The new goalkeeper will be replaced by a new one.

Home team, Barcelona, ​​4312:

Goalkeeper: Ter Stegen.

Defenders: Alba, Lenglet, Pique, Semedo.

Midfielders: Roberto, Busquets, Rakitic.

Attacking midfielder: Messi.

Forwards: Suarez, Griezmann.

Zhan Jun is familiar with the coaching experience of the new Barcelona coach and said: "When Setien was at Real Betis, he liked this lineup of three midfielders + a single attacking midfielder the most. Now it seems that the Spanish coach has brought it to Barcelona."

"I just don't know."

"Can Barcelona, ​​which is used to the 433 passing and controlling attacking style, perfectly adapt to the current style of play?"

"Will the lethality of Messi who retreats be weakened?"

"Let's wait and see!"

Visiting team, Espanyol, 3412:

Goalkeeper: Diego Lopez.

Defenders: Calero, Cabrera, Didac.

Midfielders: Chen Qi, Roca, Dadel, Xavi Lopez.

Attack midfielder: James Rodriguez.

Forwards: Embarba, Wu Lei.

Zhang Lu looked at the slightly changed lineup of the Spanish team and said, "For the visiting team, the left winger was usually given to Melendo before, but now he has fallen down due to injury. Abelardo had to promote defender Lopez and let Callero fill the defender position. Will this work? It depends on the next game."

After commenting on the lineups of the home and away teams, the two remained skeptical, and the balance of victory did not tilt at all.



The referee on duty blew the whistle to start the game.

Boom, boom, boom...

The dense drumbeats sounded around the stands, like the cheers of fans for the home team's offensive players with the ball.

At the beginning of the game, Abelardo couldn't help but stand up and commanded: "Go up, press them, don't let them pass the ball too easily."

In fact, without the Spanish coach's reminder, everyone knew what to do.

Chen Qi was the fastest and rushed out first!

Pressing the receiving space of Roberto who was on the opposite side.

Seeing this, Wu Lei, Embarba, Javi Lopez, Roca, and Dadel also rushed out to press their respective opponents!

As for James Rodriguez?

Defense is not his strong point, and he has to leave one person on the field to dispatch the ball at the critical moment!

A few minutes later.

Roberto, who was temporarily playing in the midfield, was a bit miserable. Every time he received the ball, the guy with black eyes and yellow skin not far away would always rush over and harass him constantly, making it impossible for him to make an effective threatening pass.

In the middle, Messi saw the embarrassment of his teammates, took the initiative to lean over, and whispered: "Sergi, here!"

Roberto was overjoyed, "Great!"

Without hesitation, he passed the ball horizontally.

Chen Qi turned around and left, changing the target of defense!

After he left, his teammates naturally came to fill the position and continued to defend Roberto.

Facing the aggressive young players, Messi was not panicked at all. He lowered his left shoulder and began to shake his body.

Chen Qi calmly analyzed the [Defensive Surprise] and rushed to the right to steal the ball!

Oops! Misjudgment!

Chen Qi had expected it at the moment of kicking.

Sure enough, at the moment when he was about to steal the ball, the ball suddenly disappeared like a magic trick and moved to Messi's other foot. Then, he used his supporting foot to push the ball forward gently, passing through the crotch, which attracted cheers from the fans!


-[Hahaha, look at Chen, the clown! Still want to defend the king? Dream on! ]

-[It's worthy of Leo! He is the king of our Barcelona! ]

-[Perfect bicycle kick, and passing through the crotch, the omnipotent Leo is back... No, it should be that he has never gone away! ]

-[Oh my God, look at that young fool, he's about to cry, he's no match for our great captain! ]

-[How cool! This traitor should be embarrassed! ]

-[Little bastard, do you know where this is? ]

-[This is Camp Nou, not the place for you, go back! ]

-[Shh... Go away...]

In the stands on all sides, after the cheers, there were bursts of boasting. Due to the pre-match remarks and some previous practices, Barcelona fans' disgust for Chen Qi has reached the extreme. Seeing him being defeated at this time, they naturally would not miss the opportunity to add insult to injury.



Damn it!

After being easily passed, Chen Qi clenched his fists and chased after him.

But... Messi passed another defender, with an unstoppable momentum, and advanced to the top of the arc.

Going forward is his comfort zone!

Can't let him go any further!

The visiting team hurriedly separated three defensive players and rushed over from different directions.

Little did they know that it was just what they wanted!

Messi seemed to have expected it, and he timed it well. Before the three rushed over, he gently lifted the ball into the penalty area.

It just fell at the feet of Suarez who was not guarded.

Because his good brother distracted the attention of the defensive players, the Uruguayan striker easily stopped the ball with his chest, took a step forward, and faced Diego Lopez who was ready, and fired a powerful shot!


The ball went into the net!

Hahaha... Suarez, who helped the team score the first goal, was very excited. He laughed and rushed to the sidelines with his arms open!

This scared the caddies near the billboard and they left quickly.

They were afraid that Suarez would swallow them all!

After all, the Uruguayan shooter is famous!

After arriving at the sidelines, the excited Suarez was intercepted by his teammates. Everyone surrounded him and praised his excellent performance.

Even the players on the bench rushed up.

Setien raised his fist fiercely at the camera. He looked at the frustrated Espanyol No. 18 player and sneered.

In the stands, there was a violent cheer, and everyone shouted Suarez's name loudly-Luis! Luis! Luis! Luis...

The previous second, Bartomeu was still talking to the people around him, feeling quite elegant. The next second, after seeing Barcelona score, he stood up from his seat and applauded.

Laughing loudly, "See? This is our Barcelona! This is our foundation! Espanyol? Haha! It's just a team that got lucky!"

People around him quickly agreed.

He belittled the recent achievements of Espanyol as worthless...


On the court, Chen Qi was a little lonely, but fortunately he quickly adjusted his mood and thought about counterattack.

Drip drip drip...

At this time, it was drizzling.

The cold rain fell on the grass, making the court a little slippery!

Rainy day? It's more suitable for scoring goals!

Chen Qi narrowed his eyes and remembered the way Barcelona fans boasted to him, the way Pique slapped him, and the way Setien looked disdainful...

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