At this moment, Bruce couldn't help it.

He has a fiery temper, and he laughed and didn't answer before, that's because Jackson gave him a signal to tell him not to be too violent, otherwise it would be difficult to discuss with these congressmen.

But now, he couldn't bear it anymore.

These parliamentarians opposed him again and again. Even after he said all the plans, these parliamentarians still saw the immediate interests and did not want to take risks to strive for more interests for the country m.

In his view, these MPs are evading, that is, avoiding this matter.

As a five-star general of country m, he naturally thinks about how to help country m win more interests, maximize the interests of country m, and become stronger.

Moreover, even if it is a little risky, so what, at least, they have won the benefits, as long as they can succeed, it will be a qualitative change for the country M!

That is the aircraft carrier Vostok, as well as the 095g nuclear submarine, and the wreckage of the combat mech!

With these wrecks, their country M can completely follow the gourd and draw a scoop and develop military weapons that truly belong to their country M.

In this way, if you want to surpass Huaxia, it is not just around the corner!

If you rely on the blockade of the computer, what can you do?

It is nothing more than that the M country temporarily took a sigh of relief and was able to seize the time to develop their technology.

But that's it, once Huaxia really develops a computer, this advantage will be gone.

Everything will return to the original point, and there will be no hope of surpassing the country M.

Therefore, Bruce came up with this radical plan. He wanted to rely on this action to pull back a game, help country M, and return to the top of the world!


At this moment, Bruce slammed the table, stood up, and shouted angrily.

"What's the point of your opposition? Can't you see, if we continue to maintain the status quo, what will happen to us next?"

"Since you can't see it, then I'll tell you a good deal! If we keep the status quo and what awaits us, China will become stronger and stronger, and we will become less and less able to surpass China!"

"Now we are using computer blockade to restrict Huaxia's movements, but don't forget, Huaxia also has a perverted professor! What kind of professor Lin Yi, what a miracle he has created, and improved Huaxia's military career. How much! Can you guarantee that Lin Yi really doesn't understand computers?"

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"Also, even if Lin Yi doesn't understand computers, Huaxia also has professionals in the computer field. According to the previous scientific research speed of Huaxia, in just a few decades, we have completed what we have only completed hundreds of years ago. From this In terms of speed, do you still think that the speed of Huaxia's computer research will be slow!"

"Just from this point of view, it is necessary for us to take risks! It is necessary to strive for more interests for country m!"

"Don't tell me, do you want to watch Huaxia grow stronger and stronger! Do you want to see the position of the top of the world that M country has maintained for decades, or even hundreds of years, to China?"

"And, once this position is given up to Huaxia, how long will it take to get it back? We have stayed in this position for so long, and once we fall into Huaxia, what will the public's reaction be? What about the reaction of the alliance? Have you considered all of these?"


"Blindly opposed, blindly conservative, I am very doubtful now, can you really create more benefits for country m, and even, I doubt, are you undercover agents sent by China! Want to let our country m, Just sinking in and down, I think this is your goal!"

Bruce didn't give anyone a chance to interrupt, and finished in one breath.

While talking, he glanced coldly at the deputies present.

For a time, the entire conference room was silent, deadly still, and needles could be heard falling.

No one spoke, let alone objected. Everyone's eyes were on Bruce who stood up, and his eyes were full of dignified colors.

The faces of the deputies were extremely gloomy.

They are now unable to refute.

Bruce put such a big hat on them directly.

If he continued to refute and let Bruce grab the handle again, that would be fine.

At this moment.

knock knock knock

A series of knocks rang out.

Jackson turned his head to look in the direction of the door and shouted, "Come in!"

Soon, a man in a black suit with a document in his hand stepped in.

"Lord Jackson, the senior leaders of Huaxia are calling and want to have a conference call with you." Dao.

The uniformed man's voice was not loud.

But in the silent conference room, it was like a blast of thunder, which exploded in the ears of everyone.

Immediately, everyone in the conference room changed their expressions and looked at Jackson in unison.

Huaxia's superiors want a conference call?

This is a signal!

is a very important signal.

Just from this point of view, we can know that Huaxia is ready to welcome Professor Liang Zhiwei back to Huaxia.

Moreover, if they guessed correctly, Huaxia is ready to send someone over to negotiate.

And this conference call is a very good signal to let M country make preparations first to avoid any unpleasant things happening at that time.

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