The ball hit the crossbar, and the ball bounced into the net with a deafening sound! Patricio tried his best but failed to keep the ball out. After all, he was facing the top scorer of the 2014 World Cup! Roar! James Rodriguez, who scored his first goal of the season, was very excited. He made a pistol gesture with both hands and kept shaking his hands. After running to the sidelines, he clenched his fists and roared to the sky! Veins popped out of his neck! That sound was like the roar of a giant dragon returning from ancient times, or like a player who was about to reach the end of his career and was venting his anger...

Chen Qi and other players of Espanyol were slowly approaching that side.

They wanted their teammates to vent the negative emotions that had accumulated over this period of time.

At this time, the prompt sound kept ringing in Chen Qi's ears: [Moutinho +99], [Jota +99], [Traore +99]...

Like an accompaniment!


J Luo burst into tears. He knelt on the ground with his knees and covered his face with his hands. The pressure was greatly relieved.

Tens of seconds later, Chen Qi came. He put his right hand on his shrugged shoulder and said with a smile: "Hey! James, be happy, all the bad things are over. You are a god in this game, you know? Two passes and one goal! Three goals alone. If we can advance, you will be the first hero!"

Wu Lei also came, "Yes, James, you are still the same you, the super invincible world superstar. It is my honor to be your teammate!"

Others also spoke up to comfort the Colombian midfielder.

J Luo stopped crying, but his eyes were still red. He turned around and hugged his teammates, and said with emotion: "Oh! Thank you! My brothers, thank you for your support and help to me... Thank you..."


The scene of the players crying was also captured by the fans.

Under the organization of some people, all the fans at the scene stood up, holding hands, and formed a crowd!

-[JAMES! ]

-[JAMES! ]

-[JAMES! 】


At the scene, the noisy sound disappeared, leaving only one sound, which was the fans' support for James Rodriguez!


In the studio.

Zhan Jun was full of emotion, "Six Meridians Divine Sword James Rodriguez, today you are the peak Ronaldo! You are also the absolute core of the team, opening up the Ren and Du meridians of the Spaniards, allowing the team's skills to soar!"

Zhang Lu also felt a sense of enlightenment, "I'm back, everything is back..."

The Brazil World Cup is not only the memory of the two, but also deeply hidden in the memories of countless people!

When James Rodriguez broke through his inner demons and shone again, it was the glory of football and the light of hope for the fans who loved the Colombian midfielder.


Bang-damn it!

On the sidelines, Nuno felt like he was going to explode, and kicked the water bottle on the grass away!

What's going on, 3:0?

Why were they scored three goals in a row?

Can anyone tell me why this happened?

The Portuguese coach in his forties couldn't understand why the situation turned out like this. It was a game that was clearly a sure win, but in the end, he was slaughtered?

Could it be that the wolf-killing was going to come true?

Alas... Moutinho felt a deep sense of powerlessness, and he was a little tired. He didn't know what to say to cheer up his teammates!

The Wolves kicked off and launched an attack!

Zhan Jun spoke eloquently, "Wolves are on the rise, their attack is very fierce, and one wave is faster than the other... Podence, who came on as a substitute, advanced to the penalty area and completed a cross pass on the left... In the penalty area, Thiago Jota cleverly missed... Doherty, who followed up, was unguarded and shot in front of the goal..."

"Oh my God!"

"Diego Lopez made a great save!"

"Little hand raised slightly..."

"The ball was lifted over the crossbar!"

"Is there any suspense in the game?"

"It should be!" Zhang Lu took over the conversation, "After the corner kick, the Spanish defense was very good, and the ball was headed out of the penalty area. J Luo took the ball and sent a long pass over the top, and the ball fell on the right..."

On the court, Chen Qi got the ball, and he was now racing with the Wolves' defensive players.

As one of the main central defenders, Boli is also fast, and he is running over at this moment, trying to block the attack!

The current total score is 4-4, with the Spaniard holding an away goal advantage.

At this time, we must not let the home team score again, otherwise, the game will be over early!

"Stinky boy!"


Boli roared, with a feeling of one man blocking the pass!

The fierce eyes did not have the slightest deterrent power.

Chen Qi continued to move forward, and his eyes swept over his side, and no one could respond.

If there is no way to pass the ball, then we can only move forward!

Ha! Boli sneered, trying to use his physical advantage and strong hands to make the young player lie on the ground obediently...

However, Chen Qi's body shook, and Boli was a little unsure of which direction to go from.

Lean to the left!

The next second! Boli rushed in that direction...

However, he missed... Chen Qi immediately adjusted his center of gravity, pushed the ball to the right, and gently picked it up with his toes...

Spinning bike!

Silky smooth cycling pass!

Burn the whole audience! ! !

Boli's physical advantage and strong hands became a decoration, and did not play any role at all.

Turning around, he could only watch Chen Qi walk away...

Damn it!

Roaring in his heart, he turned around and ran wildly!

Unable to catch up, after Chen Qi passed the last iron gate of the defense, there was no more obstruction in front of him, and he quickly rushed into the penalty area and faced the goalkeeper!

Huh! Patricio was a little nervous. The moment he rushed into the penalty area, he chose to attack!

Beautiful! Chen Qi was waiting for this critical moment. When the Portuguese goalkeeper was about to rush over, he gently tapped with the instep of his left foot.

The ball suddenly changed its direction!

Landed near the penalty spot!

James Rodriguez, who rushed over, pushed the ball into the empty goal!


The ball went in! ! !


James Rodriguez, who scored twice, quickly rushed to the sidelines and slid to his knees to celebrate.

Nice! Chen Qi celebrated with a fist, rushed up and pressed on James Rodriguez.

Other players wearing sky blue jerseys followed closely behind, performing a human pyramid. This was a moment worth celebrating!

In the 88th minute of the game, Chen Qi raided the half court, used a gorgeous bicycle kick to pass the opponent, drove straight into the penalty area, and faced the attacking Patricio, but did not choose to shoot!

Instead, he chose a selfless cross pass!

Helped James Rodriguez score his second goal of the season!

This was the fourth goal of the game, which directly killed the game!

Zhan Jun said: "Gorgeous pass, wonderful cross pass, Chen Qi, too selfless! This is the fourth goal of the game. Now the total score is 5-4. If it changes, the Spaniard will advance to the next round!"

Zhang Lu sighed: "That's right, and the Wolves are now facing not only the problem of scoring one goal, but two goals! There is not much time left, can they do it?"

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