"Liu Taishou, please go this way."

The little yellow gate in the palace respectfully took Liu Zhe through the Dao gate, and there were guards everywhere along the way, and the guards were strict, which was daunting, which made Liu Zhe a little surprised!

Liu Zhe was curious about the baby along the way, looking around, and entering the palace for the first time, everything was curious.

But after watching for a while, Liu Zhe was deeply disappointed, all the way he saw were the Praetorian Guards, no one was noisy, except for the occasional patrolling footsteps, everything seemed so quiet, but these were lifeless in Liu Zhe's eyes.

Living here for a long time, you have to get sick if you are not sick!

Xiaohuangmen soon took Liu Zhe to a place, which, according to Xiaohuangmen, was the partial hall, where the emperor received him.

Xiaohuangmen asked Liu Zhe to wait at the door, he went in to report, and after a while, he came out to signal Liu Zhe to enter.

Entering the hall, although it is said to be a partial hall, Liu Zhe still feels so big, and the inside is so empty, it can be used as a football field.

"Minister, Liu Zhe sees the emperor." After Liu Zhe entered, he saluted the people in the hall!

There was a man in a yellow brocade robe sitting on it, thinking that it was the emperor, Liu Zhe did not look closely, anyway, he had never seen the emperor, and he could not see it if he looked closely.

"You are Liu Zhe and Liu Ziling?" Liu Zhe saluted for a while before the emperor slowly spoke.

The emperor's voice was slightly gloomy, and he spoke with a hoarse pronunciation.

Liu Zhe replied unhurriedly: "It's Wei Chen!"

It's just that Liu Zhe scolded in his heart, your uncle! Didn't Lao Tzu already introduce himself? And ask a fart!

Liu Zhe had known this emperor before coming, surnamed Liu Minghong, he was not the biological son of the previous emperor, the previous emperor was hanged, there was no son, and the ministers chose this him, who was still only a marquis of Ting at that time, to be the emperor.

Liu Hong, who had not received a royal education, naturally did not have enough ability to become an emperor, and he did not have that sense of responsibility.

After he became emperor, he favored eunuchs and ate and drank every day.

Especially after he became emperor, the world suffered disasters, so that there was a financial crisis and the national treasury was empty. Faced with such a situation, Liu Hong's biological mother Empress Dowager Dong came up with a bad idea and sold officials.

Most of the people who buy officials are of bad moral character, they became officials in order to make a fortune, and after buying officials, they naturally have to desperately search for the people, squeeze the people's fat and paste to fill their wallets.

This bad idea caused the resentment of the people in the world to boil, and there were already disasters, and you, the emperor, actually caused human harm. As a result, the confidence of the people of the world in the imperial court was getting worse and worse day by day.

This is also why Zhang Jiao's Taiping Taoism has been supported by so many people.

The main reason and responsibility for everything is still on the emperor.

At this time, Liu Zhe raised his head slightly, but he was stunned when he saw this emperor.

The pale face, dull eyes, and overindulgence made Liu Zhe disappointed in his heart. Where is the majesty of the emperor, far from the emperor he imagined in his mind.

"Take the first two steps." Emperor Liu Hong ordered.

Two steps closer, you can see more clearly, even the emperor's two dark eyes can see clearly. Liu Zhe was secretly looking at the emperor, and Liu Hong was also observing him.

"I heard that you are a clan relative of the Han family? Which one was the ancestor? Liu Hong looked at Liu Zhe for a while, and then suddenly asked aloud.

"Back to the emperor, ancestor Liu Ji..." At the beginning of the crossing, Liu Zhe had been worried about the problem of black household registration, so on this issue, Liu Zhe prepared in detail, and together with the summoning banquet, he got the identity ancestor he wanted to impersonate for eighteen generations. Now Liu Hong asked, Liu Zhe only needed to follow the steps and memorize it.

"Go get the family tree." Liu Hong ordered the eunuchs around him.

The eunuch took the family tree and handed it to Liu Hong, and after Liu Hong looked at it for a while, he suddenly said: "In this way, you are still the imperial brother of Xuan." "

I'm going, things are going to happen.

Liu Zhe was shocked in his heart, he casually found a branch with the surname Liu, just to hide his identity, and never thought that he would have a relationship with the emperor. He was looking for side branches, and he couldn't imagine that today he would be said by the emperor to be his younger brother.

"Write your name into the family tree now, and you will be the imperial brother of Xu in the future." Liu Hong ordered the eunuchs to write Liu Zhe's name into the family tree.

Liu Hong looked at Liu Zhe and found that he did not speak, so he said to Liu Zhe: "Why, you still haven't met this imperial brother?" "

"Minister, the imperial brother meets the imperial brother." Liu Zhe hurriedly returned to his senses and said respectfully to the emperor.

Until now, Liu Zhe can only recognize this cheap emperor as an old brother!

However, there is an emperor brother who is harmless to Liu Zhe, at least no one will check the household registration in the future, the emperor himself admitted, you dare to doubt the brother's household registration?

"Okay, okay, get up." Liu Hong changed his gloomy appearance just now and laughed, but Liu Zhe felt that his breath was insufficient no matter how he heard it.

"Come, set up a banquet, today I want to have a good drink with the imperial brother of Xuan." Liu Hong happily ordered the eunuch to prepare.

The first time you enter the palace, you can eat with the emperor, and no one dares to believe it, right?

However, Liu Zhe always felt that the emperor seemed to value him too much.

Could it be the Hongmen banquet?

Liu Zhe guessed maliciously in his heart.

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