The three big guys are looking for a way to win the championship.

Poaching? !

This is Calafat's first reaction!

It is indeed the case. Victor's back is not attractive to the three people. The most important thing is that Chen Qi's agency contract is in his hands.

This is what the three big guys are looking at.

After all, Chen Qi's current popularity is getting higher and higher. He has already reached the European Cup final with Croatia!

And he also has a certain market in Dragon Country. There is no reason why he will not be "sought after"!

Bang! Calafat put down his glass, changed to a more comfortable sitting position, and went straight to the point, "So, what you are struggling with is that these people have made you a very generous offer and want to get Chen's economic contract from you, but you are wondering whether to accept it. If you accept it, it means that your cooperation with Chen is over, but if you don't accept it, as Chen's fame and strength increase, you can no longer protect him and fight for a better contract, right?"

Victor nodded heavily, showing an expression that said, "Brother, you really understand me."

Frankly speaking, "In fact, the conditions offered by these three guys are good, especially Mendes, who promised me to work in his company and let me try to participate in the decision-making of some things to help me grow better!"

"I see."

"Then you shouldn't ask me this question."

"You should ask Chen!"

"You helped him when he was in trouble."

"I think you should ask him."

"The answer you get will be better than mine."

"What do you think?"

Kalafat gave the most rational analysis, which also made Victor gradually sober up.

So, he bought a ticket to London that night and decided to talk about this matter after the final.


London, airport.

When the Croatian male model team walked out of the airport, it caused countless cheers.

The Croatian fans waiting at the airport gate surged up like a tide, surrounding the heroes of the national team tightly.

This wonderful feeling is like not being cheered in Spain, and this moment is all returned!

Dalic, Modric, Chen Qi and others all spoke up, "Don't crowd, come one by one, I will sign autographs, thank you very much for your support..."

Words have a certain effect.

But they are still no match for the enthusiasm of the fans.



These two figures are the most popular in the crowd.

Obviously, Chen is now a popular star who is on par with Modric.

Signatures, group photos... Chen Qi originally accepted everyone, but suddenly a fan took a jersey he wore when he played for Barcelona's second team and asked for an autograph.

Chen Qi was stunned when he saw the jersey, and said in a puzzled tone: "Brother, Barcelona and I have already had such a mess, and you still threw this jersey in front of me, you make it difficult for me to do it, and, do you watch the game or not?"

"Watch, of course!"

"But I want your autograph!"

The man replied weakly, very sincerely.

Chen Qi smiled and said, "Signing is simple, but I won't sign this jersey. Do you have any other items here..."

In the following half an hour, with the help of security personnel, Chen Qi and others "escaped".

Get on the bus and go to the hotel where they are staying, where Katarina, Mandzukic and others have been waiting for a long time.

When everyone got off the bus, Katarina smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work. We have prepared food and rest rooms. Come in!"

Mandzukic nodded, "Yes, in fact, after confirming that the team can advance to the finals, we started preparing. I hope everyone likes the things here!"

After simply putting down the luggage and changing clothes, everyone went to the restaurant.

Under the comfort of food.

Everyone's fatigue was eliminated a lot.

There are still a few days before the start of the finals. Dalic still gave the players a holiday and arranged special medical staff to help everyone relieve muscle fatigue!

Finally, a 3-hour pre-match analysis meeting was scheduled in the afternoon to study the old opponent carefully.


After lunch, I had a brief chat with Catalina.

Chen Qi and Gwadior returned to the hotel room.

The room was simple and furnished, with a double bed. They continued to be roommates. Not long after, Gwadior

Wadiol fell asleep.

Chen Qi opened the system panel and checked the gains from the last match with Spain.

[The 2020 European Cup semi-finals are over. Congratulations on getting a total of 4103 negative emotions in this game. ]

[MVP of this game: Ramos! ]

[He alone contributed 1921 negative emotions and is the best player! ]

[Please keep it up! ]

Wow! The gains from this game are beyond imagination, and the 'MVP' of this game is indeed not beyond his expectations. After all, the Spanish captain's red card and departure in the end is directly related to him.

In addition, when they met in the league, there were many conflicts between the two.

Now it's good, the Real Madrid captain has been completely offended. Should he find a way to stay in the first team next season? Or get more playing time and rent him out?

Forget it, this is not what I should think about now. I'd better finish the European Cup first and then think about other things.

Then, the complete data panel was opened.

[Chen Qi, age 19, worth 15 million, can be improved]

[Shooting 79, passing 77, ball control 62, strength 61, physical fitness 80 (temporarily reached the upper limit), speed 100, comprehensive ability value 76]

[The current accumulated negative emotion value is: 12650 (can be drawn)]

[Currently obtained entries: Touching the ball in the small penalty area will definitely create a goal (gold, only triggered once per game), combination of movement and stillness (purple, not triggered), defensive surprise (purple), the world is uncertain, you and I are both bulls Horse (blue), Eat all the fresh food in the world with one move (blue), Galaxy Battleship's strongest artillery (blue), Great Yin-Yang Master (white)]

[Next season's goal]

[1. Win the championship (championship trophy of the official competition), not achieved]

[2. Playing time (0/2200), not achieved]

[Note: Accumulate 10,000 negative emotion points to upgrade the system]

Chen Qi murmured to himself, "Finally, I have accumulated 10,000 negative emotion points. I can upgrade the system. It's really great!"

Pop! Click the last few words [Upgrade System] directly, and then the entire system panel suddenly fell into a black screen state, with only a line of small words constantly jumping... [System upgrade loading, current progress 1%, please wait patiently]...

Tap the screen to use advanced tools Tip: You can use left and right keyboard keys to browse between chapters.

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