I was rejected when I wrote a song, but I became a king on my debut

Chapter 91 Let Zhou Yu leave? (Please subscribe)

Director Jiang Dan raised her beautiful legs in silk stockings and looked at the closed office door with twinkling eyes.

This moment finally came.

Zhou Yu was leaving, and to be honest, she felt quite sad and disappointed. After all, she really admires this talented young man, and now that Zhou Yu is so popular, if he leaves, it will have a huge impact on the future of the show.


Thinking that Xingguang Huatian and the others had gone beyond her and directly suppressed Zhou Yu, and Taochang acquiesced, and finally passed the blame to their program team, it was impossible for her to say that she did not complain.

If Zhou Yu leaves this time, he can't keep him, so why not take this opportunity to let Zhou Yu use his spare energy, and also teach Taochang, Xingguang and Huatian some lessons.

The tenth period of the assessment can be regarded as Zhou Yu's farewell performance. Once it is broadcast, the popularity will definitely be as high as ever. And I don’t know what he will say on the show. But once the news that Zhou Yu will withdraw from the competition is spread, whether it is Taochang or Xingguang, they will definitely ask to delete such related scenes, and they will find any excuse to excuse the audience, at least in the future. No problems can arise until the show is over.

But she can't control that much. You are afraid of problems, but I am not afraid. Otherwise, if problems arise, instead of waiting for you to blame our program team, why not take advantage of Zhou Yu's opportunity to take the initiative? .

After all, many people on the Internet now say that there is capital behind it to target Zhou Yu, although there are trolls taking the lead and minimizing the impact. But many people still believe this matter. If Zhou Yu officially announces that he will withdraw from the competition in the tenth period, it will definitely arouse many people's discussion and thinking.

Why quit?

Zhou Yu obviously performed so well and his popularity is at the top of the list. If he stays, he will definitely win the championship and debut?

However, he actually took the initiative to withdraw from the competition. In conjunction with the things he was targeted before, netizens will naturally think of it.

Zhou Yu didn't withdraw from the competition on his own initiative, he was forced to do so.

When the time comes, if I retain Zhou Yu's complete video, I will naturally take the blame away. By then, Xingguang, Huatian, and Taochang will not be able to quibble even if they want to.

The corner of Jiang Dan's mouth raised slightly. She had let them take the blame before, and she also engaged in such shady things in her show to ruin her reputation. In this case, she had nothing to worry about. Anyway, the program was already in the later stages of recording. She only focused on the subsequent recording and didn't want to worry about anything else.

She won't be the one with a bad reputation then.

Moreover, she was invited to come to this show by the Taochang Company. However, when it happened, she was embarrassed to say that this was her show. It can be regarded as a big stain in her long-term work.

Director Jiang Dan took out his mobile phone and sent a message to his assistant: "Tell Xingguang and Huatian's people that Zhou Yu will not see them anymore and let them go back."

Representatives from Xingguang and Hua Tian were still sitting high in the conference room waiting for Zhou Yu. Zhou Dong and Wang Hong seemed to have expected that Zhou Yu would lose his mind later. They lost their previous arrogance and begged. The scene where they signed the contract.

Especially on Hua Tian's side, Zhou Dong seemed to be sure of victory. Hua Tian did not participate in suppressing them this time. This time, they are here to be good guys and give you a hand, Zhou Yu. You, Starlight Entertainment, suppress Zhou Yu so much, why would they choose you?

Looking back now, he still feels that his boss is really powerful and thought of such a move. Sure enough, Mr. Wang from Starlight Entertainment is still too impatient and too immature.

However, the news on the phone made the two people's expressions change at the same time.

Zhou Dong's face, which originally had a smile on it, stiffened in an instant. Then, as if there was a surge of unknown anger in his heart, he stood up with a bang, took his bag and left.

Wang Hongqiao's face was also cold, with a touch of anger in her eyes. She stood up and left. The two of them sat on the road. Zhou Dong couldn't help but cursed, and he didn't look as gentle as before.

"Damn it! Who the hell is he! Since he doesn't know how to appreciate others, he can only destroy you!"

Wang Hong also snorted coldly and said: "His bones are not ordinary. Even though he is like this, he still won't compromise. The opportunity has been given to him. Since he doesn't cherish it, we can only remove him from the show. "

They have been here three times. As the saying goes, nothing can be done but three times. It is not an exaggeration for them to visit the thatched cottage three times, right?

What about this guy?

This time, he actually stopped coming. He really didn’t take them seriously at all.

Their patience was limited. They had already given Zhou Yu enough face and opportunities. Since he didn't know what to do, they could only destroy him next.

Since you don't sign a contract, their focus is still on their own artists. From now on, you, Zhou Yu, will be a stumbling block and can only be erased.

The two left immediately. Zhou Yu didn't know what to do, and they wouldn't give him another chance.

On Xingguang's side, Mr. Wang hung up the phone with a look of disdain on his face.

"The opportunity is given to you, but it's a pity that you don't cherish it. Then you can't blame me."

A ruthless look flashed in his eyes. He wanted to sign Zhou Yu before because of his talent and strength, as well as his popularity that was even higher than Li Xingyu's. I originally thought that by signing Zhou Yu, he could save a lot of costs and get a top player. As a result, now that Zhou Yu is ignorant, he can only focus on Li Xingyu again. It can only be said that the cost of supporting Li Xingyu is higher than that of Zhou Yu.

But now, Zhou Yu's path is dead, and the only bargaining chip he has is Li Xingyu. Li Xingyu must be promoted at all costs, otherwise these old guys in the company will be difficult to deal with.

And Zhou Yu is now Li Xingyu's stumbling block. He will not allow anyone to stop his plan.

So Zhou Yu must remove him from the show!

On Hua Tian's side, Mr. Liu was a little surprised after hanging up the phone.

"It still didn't work out."

This Zhou Yu is really a tough guy.

But what makes him curious is that Zhou Yu must be a smart man. If he doesn't choose to sign with one of them, he will definitely not win the championship in the end.

Is this young man who just graduated from college stupid when he sings?

Or is it that his recent achievements have made him drift away, thinking that he, an amateur, can fight against capital?

No matter what the reason was, Mr. Liu was no longer interested. Since Zhou Yu couldn't sign, he would only feel it was a pity. It is a pity that such a talented young man has not signed with the company. It is a pity that such a talented young man has to be submerged in this capital game.

If they don't take action here, Starlight will definitely take action.

After all, behind Zhou Yu was their ace trainee Li Xingyu.

As for Lin Hao, Mr. Liu no longer has any hope of winning the championship. Let him hide in the show and accumulate some popularity. After the show is over, he will be packaged and packaged. The second place will not have a resource package, but they also have resources here. It is still okay to give him a handful.

On Zhou Yu's side, just after returning to the dormitory, Li Xingyu and Lin Hao went out nervously with their mobile phones.

They knew that people from the company would come to see Zhou Yu today. Zhou Yu had been out for so long just now. They wondered if he had been signed by the company.

The two of them were very nervous now, and they were afraid that if they asked later, they would get the news that Zhou Yu was in the same company as them. At that time, he will lose the resources of the ace trainee, and Zhou Yu will replace him.

Zhao Lei was cleaning his guitar. When he saw Zhou Yu coming back, he quickly asked: "Brother Yu, are they looking for you again?"

A company had been looking for Brother Yu before. Zhao Lei naturally thought that Zhou Yu had been gone for so long, so another company might have come looking for him again.

Zhou Yu shook his head and looked at Zhao Lei. This guy who was still in school had a relatively simple mind.

"No, some other things."

Seeing that there was no one in the dormitory, Zhou Yu also said directly: "Be prepared for the subsequent assessments. Whatever step you can take will be considered."

When Zhao Lei heard Zhou Yu's words, he felt something was wrong: "Brother Yu, is there something wrong with you?"

Although he is simple, he also understands some things. Brother Yu seems to have been deliberately targeted recently. Coupled with what Brother Yu said now, Zhao Lei felt that there must be something hidden from him.

"No, I just remind you not to slack off. You behave better and go farther. If I open a company and sign a big star like you, you won't come, right?"

"Hey, Brother Yu, what you said is that I don't even know if I can make it to the finals. If you really open a company in the future, in one sentence, I will definitely come."

Zhou Yu smiled and didn't say much. There were some things that it was better not to say now, lest they affect Zhao Lei's performance in the subsequent assessment.

When Li Xingyu and Lin Hao came back, their demeanor completely changed. After learning that Zhou Yu had not signed with any company, they both breathed a sigh of relief.

Now, Zhou Yu is a complete amateur, and the company has completely given up on him.

This also shows that no matter how well Zhou Yu performs in the subsequent games, it will not affect them. He might even be eliminated in the next issue.

The eyes of the two of them looking at Zhou Yu now lost their previous nervousness and became disdainful again.

Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu, we really admire your arrogance. It's a pity that this championship and even this show will not be with you.

The tenth period of assessment is coming soon, and we will see if the company will directly let him leave in this period.

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I'm already ready to work overtime to code, save and update the manuscript, everyone, hurry up!

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