhere.

Protecting the boulders from the monsters is not something that should be imposed on our samurai.

I think it's okay for the customer to just say zero injuries.

Nevertheless, from the organizer, Her Majesty the Queen, it is like being painted with mud... I have information in advance, so I think it must be above my knowledge.

The important thing is that you had information in advance.

(Naturally, you must have had a way to stop it on the steps that the daughter of some (...) big nobleman wanted to see a monster... but I think that not doing that meant using it as a good solemn opportunity)

That was enough to say that the knight was more disciplined than usual even though he knew the information might be brought in advance. I don't know at first glance... but that was it, I guess.

Naturally, the customer's consideration must have been paramount, but I think 'I won't let you bring anything in' should be the best way to think about it. And even I, the young man, can't possibly not understand the ruling samurai or - those who stand on top of it.

It's too big a story to be solemn in the presence of some national guests... I wonder if there was a problem with the Kingdom of Shagran.

The details have not been shared with us. Well, of course.

Politics is a matter of politicians, and what we samurai want is to serve well.

"This time, both sires were very pleased that Yulia von Fundid, the lead samurai of the Princess's Palace, was dedicated to the evacuation of the wife of the Duke of Balmunk, Minister of State of Shagran. Our maid of honor has shown us inside and out that she will defend herself without abandoning her guests."

"... thank you for your kind words"

"However, in view of the fact that this tournament has terrorized our guests, please acknowledge that honorable awards cannot be made. Words from both sires."

"Yes, I did. That's enough."

I don't know if they will honor me in person.

No, life expectancy will shrink if that happens!! 'Cause in fact, where you're directing the evacuation, didn't you just end up taking your place and dying? Aren't you glad they gave you the award?

Well, it's enough that I was just praising you. Primera, as far as I'm concerned, it hurts my heart...

"Later, His Majesty once again promised to give us what we specified as an inventory, but to honor this action and to award us a prize. Be thankful."


Whoa! Whoa! I've put this on top of the bonus promise. Aaaaaaaaah!!

This is a very grateful story. Oh, good. Good. I was thinking about buying something a little better for my birthday present around the New Year's Festival. Oh, because it's my birthday right after the beginning of the year.

Hehe... I don't care because my birthday always feels like it's finally at New Year's festival!

That's it, it feels like Christmas is my birthday. Yeah? In this case, New Year's is your birthday?

Well, the Fandids aren't that wealthy, and as lords, it was a priority to go around greeting them, so I couldn't help it.

Even when I started living in the royal castle, I wasn't in the habit of having a special celebration or anything... that's okay. Primera and Sebastian are preparing the cake, isn't that great!

But next year...... yeah, that. Aldar, I wish I could invite you to the New Year's Festival, I don't know... no, I hadn't asked conveniently yet. No, no, no, wait. I have His Royal Highness the King's birthday before me!

It's Setouchi whether the hero shows up or not, so you have to worry about that!!

"Apart from that, I'd like to ask you something."

"What is it?

"Do you remember Ellen"

"Yeah, of course. Wasn't she hurt?

That's right, it's Mr. Aeren. If I could just ask her what she knows about 'Murietta', I might know a little bit.

But it was after that commotion, so I didn't know how she was... If her ex-boyfriend had been involved in the monster case, perhaps the knights would have been questioned in that streak.

To my worrying words, the head of the outer palace gave me an indescribable look.

But the easiest thing to understand is the look you seem sorry for, isn't it?

I don't know. I saw the Superior Samurai, but the Superior Samurai's expression is hard to read after all.

"Sometimes a friend of mine at that daughter's place of origin (...) was involved in this monster incident, and she is being held captive for investigation by the Knights, but no injuries, and she is fine. We've seen some defiant behavior, so the detentions may be a little longer."

"Really... but I'm relieved there doesn't seem to be any injuries"

"Apart from that, Ellen was angry that her own fiancée was having an affair like that. Is that a fact?

It's a good place to have no roots.

"Really? Okay."

Let me deny it immediately!

Yeah, well. I suppose the Supervising Samurai also knew, only formally asked the question. As far as this reaction is concerned.

"For once, can you explain the situation to us?

"Yes, while I was touring the venue, I saw the sight of her being taken to some escort. Along the way, after speaking to the other maids who were nearby to tell the head of the outer palace about it, I followed them not to lose sight of them. Eddie McKayle, the escort knight I met on the way to tell you not to go alone, would like you to accompany me."

"Didn't you dare call a McCale escort knight?


Really that was a coincidence.

Well, I can't even ask you to prove it. Until you tell me you must have matched your mouth... but it's also heartfelt to think you're a flower garden idea to cheat on that venue and boulders.

Because as far as I'm concerned, it was a bonus job. Not quite, or cheating or anything. I'm on my way - if I say something like that, I won't tell you because it's going to eat extra scratches!

Or cheating on Eddie even though whoever sees that he's more in love with Aeren... kinda pitiful of Eddie.

"I understand very well. Of the outer palace, no doubt?


The chief samurai, who snorted harshly, just looked at everyone and declared her dissolution, not saying that the problem was over. Sometimes the Knights have intervened in this case, so I was told not to say things on my own too much speculation.

Well, I don't particularly have someone to speculate on, and as far as I'm concerned, I don't have a problem. I'm not in a position to make rumors!

But for now,...... um, you mean a little unconvinced.

"Of the outer palace, may I have a moment?

"Of the Princess's Palace...... you've caused a lot of trouble to your lady this time. I'm so sorry about Aeren..."

"Um, would it be possible, if I may, to see Mr. Aeren?


No, I don't want to see you if that's a choice between wanting to see you or not wanting to.

I don't want to see you, but come on, I guess I want to say one of my complaints.

'Cause under that circumstance, "Thief Cat!! You said something disgraceful about me having an affair with her fiancée until after the commotion. I'm talking about which mouth says it!!

Oh, no. Of course I'd like to hear about 'Murietta'.

But can't it be bouldered? All I'm saying is that the Knights are being held captive. Though, I don't think she's involved in this monster case... and I don't think she even heard from you that she doesn't want to go back to the edge at all.

Is there any reason you were held captive? What did you do with your defiant attitude?

"I can see you... but you might be offended."

"It's okay. I also had a desire to correct my own disgrace directly to her..."

"Really...... But, you know, she's seen a lot of mental instability and violent attitudes, so will you promise me that the knight will be present? I'll let you know that I have an audience with the Knights, but in some circumstances, they may say no."

"That's okay. Sorry for the inconvenience."

"No.... of the Princess's Palace, I'm really... I'm sorry. Ellen was... a daughter who was very concerned about her origins because she was from the border. Have we talked about working as a servant at Uncle Borderline and because of his excellence…?

Yeah, I've heard of it.

If I nodded and encouraged her to continue, the lead maid of the outer palace exhaled a deep sigh and slowly walked out, so I walk along with it. Well, that's not what stands talked about.

"When I came to the royal castle, that was, well, the least I could think of... But I was a hard worker, and I learned how to be polite immediately, and I learned how to do it in the outer palace. He wanted to teach me how to be proactive, and I remember he had a fever for coaching."

"... you are"

"He wants to be happy here so that we don't go back to the border... it seems to be a lie that the Guardian Knight saw him. Oh no... locally... and even to the Kingsguard knights..."

Looks like the head maid of the outer court is in a lot of shock.

Well, what a scandalous reality that juniors who taught so hard to be cute didn't want to go back to the edge, but therefore made fiancées while keeping their lovers locally, and even told other guys in their sentences, would be hard to accept.

If this were Maina or something, I wouldn't believe it, something that I would say was a mistake.

"I'm really, really sorry.... I'll file an application with the Knights, so I'm sure someone will be able to get in touch with you if I get permission."

"Yes, thank you"

The head of the outer palace, I've slackened him...... pathetic, but I want him to manage to get back on his feet. I'm sure you'll stand back on your own and behave resolutely in front of your men.

She's also one of the leading samurai, Ning Lo. From me, she's a senior, so I'm sure she'll be fine.

Still, I'm scared of one-on-one, but it doesn't mean that knights are good for anyone.

'Cause you can't talk about' Murietta '... if you say you have bad predictive skills or something and it's a rumor, right?

Hmmm...... I guess asking Aldar is the best thing.

His Royal Highness Brother Wang will also rely on you, but even if your status is too high... what if Aldar makes you extra intense to clear up suspicions of cheating?

It can't be Eddie or anything like that, and I don't know what's going on... it's inconvenient when you don't know many people!!

I'm not kidding, am I?

I just want to keep the people who know about Murietta to a minimum!!

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