"In this performance ranking, the one who won the first place is..."

Director Jiang Dan paused for a moment, then looked at the tablet, took a deep breath and spoke slowly.

"The first place winner is... Li Xingyu!"

"Li Xingyu received a total of 468 votes from the audience, a score of 90.5 from the instructor, and 13,102,388 votes from the online vote! A total of 13,102,946.5 points!"

"Second place, Zhou Yu! received a total of 473 votes from the audience, a score of 90.9 from the instructor, and 11,029,323 online votes! A total of 11,029,886.9 points!"

"Third place, Lin Hao..."

"Fourth place...Liu Chao..."

"Fifth place...Zhao Lei..."

When everyone saw the final ranking results, they were all stunned, and many people were shocked.

"Isn't it? Zhou Yu is not number one? What's going on?"

"Ah? Li Xingyu is actually number one? No, I saw Zhou Yu was higher than him in online voting before. He is ranked number one, how could this happen?"

"What the hell is going on? Zhou Yu is only in second place. How is it possible that his song is so good and he is only in second place?"

"What...what's going on? I saw on Weibo before that Zhou Yu's votes were quite high. Why did he only get more than 11 million in the end?"

"What? Your Zhou Yu is allowed to win, but our brother Xingyu is not allowed to win? Before, our brother Xingyu didn't come on the stage. After our brother Xingyu came on the stage, his vote count increased very quickly."

"It's just that if you can't do it yourself, don't talk about it here. Our brother Xingyu is the most powerful."

Lin Jiajia looked at the current ranking results and frowned slightly. Zhou Yu actually lost to Li Xingyu. How is it possible?

She quickly checked the voting on Weibo. The voting channel was currently closed, but she could still see the rankings of the students. Li Xingyu ranked first with more than 13 million votes, and Zhou Yu ranked second with more than 11 million votes.

"how come?"

When she watched it before, Zhou Yu was far ahead, already reaching 10 million votes. Even if your vote count increases rapidly after Li Xingyu comes on stage, you still can't surpass Zhou Yu.

The key is that Zhou Yu’s song is so nice and of such high quality. It stands to reason that due to the previous accumulation of popularity, the number of votes for this performance must be higher than before. As a result, Zhou Yu's online votes are now even lower than before.

An idea suddenly came to Lin Jiajia's mind.

"Ticket locked?!"

As soon as this idea came up, Lin Jiajia felt that this was the most likely thing. Before, she felt that those people wanted to suppress Zhou Yu, but why didn't they take any action? It turns out they were just waiting here.

It turns out that Weibo has been bribed and directly manipulates online data, right?

Haha, sure enough, these capitals are all the same, only seeking profit. And it is estimated that behind this, their interests are also intertwined.

Lin Jiajia looked at Zhou Yu's ranking and his final score and sneered.

"It's so disgusting."

These guys, in order to achieve their goals and force Zhou Yu to submit, have already ignored fairness.


Lin Jiajia thought of Zhou Yu's normal increase in voting data, but it was only at the end, after Li Xingyu came on the stage, that he began to be overtaken. At that time, votes had just begun to be locked, and most people had already completed their voting, so it was estimated that no one would notice the change in the final number of votes. After all, they all have connections with Weibo, so it is easy for them to secretly manipulate some voting data.

However, they did not make it so obvious. Zhou Yu's votes increased normally, but later they manually locked the votes, and the increase dropped, while Li Xingyu's was increased. It was done very covertly, without anyone noticing, presumably because it was feared that it would have too much impact if it exploded, so this operation made it look more normal.

But as soon as Zhou Yu's song came out, and Zhou Yu's ability was obvious to everyone before, it felt like you were trying to hide it. If you want her to say it, she might as well be more direct.

Lin Jiajia watched the live broadcast of the program. It was now coming to an end, and the camera did not switch to Zhou Yu. Only director Jiang Dan was still working hard to complete the advertisement, and finally the program ended.

She didn't see the expressions of Zhou Yu or other teachers, but Lin Jiajia could guess that Zhou Yu must be feeling uncomfortable.

"It's been two consecutive crackdowns..."

The seventh issue last time was once, and this time it’s the second time. Lin Jiajia was also considered to be half of the circle and had some connections. She knew why Zhou Yu was targeted. She wondered if Zhou Yu would finally give in under pressure and choose to sign with one of the companies. But in her heart, she really didn't want Zhou Yu to bow to these people. But the truth is cruel. Many times, it is not what you want to do.

At the show, those students who knew the inside story looked at Zhou Yu with sarcasm. Li Xingyu and Lin Hao glanced at Zhou Yu with mixed emotions. Especially Li Xingyu, although he won, he didn't feel that kind of pleasure in his heart. Instead, he was a little worried that Zhou Yu would not be able to withstand the pressure from the company this time and would agree to the company's invitation.

If he agrees, he will no longer be the only ace student in the company. Judging from the current importance the company attaches to Zhou Yu, it is enough to see that he has not given up after such a long time. If Zhou Yu came to the company, he would definitely not be able to get such good resources as now.

Zhao Lei also couldn't figure out why his brother Yu lost when he performed so well.

"No, how could it be possible? Brother Yu, you performed so well and the quality of your songs was so high, yet you actually lost?"

Zhou Yu had a calm look on his face. He had expected such a result. Looking at Zhao Lei who was complaining about his injustice, he smiled and said: "Leizi, the water in this circle is very deep. There are some things that you will understand in the future." .”

Zhao Lei was stunned for a moment, as if he had thought of something. He looked at Zhou Yu and asked in a low voice: "Brother Yu, are you saying that someone is deliberately targeting you?"

Zhou Yu looked at this innocent kid who was still in college, patted his shoulder and said, "Stop talking about this, let's go, the recording is over, go back and rest."

Zhao Lei always felt that something was wrong in the last two issues, so he quickly followed Zhou Yu's pace.

Wen Shiyi stood up slightly and looked at Zhou Yu's leaving figure. She seemed free and easy, but she always felt that Zhou Yu must be uncomfortable in his heart.

It was clear that the first place was his, but in the end, it was given to others by those behind the scenes using shady means.

Li Xue looked proud, twisted her waist and left.

Chen Mo sighed: "This water is very deep."

They all knew why Zhou Yu didn't get first place, but no one dared to say or do anything. Even though there are just a few of them, they are now in a very high position and have great influence. But he will not easily offend domestic giants. That would be making a joke on his own future.

What they can do is help Zhou Yu within their capabilities. At least, he would not lose fairness and deliberately suppress Zhou Yu like Zeng Huayu and Li Xue did.

Yang Qian looked at Zhou Yu's back and sighed: "I wonder if Zhou Yu will compromise this time."

This time, the first place that Zhou Yu should have got was given to someone else. Whoever replaced him would probably be hit.

Wen Shiyi pursed her red lips. She should have guessed before that those people would manipulate data online.

Her eyes flickered for a moment, then she finally turned around and left with Sister Lin and the others.

Sitting in the car going home, Sister Lin was also complaining: "I really didn't expect that in order to force Teacher Zhou Yu, they actually directly changed the data of the online voting channel. It seems that they had already informed Weibo. of."

On Weibo, people in the entertainment industry know that as long as you give them money, anything can be done easily. You can just buy the hot searches, as long as the money is available.

Moreover, as one of the four major domestic companies, Xingguang and the others have an unusual relationship and interest entanglement with Weibo. To suppress an amateur player is just a matter of saying something or giving some money.

Xiaoqin also drove the car and complained: "That's it, it's so abominable. Teacher Zhou Yu is so powerful, he actually tripped me up!"

Wen Shiyi was holding her cell phone and sending messages to Zhou Yu.

"How are you?"

Zhou Yu had just finished taking a shower at this time, holding the mobile phone handed out by the program team, scrolling through the videos, not caring about today's events at all.

Don't they just want to suppress themselves and force themselves to submit?

Today, I just feel that the last time I was suppressed was not harsh enough, and this time, I just want to make myself suffer. Just let yourself see that you can get the first place at your fingertips, but if you don't listen to them, then they can replace the first place with someone else.

This is putting pressure on him and showing off his muscles.

But he doesn't care about this at all. He lost in the rankings, but it doesn't mean he will lose in other places. He knows very well that his songs are widely spread on the Internet. When the songs are released tomorrow, they will probably be as popular on the Internet as before.

This is the experience he has gained in this world for so many times, and it is also the confidence in himself and the songs he chooses.

Their doing this will only help him increase his popularity, and it's not too late for him to thank him in his heart.


It was already the eighth period, and he would not agree to the requests of the two companies. After that, those people would definitely not keep him.

By the time……

He himself had already thought about his future path.

As soon as the song "Once Upon a Time" came out, my popularity should have skyrocketed. Coupled with the suppression by Xingguang Huatian and others, it can be regarded as a disguised form of help to increase topics and traffic for me. Later, it’s time to find time to pursue freedom.

Seeing the message from Wen Shiyi, Zhou Yu smiled slightly: "What can I do?"

Wen Shiyi looked at Zhou Yu's reply and pursed her red lips. She didn't know if he was pretending to be relaxed or if he was really fine.

"What are you going to do next? If you don't agree, they won't let you stay on the show."

Zhou Yu naturally knew that if he disagreed, Starlight Entertainment and Huatian would definitely not let him stay and hinder their promotion.

"We'll see then."

Wen Shiyi was also stunned for a moment, her eyebrows were burning. You guys are not in a hurry at all?

At this moment, on the Internet, news about tonight's "Idol's Son" is dominating the hot searches again.

"The eighth episode of Idol's Son is on!"

"Zhou Yu's new song stage!"

"Zhou Yu's new song was you!"

"Zhou Yu is second!"

"Zhou Yu actually lost to Li Xingyu!"

"The son of an idol has a shady secret!"

"Zhou Yu is targeted!"

"Li Xingyu is number one!"

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