The mansion of the Ten Constant Attendants Zhang Rang!

The next person covered his face and cried: "That damn Liu Bei said 、、、 he said that he was ashamed to be with the old man and the others. "

In fact, this subordinate said this lightly, but Zhang Rang knew what it meant, he was often scolded like this, ashamed to be with eunuchs.

"Damn, send someone to kill him."

When the other Ten Constant attendants heard this, their lungs were exploded, and they shouted anxiously to send someone to kill Liu Bei.

Although Zhang Rang was also angry, he was not carried away by anger, and he stopped the others: "No, don't forget, he is going to face the saint tomorrow." "

"But tomorrow we're going to make him look good." Zhang Rang gritted his teeth and hated Liu Bei in his heart.

"That's right, make him look good tomorrow."

After entering the palace the next day, Zhang Rang served by Liu Hong's side and found an opportunity to ask, "Emperor, I wonder why you want to see Liu Bei?" "

"He is a clan relative of the Han family, and he has made great achievements, so he naturally wants to see him." Liu Hong smiled slightly, Zhang let these people be close to him, and generally many things Liu Hong did not hide from them.

Zhang Rang questioned and said, "But his credit is not great, far inferior to a young talent like Liu Yanhou!" "

Liu Hong smiled slightly: "Ziling's credit is naturally great, but well, Liu Bei's credit is also there." "

Zhang Rang leaned down and asked, "Then what official position do you plan to confer on Liu Bei, the emperor?" "

Liu Hong pondered for a moment and said, "It should be the guardian of a county, or the pastor of a state." "

What the? Seal such a big official?

Zhang Rang was very upset in his heart, and decided to stir things up and trip Liu Bei!

Zhang Rang spoke up: "Emperor, this matter is absolutely inappropriate. "

"What's wrong?"

Zhang Rang organized the language and said, "Liu Bei's merit is far from enough to become the guardian of a county, and the minister feels that it is enough for him to become a county taishou." He was born in poverty, before the Yellow Turban Rebellion, he was white, just with this merit can become the guardian of a county or the pastor of a state, even if he is a person surnamed Liu and a clan relative of the Han family, but it will inevitably make people talk about it and fall into the mouth. "

Zhang Rang had already checked Liu Bei's background last night, but he was just a white body!

Liu Hong did not speak, but pondered!

Zhang Rang saw that Liu Hong did not speak, and added one more sentence: "Please also ask the emperor to think twice." He was different from Liu Yanhou, Liu Yanhou's great name spread all over the world, and the black scale army under him was even more famous in the world, and he was named a marquis, became the pastor of a state, and served the imperial court, naturally no one objected. But Liu Bei is just a white body, I'm afraid..."

After Liu Hong pondered for a while, he said, "Let him see me first, and then he will make his own decision." "

Liu Hong still received Liu Bei in the side hall, but when he saw Liu Bei, Liu Hong's heart was slightly disappointed! Sure enough, not everyone can be as heroic and heroic as Liu Zhe.

Liu Bei may have been exposed to the sun and rain for a long time, his skin is slightly dark, he is in his twenties, a little old, and his hands are a little long, it looks incongruous with his body, and from a distance, the impression on Liu Hong is much worse. In particular, Liu Hong always unconsciously compared Liu Zhe's image of a young hero with him, and suddenly Liu Bei's impression was even worse.

Liu Hong's behavior towards Liu Bei is similar to the behavior of receiving Liu Zhe, but naturally he doesn't talk as much as Liu Zhe, just a few words! But there should still be!

First recognized a relative, and then asked his two sons to recognize the relative, the difference was that he did not eat with Liu Bei. It turned out that Zhang Rang deliberately let Liu Bei wait outside for most of the day, and it was past noon, so Liu Bei was now hungry and growling, but he did not dare to have any objections.

However, Liu Hong did not reward Liu Bei on the spot like the reward for Liu Zhe, but first asked Liu Bei to go back, saying that the reward would arrive in a few days.

"Emperor, but what troubles?"

After Liu Bei left, Zhang Rang saw that Liu Hong had not spoken, so he asked in a low voice.

"Alas, it seems that Xu is thinking too naively, not all those with the surname Liu in the world are Xuan's imperial brothers, and not everyone is as young and talented as Liu Zhe!" Liu Hong sighed slightly.

"Talents like Liu Yanhou are naturally rare in a century." Zhang Rang was blowing the wind in his ears next to him.

Liu Zhe gave him a super luxurious gift, and at this moment, Zhang Rang naturally spared no effort to say good things in front of the emperor!

When Liu Hong heard Zhang Rang's words, he nodded and asked, "You are right, just reward him with a hundred gold, which city has a vacant position now?" "

Zhang Rang was secretly happy in his heart, and quickly replied: "The ancient city is currently empty. "

The ancient city was in Runan, which was attacked and looted by the Yellow Turban Army, and now it is a dilapidated city, and no one has yet gone to become a county servant. As soon as Liu Hong asked, Zhang Rang immediately said this tattered place.

Liu Hong pondered for a moment and said, "Then let him go to the ancient city." After calling him two virtuous brothers, did he really think that he could meddle in the affairs of the royal family at will? "

Remembering that when he asked Liu Bei just now who of his two princes would be the emperor, Liu Bei actually spoke up, and was not as silent as Liu Zhe.

Moreover, he saw that Liu Bei's attitude towards Liu Wei and Liu Xie was not at all similar to Liu Zhe's attitude towards them, and Liu Hong was slightly displeased in his heart. Therefore, Liu Hong did not plan to reward Liu Bei too much, coupled with Zhang Rang's words just now, Liu Hong was even more bored with Liu Bei, and directly gave Liu Bei a county position at will, not wanting to think about this person anymore.


Zhang Rang was overjoyed and quickly answered.

On the same day, Zhang Rang made a holy decree and sent Liu Bei a Gucheng County Cheng to Liu Bei, and as for the hundred gold mentioned by Liu Hong, Zhang Rang generously gave ten gold, and he took all the rest.

Moreover, in order to avoid Liu Bei's troubles again, on the day the divine decree was issued, Zhang Rang asked Liu Bei to leave Luoyang on the same day and go to the ancient city to take office.

Although Liu Bei was not satisfied in his heart, he could only silently accept the holy decree and go to take office.

At the same time, Guo Jia came in from outside the door and said to Liu Zhe: "Lord, Liu Bei, who you let us pay attention to, he has been named Gucheng County, and he has now left Luoyang to go to his post." "

"Oh? Just a county? Liu Zhe's face was a little strange and a little puzzled!

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