The crystal-like glass is like a shy girl. When it touches the first ray of sunlight in the morning, it shyly runs away and lets it fall on the big bed as soft as feathers.

In the middle of the big bed, a boy with naked upper body is lying, and the sunlight wraps him up bit by bit.

The boy presses his right hand on his forehead, as if recalling the passion of last night.

"Tsk tsk!"

"I couldn't control myself after all!"

"That woman... is Molina?"

It's the woman in the bar, and also Michelle Lin's best friend. She stayed here last night. While Michelle Lin and Chen Jianguo were sending their friends home, she was about to take a shower and go to bed, but Chen Qi broke in!

A man and a woman are alone in the same room, and they are attracted to each other and fall in love with each other!

Chen Qi opened the locked album, and there was only one photo in it, which was a photo of the two of them after a night of passion last night.

This photo seemed to remind him, brother! Wake up! This is not a dream, everything that happened last night is real! ! !

It's really a headache... If my mother knew about this... it would be a mess...

Chen Qi rubbed his eyebrows and climbed out of bed. When he put on his shirt neatly, he unexpectedly found that the fatigue after the game + exercise had disappeared.

The whole person was refreshed!

What's going on?

The brain began to search continuously, and the forgotten memory suddenly returned!

Chen Qi remembered that when they were passionate last night, the system had a prompt sound: [The combination of movement and stillness has been triggered, and the opposite sex will bear 50% of your fatigue]!


Chen Qi's expression instantly became wonderful. Could it be that the combination of movement and stillness refers to... that?

After opening the door, Michelle Lin was busy preparing breakfast in the kitchen.

Chen Qi asked, "Mom, where is Auntie? Is she gone?"

Michelle Lin was stunned, "Auntie? Which Auntie... Oh! Are you talking about Molina? It seems that you have seen her yesterday... She hasn't left yet. She usually has a very light sleep. I don't know what happened today. She slept like a dead pig and couldn't wake up no matter how I called her..."

That's right! The effect of the term was triggered!

The fatigue was transferred!

Chen Qi was very surprised. He finally figured out the conditions for the triggering of the term, but it was not easy to operate!

But it's okay!

As long as you play well, you won't worry about no one wanting you... As long as you have a lot of money... Someone will throw themselves into your arms!

Chen Qi was in a very good mood and had already begun to imagine the future.

Auntie hasn't married yet. This should be a normal relationship, right? It's just that the order is too fast.

As for whether to make it public, let's talk about it after the person wakes up.

That night, the two went to a cafe to talk briefly.

Agreed: Not to be made public for the time being! Work is the priority!


Afterwards, Chen Qi focused all his attention on the game, only occasionally lingering with Molina.

After defeating Real Madrid, the Spaniard will usher in the 7th game in January!

It is also the last game, and the devil's schedule is finally coming to an end!

But in the two recent training matches with other teams, problems occurred:

Chen Qi was intercepted many times in the first game, but fortunately, at the last moment, he blasted a world wave from the left side of the penalty area, helping the team to equalize the score and save some face!

But in the subsequent second training match, Chen Qi played super ghost!

In the game, Chen Qi, who was strictly guarded and could not kick in the penalty area, received a failing score of 5.9...

When the result of the game was exposed, the boy became the target of media criticism!

It seems that the team's defeat is his fault alone...

-[Chen, what happened to him? ]

-[Why is his performance so bad? The Europa League is about to start. We can't even beat the Spanish Second Division teams, how can we play against the Premier League teams! ]

-[You guys read the news! ]

-[He seems to be in love! ]

-[Oh my god! I mean, what's wrong with this guy? Why did his condition suddenly decline so quickly? It turns out that he used all his energy on his woman's belly. Damn it! Don't waste your talent like this! ]

-[Don't fall into depravity...]

In the coach's office, Abelardo piled the overwhelming news and fans' comments in front of Chen Qi, and said seriously: "Chen, tell me, what happened recently, why are you performing so poorly?"

Chen Qi had seen these things a long time ago, but he didn't think that the team's loss was his own fault!

Shrugged and said frankly: "They have

Part of what he said is true. I am in love, but it has nothing to do with my game status..."

Bang! Abelardo didn't give him a chance to speak, and slammed his hands on the table, angrily saying: "Young man, you must know how to be moderate!"

Chen Qi frowned and raised his voice, "Boss! What do you mean? I said that I cherish the opportunity to play on the court more than anyone else, so I won't let anything affect the game!"

"Then explain why you performed poorly in the last game."

"Really want to tell me?"

"Go ahead! I want to know! ”

“No, is there any need to say this... As soon as I got the ball, three people rushed over from the opposite side. How could I kick the ball? How could I shoot... Roca is obviously an attacking midfielder, why does he always go back to defense and not cooperate with me... Dadel is a defensive midfielder, why does he always want to rush forward... Wu Lei is too far away from me, how can I connect with him..."


After hearing the last part, Avelardo's face gradually darkened. The actions of the above people were all carried out under his authorization.

In other words, if it was not a task assigned by Avelardo, they would not do this. How to play football.

But Chen Qi has pointed out all these problems now.

Doesn't that mean that the tactics he arranged are wrong? Is there a problem?

At this moment, there was a slight crack in the relationship between the coach and the players.

Chen Qi knew that these words would affect the relationship between the two, but he still said it, because he played very awkwardly. If he continued like this, let alone winning the championship, it would be impossible to stay in the league!

Don't be careless about things in your career!

If you make a mistake, you must correct it!

The two people's eyes clashed in the air, and neither of them was willing to take a step back.

Finally, Avelardo said directly: "You! Get out! I don't want to see you now! "

Chen Qi turned and left...

Abelardo collapsed directly on the seat and rubbed his eyebrows. He didn't know whether it was the players' condition that affected the outcome of the game, or his own somewhat conceited mentality that led to the outcome of the game.

After all, we are the Spanish coach who defeated Barcelona and Real Madrid in a month!

Recently, we have five wins and one draw, and have never lost!

How could it be wrong?!


January 28, 2020.

In Wolverhampton, England, the magnificent hotel welcomed guests from afar-Spanish people!

After returning from the field, Abelardo told everyone, "Tomorrow, there will be a fierce battle. Everyone should rest early, keep your spirits up, and don't go out at night. Do you understand?"

"Understand! "

Everyone answered sparsely, and then dispersed.

Room 201, when the night enveloped the earth and the brilliant lights like neon lights appeared all over the city, Chen Qi dressed neatly and prepared to leave.

Wu Lei, who was in the same room, asked: "Xiao Qi, where are you going? Didn't the boss say today? Don't go out tonight!"

Chen Qi smiled and said: "This hotel is too stuffy, I'm going out for some fresh air."

"What about the boss?"

"Brother Lei, please keep an eye on it for me!"

"Will you come back in the evening?"

"Of course, I'll go out for a walk!"

"Okay, come back early. ”

After saying goodbye to Wu Lei, Chen Qi stopped a taxi at the door and left the hotel.

This scene happened to be seen by De Tomas... After more than half an hour, the Spaniard who did not wait for Chen Qi to come back knocked on the coach's door.


At twelve o'clock in the evening, Chen Qi said goodbye to Molina at the hotel where he was on a business trip.

As Michelle Lin's best friend, she is naturally also a supermodel, and she happened to be on a business trip in this city these two days.

Is it really a coincidence?

Don't ask, it's just a coincidence!

After getting off the car, Chen Qi felt unprecedented comfort in his body. He slowly walked towards his room, took out the key, and was about to open the door...

An angry voice sounded in the corridor!


Chen Qi was stunned when he turned the key, and looked sideways. Under the dim light, Abelardo's angry face gradually twisted.

The Spanish coach asked angrily: "Tell me! Why did you come back so late? Where did you go? Didn't I say it in the afternoon? Don't hang out at night, you know there's a game tomorrow..."

Faced with this series of questions like a machine gun.

Chen Qi sighed in his heart, nonsense, of course I know!

It's because of the game tomorrow that I went to Molina to recover!

Although he was roaring in his heart, he still gave the old man enough face and replied: "I didn't go anywhere, I just took a casual walk."

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Seeing that his disciple was unwilling to tell the truth, Avelardo became more and more angry, and kept stomping on the floor with his right foot.

The noise was so loud that it slowly shocked all the players and staff.

Avelardo was heartbroken, "No! Can't you just hold it in? The game is about to start, don't you know? Wouldn't it be better to save more energy for tomorrow's game?"

Chen Qi said seriously, "Don't worry, I have already taken out the best condition to face tomorrow's game!"


The best condition?

Avelardo sneered, and he asked his Spaniard's friend about it.

Chen Qi's so-called girlfriend also came today.

She came on a business trip!

The so-called going out to fool around is just an excuse!

Seeing that the young player refused to admit it, Avelardo gave up and said firmly, "No, no, no! I think you are not ready to play for the team... You don't have to start tomorrow..."

Avelardo turned around and went back to his room.

Don't give Chen Qi a chance to explain.

The crowd gradually dispersed, but Wu Lei, Roca, Dadel, Diego Lopez and others did not leave.

Show concern!

When asked why he went out.

Chen Qi insisted that he was too bored and went out for a walk... You can't say, I went out to transfer my fatigue, right? Who would believe this!

The farce finally ended.

De Thomas, who was hiding in the quilt, could no longer suppress the corners of his mouth and laughed out loud!

Chen Qi couldn't start, wasn't he the one who benefited the most?

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