I was rejected when I wrote a song, but I became a king on my debut

Chapter 58: Tear off your stockings (Please follow up on Tuesday)

Two days after the fourth episode of "Idol's Son" aired, Yang Qian's new drama "Gong Xin Lock City" was officially launched on Penguin Video. Before the launch, the number of reservations reached 12 million, breaking the record for domestic film and television dramas and setting a new high.

This drama became popular before it was aired. When it really became popular, it was after the theme song "Love Offering" written by Zhou Yu was released, which greatly increased the popularity of this drama. The popularity of the song led to the popularity of the show.

After Wen Shiyi and Yang Qian came back from get off work at "Son of Idol", Yang Qian followed Wen Shiyi to her house. Yang Qian had nothing to do these days. She participated in some activities in Zhonghai City and didn't have to fly around at night. , I would often come over to see Wen Shiyi, and they would always sleep together.

Anyway, the places where the two of them live are not far apart, and it only takes more than ten minutes to drive there.

"Come on, Shiyi, my new drama is on tonight. Let's watch it with you."

Yang Qian was already sitting on the sofa politely, with fruit snacks and supper ready.

Wen Shiyi had just taken a shower, her skin was soft and fair, and as soon as she sat down, a scent of fragrance hit her face.

Yang Qian looked at Wen Shiyi's white and tender thighs and couldn't help but reach out and touch them with emotion: "Shiyi, your skin is really good and you have a good figure. I don't know which one of our Shiyi babies will be cheaper in the future." man."

Wen Shiyi rolled her eyes at her and patted her stockinged legs: "Move over and give me a seat."

Yang Qian stepped forward and hugged her with a smile, but her hands were dishonest. Wen Shiyi was not to be outdone, and the two started playing around on the sofa.

Wen Shiyi slapped Yang Qian's stockinged legs: "Stop making trouble and watch the show."

"You still said to me, stop making trouble, stop making trouble, let's start."

Yang Qian blocked Wen Shiyi's attack. The two of them were in messy clothes and had a happy couple.

When Wen Shiyi saw that the credits had passed, she stopped messing with her, straightened her clothes, and ate some fruit.

While Yang Qian was watching her new drama, she sighed and said, "Sigh, I don't know which stinky man my baby Shiyi will take advantage of in the future."

Wen Shiyi glanced at her: "Seeing that you are so lonely, find a man as soon as possible."

"Oh, my sister wanted to do it too, but she didn't find the right one."

She took a look at her new drama. It was just at the beginning, and she hadn't time-traveled into the main movie yet. She looked at Wen Shiyi and joked: "If you get married in the future and your sister is lonely, can I lend you a man?"

Wen Shiyi's pretty face was hot, and she stretched out her hand to pinch the filthy girl who spoke unabashedly.

"What are you talking about? It's time to watch a show."

Yang Qian smiled and lay on Wen Shiyi's snow-white legs, watching the drama comfortably. While watching, she couldn't help telling Wen Shiyi about the drama.

Wen Shiyi took a look and found out that the time-travel drama with a female protagonist, which has become very popular in the past year, has six episodes for the first time. Members can watch it directly, while non-members can only watch two episodes.

“How big do you think the premiere will be?”

Wen Shiyi put her hands on Yang Qian's beautiful legs wearing stockings. This woman liked to wear stockings at all times and had a large variety of stockings at home. No matter her legs were very beautiful, slender yet plump, and she felt so good after wearing high-end stockings, she couldn't help but get started on them. It's no wonder that so many men like this thing.

Yang Qian was lying on Wen Shiyi's lap, smelling the fragrance of her body and feeling the delicate skin. She raised her head slightly, and the first thing she saw was the pride on her chest. Unable to resist, Wen Shiyi reached out and kneaded it gently. Wen Shiyi quickly knocked her hand away, reached out and slapped her thigh wearing stockings, saying with a blushing face.

"If you keep messing around, I'll tear off your stockings."

Yang Qian smiled and stopped doing anything. These were new stockings she just bought.

"With the number of 11 million reservations, based on the usual ratio of one to ten, it is estimated that the number of views will be more than 100 million, and it may even go up."

This is the prediction made by Yang Qian, the program team and Penguin Video. This drama is very popular and very popular. Not only does it break the domestic record for new drama reservations, it may even break the record for film and television drama premieres.

Wen Shiyi's eyes also flashed with a look of surprise. Such a premiere result is very good, maybe it can really break the premiere record.

Yang Qian looked at her and said with a smile: "This drama is so popular now, thanks to the theme song written by Teacher Zhou Yu. This song is popular and has led to the popularity of the new drama."

She looked at Wen Shiyi, put her arms around her slender waist, looked at her with a pair of fox eyes, and said coquettishly in her sweet and waxy voice.

"Baby, can you tell me the identity of Teacher Zhou Yu? Don't worry, I will definitely keep it a secret."

Yang Qian really wanted to know the identity of Teacher Zhou Yu. The more mysterious it was, the more curious she became.

"Is she a newcomer as said on the Internet, or is she the vest of a master in the industry?"

Wen Shiyi looked down at Yang Qian, put one hand on her stockinged legs, her eyes flickered and said, "I can't tell you his identity yet, but I can tell you that he is not the vest of any teacher. , just a new person."

Yang Qian's eyes were shocked. She was actually not a vest, but a pure newcomer!

Although she had already expected it, she felt that this teacher Zhou Yu was not the vest of a big shot in the industry as they said, but a newcomer. But when I heard the news from Wen Shiyi in person, I was quite shocked. A newcomer could be so powerful!

"Did Teacher Zhou Yu ask for it? Can't his identity be revealed?"

Wen Shiyi just nodded, then shook her head: "It doesn't matter. He has some things to do now and it's not convenient for others to disturb him, but you will know who he is in the future."

Now that Zhou Yu is participating in the show, it would be best if her identity is not exposed. She also has selfish motives. At present, she and Sister Lin are the only ones who know Zhou Yu's identity. After the show recording is over, it will be easier for them to sign Zhou Yu. Once Zhou Yu's identity is exposed and spread, the pressure on their competition will be great.

Seeing this, Yang Qian sighed: "Okay."

It seems that it is really impossible to find out the identity of Teacher Zhou Yu now.

She looked at Wen Shiyi expectantly and asked, "Then can you tell me how old Teacher Zhou Yu is and whether he is handsome?"

Wen Shiyi looked at her expectant look, and Zhou Yu's figure also appeared in her mind, and said: "Very young, um, quite handsome."

Thinking about Zhou Yu's figure, especially when I saw a lot of Zhou Yu's new song performances on the Internet recently, his temperament and appearance are indeed handsome.

Well, I am just stating a fact, and I have absolutely no other selfish motives.

Yang Qian's eyes lit up: "Really?"

She suddenly thought of something and looked at Wen Shiyi with a smile: "Do you think this teacher Zhou Yu has a crush on you?"

"Baby, you are so beautiful and have such a good figure. Not to mention being a man, even I can't help it."

Wen Shiyi's ears turned a little red: "Don't talk nonsense. I only met him by chance, and we only did business with him."

"Oh? It's a business transaction."

Yang Qian had an expression that I knew well. Seeing this, Wen Shiyi ruthlessly tore the stockings off her legs.


The sound of high-end stockings breaking was heard, and Wen Shiyi patted Yang Qian's thigh again: "I'll let you talk nonsense."

"I'm going to sleep if I don't watch. There is a live broadcast of the performance this week."

She stood up and walked towards the bedroom. Yang Qian looked at the torn stockings on her legs, her eyes full of distress, looked at Wen Shiyi's back, and gave a sweet drink.

"Okay, let's see how I deal with you tonight!"

When Wen Shiyi saw this, she was so frightened that she ran away quickly, preparing to go back to the bedroom and close the door to prevent this dirty girl from entering. As a result, Yang Qian was faster. She stepped forward, hugged Wen Shiyi, closed the bedroom door, and threw her onto the big bed.

"Hmph, let me show you my power tonight, sister."

The little feet with bare stockings jumped up, and soon the sound of the two playing and playing could be heard in the bedroom, and the joy was endless.

It’s Tuesday, please read it! Whether we can be resurrected depends on today, please everyone!

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