I was rejected when I wrote a song, but I became a king on my debut

Chapter 96 How dare he withdraw from the competition! (Please subscribe)

Although there was no agreement in the end, Yang Qian still sent Zhou Yu back to the rental house.

It's been a long time since he's been back, but his house is still pretty tidy. The landlady must have come to help him clean from time to time.

After Zhou Yu packed his luggage, he sat on the sofa, took out the personal phone number written by Yang Qian, and also smiled.

I said before that I would find an opportunity to get to know myself in depth, and now I have given my personal contact information. I wonder if there will be an opportunity in the future.

Celebrities like them all have at least two WeChat accounts, a work account and a real personal account that they use. During the recording of the program, the instructors will definitely add students, but they will not use their personal accounts, but their work accounts.

Yang Qian was able to give herself her personal contact information after she retired from the competition, which was a disguised expression of goodwill.

And Yang Qian is the one who offers the best conditions among so many companies, except Wen Shiyi.

Thinking of this beautiful lady, Zhou Yu took out his mobile phone and saved the number, searched again, added WeChat, and waited for her approval.

But it's quite funny to think about it. He had written a song "The Provision of Love" for Yang Qian before, but for various reasons, she didn't know his identity. Until now, he thought Zhou Yu and "Teacher Zhou Yu" were two people. In his eyes, he is just Zhou Yu, a student of "The Idol's Son".

I don't know what his expression will be like if he knows his identity in the future.

At this moment, Wen Shiyi's message was sent.

"Are you home yet?"

She sat on the sofa in the villa and put on casual home clothes, loose short sleeves and white hot pants. Her beautiful legs as white as milk were exposed to the air.

Ever since she was in the car, she had wanted to send a message to Zhou Yu to ask, but she always felt that it was a bit too strange for her to ask. But she was still a little worried, what if Zhou Yu was really snatched away by Yang Qian?

After sending a message to Zhou Yu, Wen Shiyi couldn't help but send a message to Yang Qian.


Then there was still no reply, and Wen Shiyi panicked. She sent messages to two people at the same time, but neither of them responded. The key is that she also watched the two of them leave together. Could it be...

The next moment, a message notification came on her phone. Wen Shiyi quickly opened it and saw that Zhou Yu had replied.

"Well, we're home."

I felt relieved for a moment.

But after seeing Zhou Yu's reply, she didn't know what to send. She put her fingers on the keyboard of her phone and typed a few words, "Are you okay?" But thinking about it, I felt that it was inappropriate to ask. Zhou Yu didn't seem to care about this competition at all. He didn't care about the championship, so he shouldn't ask this.

Zhou Yu looked at WeChat and saw that the other party was typing, but then disappeared and reappeared. It took a while before he saw a message sent by Wen Shiyi.

"What are you going to do next? Start your own company?"

"Well, I'll come back to rest during this time and start preparing to open a company."

Zhou Yu's words were very simple. Zhou Yu had told her before about starting a company and working alone. Now Zhou Yu has simply retired from the competition. If he starts his own company in the future, he will definitely start his own business.

"Are you going to release new songs in the future? Or release a new album and make your own debut?"

"If you start a company, you have to build your reputation. It will be better for the company's future development."

Zhou Yu had this plan. When opening a company, especially an entertainment media company like this, if you don't build a reputation, it will be difficult to develop, and some resources will not be available. Let alone attracting others to join your company. If you can’t sign anyone, who will work for you?

Therefore, as a boss, he must first build up his reputation. Only then can he attract more workers. No, if more collaborators come to make money for him, he will be able to sleep better.

This is also the reason why he wants to participate in the show "Idol's Son". Accumulating popularity is his goal.

Now that he is popular enough, it will be much easier to start his own company and make his own company famous.

And in the last episode of the program, he said so much just to increase his popularity and attention, and to drag Xingguang, Hua Tian, ​​and even the Taochang behind him into trouble. Although this will offend the three giants and make it difficult for him to move forward in the entertainment industry, it also puts the focus on himself.

After the show is broadcast, the Big Three will definitely be scolded. As for myself, the attention will also be full. By then, netizens will be looking forward to what they will do next? Are you going to continue to be involved in the entertainment industry? Or find another job?

Later, when I find some channels to spread the news that I have opened a company and am preparing to debut, the emotions and attention of netizens will be heightened again.

These are what he wants.

Wen Shiyi also sent a message here.

"I see."

Wen Shiyi's long-term meal ticket cannot be lost. It will cost a lot of money to open a company in the future.

"If you need any help when you start a company in the future, just let me know."

"Okay, I just came back. I'm going to clean up first. We'll talk when we have time."


Wen Shiyi had just finished chatting with Zhou Yu when Yang Qian responded to her message.

"What's wrong, baby Shiyi, do you miss your sister? Do you want your sister to come over and sleep with you tonight?"

Wen Shiyi has already chatted with Zhou Yu, and she doesn't need this woman now.

"No, I'm just asking you. I see you went to see Zhou Yu this afternoon. Did he agree?"

She asked deliberately.

Yang Qian sent her own sighing emoticon, and then sent another voice message.

"No, he is planning to start his own company. He has used his sister's beauty trap, and even wore the newly bought stockings, but it doesn't work. Alas, it seems that this great talent has no chance of meeting his sister."

Wen Shiyi is very happy. It's strange that he agrees with you.

"But my sister gave him her private WeChat account. If he can really start up the company and make a successful debut, we might even be able to collaborate in the future."

Hearing Yang Qian's last words, Wen Shiyi's face changed slightly. Yang Qian gave Zhou Yu her private WeChat messages. Doesn't that mean the three of them are mutual friends?

So the secret that Zhou Yu is "Teacher Zhou Yu" can no longer be kept secret?

If Yang Qian knew that Zhou Yu was "Teacher Zhou Yu" later, wouldn't this woman have to pester him every day?

She had been asking her about Teacher Zhou Yu's identity before, and she wanted to find out about it. If she found out, then she and Sister Lin would not be the only ones who knew about Teacher Zhou Yu's identity.

She hurriedly checked through her circle of friends. The more she checked, the deeper her frown deepened.

Because she discovered that Zhou Yu had never given her any likes.

Although he didn't like him, at least he wouldn't be discovered, but this guy has been adding him for so long, and he doesn't like any of his friends.

This made Wen Shiyi feel a little depressed.

Doesn’t this guy even look at his own circle of friends?

How unattractive are you?

But soon, she thought of a way and quickly replied to Yang Qian.

"Well, I've added it too. I hope he can succeed in the future."

Yang Qian did not reply to her, because she had just agreed to Zhou Yu's friend application, sent a greeting emoji, and then went to wash up.

She was thinking that her little brother Zhou Yu must be looking through her circle of friends right now.

Thinking of this, Yang Qian took her mobile phone, lay in the bathtub, took a photo of herself taking a bath, gently raising her beautiful legs, and set it to only a few same-sex friends in her group. Zhou Yu was able to put it down. cell phone.

Humph, you dare to reject sister. Sister is so beautiful. You will regret not coming to her company.

Director Hu of Taochang also just received the news that Zhou Yu had withdrawn from the competition. He had already returned home from get off work and was just sitting on the sofa preparing to rest. However, after hearing the news, a sudden burst of unknown anger came from him. My heart arose.

"How dare he withdraw from the competition!"

"Zhou Yu dares to withdraw from the competition!"

At this moment, Director Hu was really panicked, even anxious.

Before this, they all believed that they could manipulate Zhou Yu at will. Even if they suppressed him, he would not quit the competition in order to become a star and gain more exposure in the show. And Director Hu knows very well that Zhou Yu is very popular now, and many people who watch the show are here for Zhou Yu. All in all, Zhou Yu takes a lot of the credit for the program being so popular now and having such a high number of views for each episode.

This is why, after Starlight Entertainment and Huatian planned to directly eliminate Zhou Yu, he objected and wanted to keep Zhou Yu until the finals.

It’s just to keep the show’s popularity and playback volume.

But now, Zhou Yu actually did not follow the routine and retired from the competition!

This time, they were caught off guard. Without any precaution, the table was overturned by Zhou Yu.

With Zhou Yu leaving, the show's popularity and reputation will definitely be affected, and it's probably going to be serious.

The key is that when this program is aired, what Zhou Yu said will have the greatest impact. The target of the attack is pointed at Xingguang and Huatian. Their peach factory is also involved, and the situation will be serious by then.

Some things can be suppressed, but if the heat is too high or the impact is too great, it cannot be suppressed.

Director Hu looked angry and swore: "Made! This kid dares to withdraw from the competition!"

All of a sudden, their plans and arrangements were disrupted.

"You still want to open your own company and work in this industry, just go ahead and dream."

They will never allow Zhou Yu to continue to hang out in this circle!

Director Hu quickly called Jiang Dan, but he didn't answer two calls in a row, which made him frown and make him even more irritable.

It was only on the third call that Jiang Dan answered the phone.

"I will delete all the scenes of Zhou Yu. I will just keep the content of his performance on stage in this episode. When the time comes, the program team will send me an announcement saying that Zhou Yu voluntarily chose to withdraw from the competition due to personal reasons. I'll do it beautifully..."

However, Director Jiang Dan was too lazy to listen to him. He put his cell phone aside and waited until he finished barking before saying anything.

"Well, I'm the director and I'll make the show good."

Then he hung up the phone directly.

Thanks to book friends Dongzhishi and Dingfeng for their monthly votes! Thank you to the book friend with the last number 38734 for your monthly vote!

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