Liaoxi County, County Shoufu!

Gongsun Zan sat at the top, and his subordinates gathered together, and when the news of Liu Zhe leading Youzhou Mu came, Gongsun Zhan's face never got better.

Gongsun Zhan's cousin, Gongsun Yue, the captain of Beiping, stood up and suggested: "Big brother, it's better for us to go to the imperial court, let the imperial court remove Liu Zhe's Youzhou Mu, and let the eldest brother do it." Youzhou Mu took turns in order to do it with the eldest brother, this Liu Zhe? What is he? Can it be compared with the big brother? "

Gongsun Zan took this seriously, when he was the guard of Beiping County, Liu Zhe did not know where. He thought that there were only two people who could be Youzhou Mu, one was Liu Yan, he was a noble status, a clan relative of the Han family, and an uncle of the current emperor, if he came to be a Youzhou Mu, Gongsun Zan would not say anything.

In addition to Liu Yan, who was qualified to be a Youzhou pastor, the other one who remained was Gongsun Zan himself, who believed that he had suppressed foreign races over the years, made great achievements, and guarded Beiping for many years.

But now a Liu Zhe who didn't know where to come out of nowhere, actually directly became a Youzhou pastor, which made Gongsun Zan hold a fire in his heart. If it weren't for some sanity, Gongsun Zan would have thought of killing Liu Zhe directly, and then took Youzhou Mu from himself.

"Big brother, it's better for us to send someone to rob and kill Liu Zhe halfway, and then send someone to Luoyang to take a walk, so that Youzhou Mu is the eldest brother's." Gongsun Zhan's cousin Gongsun Fan also had an idea.

Changshi Guanjing said in a loud voice: "Lord, this is not possible, this Liu Zhe is famous all over the world for his flat yellow scarf, and now he is considered by the emperor as a royal brother, Feng Yanhou, once something happens, it will inevitably cause the government and the public to shake, and the gain will not be worth the loss." What's more, I heard that Liu Zhe was strong in martial arts, and the Black Lin Army under him was even more famous, and he eliminated countless yellow turbans. "

"Huh, Black Lin Army?"

Gongsun Fan made a disdainful voice, his tone was full of disdain for the Black Lin Army, and said coldly: "Famous? Our white horse righteous consort is the number one in the world, and even foreign races can't beat us. The Yellow Turban Army is just composed of some homeless bandits, and even the men in our county guard can defeat them. "

As soon as Gongsun Fan's words came out, everyone in the hall nodded in unison, very much agreeing with Gongsun Fan's words, in their minds, Baima Yicong was the first in the world.

Gongsun Yue spoke up again, very shouted and said: "Big brother, we are too humiliated, we Baima Yi is extremely powerful, but trapped here, can only bully foreign races, the world cannot know their prestige, so that some cats and dogs can claim the king and dominate in the Central Plains, I can't swallow this breath!" "

"Big brother, we must do it, and we must take down Youzhou Mu so that everyone in the world knows our strength." Gongsun Fan spoke up again to persuade.

"That's right, Master, it's time for us to strike!"

The four generals under Gongsun Zhan, Yan Gang, Tian Kai, Shan Jing, and Zou Dan, also spoke out in favor of Gongsun Fan's words.

Gongsun Zan slowly sat up straight, and his face seemed to have a decision.

He asked Guan Jing and asked, "What do we know about Liu Zhe?" "

Guan Jing said Liu Zhe's intelligence: "Back to Lord Chen, we don't know much about him!" It is only known that he is the owner of Xiaoxingzhuang, and it is rumored that the wheat liquid was brewed by him, but his reputation has never been obvious. Later, the Yellow Turban Rebellion, he led his troops to attack, even Pingqing and Youerzhou Yellow Turban, which let the world know him, and the cavalry under him was also known as the Black Lin Army. Both prefectures performed their exploits and were given the title of Zhuo Commandery Commandery. Later, he rushed to the aid of Changshe, helped Zuo Zhonglang to break the yellow scarf of Huangfu Song, and in October, he killed the bandit leader Zhang Liang in Guangzong, and made great achievements. After the Yellow Turban was pacified, the emperor decreed that he should go to Luoyang to face the saint, and was later made the Marquis of Yan and the minister of Youzhou. "

Guan Jing's intelligence is doing well, even in the remote Beiping, far from the Central Plains, you can get such information, which shows that Guan Jing's ability is still good.

"There are several generals under him, personal guards Dian Wei, Du Lieutenant Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zang Ba, Guan Hai, Tai Shici, Huang Zhong, Jiang Qi, it is said that their martial arts are good, as well as Gong Cao Zangjie, the main book Xia Zhicai, Governor Xu Shu and other people."

Gongsun Yue scoffed, "Their martial arts are good? Haha, I would like to learn their strength. "

"Haha..." the others burst out laughing.

"Lord, there is a certain plan that can make Liu Zhe die without a place to be buried." Suddenly, Zou Dan's words were amazing, which made the people present look at him.

"Oh? What's the plan, come quickly. Gongsun Zhan's spirit was shocked, and he looked at Zou Dan with both doubt and expectation in his eyes, really hoping that Zou Dan would come up with a better idea.

"Lord, Yuyang has two brothers, Zhang Chun and Zhang Ju, who are dissatisfied with the imperial court and have long been resentful. The Lord might as well secretly send someone to fund them and make them cause trouble. At that time, we will go to the imperial court to accuse Liu Zhe of dereliction of duty. Zou Dan spoke his mind.

"It's a brilliant plan, good." After Gongsun Zan listened, his eyes lit up and he clapped his hands repeatedly.

Therefore, Gongsun Zan sent people overnight to fund Zhang Chun and Zhang Ju's two brothers.

And Zhang Chun and Zhang Ju, who received funding, suddenly felt that there was heaven's help, so Starry Night rebelled.

For a time, Zhuo County shook!

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